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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5 класса за Модуль 9 к УМК "Spotlight 5"

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Проверочная работа по английскому языку за Модуль 9 УМК "Spotlight 5".

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5 класса за Модуль 9 к УМК "Spotlight 5"»

Spotlight 5

Test 9

Task A. Match the words to the definitions. One word is extra.

1. A place where people go to swim and relax.

2. A place where people can borrow or read a book.

3. A place where we can see historical and artistic objects.

4. A place where people can watch a new film on a big screen.

5. A shopping centre with many stores.

6. A place where people can watch concerts and listen to music.

7. A place where people can ride a roller coaster.

a. cinema

b. shopping mall

c. concert hall

d. zoo

e. library

f. swimming pool

g. adventure park

h. museum

Task B. Match the words to the definitions. One word is extra.

1. newsagent’s

2. florist’s

3. clothes shop

4. greengrocer’s

5. chemist’s

6. bakery

7. jeweler’s

a. You can buy fruit and vegetables here.

b. You can buy a magazine here.

c. You can buy a gold ring here.

d. You can buy a doll here.

e. You can buy shorts and trousers here.

f. You can buy bread here.

g. You can buy tulips and roses here.

h. You can buy aspirin here.

Task C. Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t.

1. You ……….animals at the zoo. It’s dangerous.

2. You ……….eat in the library.

3. You ……….wear a uniform at school.

4. You ……….walk on the grass.

5. You ……….listen to your parents.

6. You ……….drop litter in the streets.

7. You ……….use a mobile phone in the class.

Task D. Fill in the gaps with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.

1. Where ……….Tom last Monday?

2. We ……….at home yesterday, we went to London.

3. There ……….a lot of people at the cinema.

4. Were you at school yesterday? – No, I ………. .

5. It ……….rainy yesterday and we didn’t go to the park.

6. ……….children at the zoo?

7. Joe and Mark ……….at school. I didn’t see them there.

Task E. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple.

1. The boys ……….(play) basketball last Sunday.

2. I ………..(not / enjoy) a concert yesterday.

3. Alice ……….(buy) a nice dress 2 days ago.

4. ……….(you / watch) a new film last weekend?

5. They ……….(not / see) Zoe at school yesterday.

6. Mum ……….(make) a tasty cake for my birthday.

7. Where ……….(she / go) last summer?


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