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Контрольная работа Spotlight 9. Module 6.

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Контрольная работа для 9 класса. Учебник Spotlight. Модуль 6.

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«Контрольная работа Spotlight 9. Module 6.»

Test 9-6

1. Fill in: charity, were involved, foster, staff , senior, took, to burst, abandoned, a couple of, choice

  1. The children raised over 200$ for ___________.

  2. The car was found ______________ in Bristol.

  3. A ______________ citizen is someone who is over 60 years old or who is retired.

  4. Claire looked as if she was about ___________ into tears.

  5. It’s sometimes difficult to find suitable ____________ parents.

  6. You’ll be all right in _____________ days.

  7. When Paul was young, he_________ great care of his appearance.

  8. You have left me with no ______________.

  9. I’d like to welcome a new member of ___________.

  10. More than 30 software firms __________________ in the project.

2. Fill in the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1) The building __________ (build) in 1677.

2) The building __________ (build) in 2019.

3) The building ____________ (build) now.

4) The building ______________ (already / build).

5) The building ______________ (build) when the fire started.

6) This dress _________________ (make) from cotton.

7) The birthday present _____________ (send) tomorrow.

8) Our house _____________ (burgle) last night.

3. Fill in: however, whenever, wherever, whichever, whatever

  1. ______________ I see her she is smiling.

  2. If I could, then I would I'll go ___________ you will go.

  3. Take a card, ______________ you want!

  4. I am right, _______________ you think.

  5. We have to finish ________________ long it takes.

4. Fill in: checked in, check out, check on, checked off, check up on

  1. Can you go upstairs and _______________ the kids?

  2. He _______________ at the Europa Hotel.

  3. Henry called me to _________________ some facts.

  4. The teacher ____________ the children's names ___ as they entered.

  5. I’d like to ______________ than new restaurant.

5. Fill in the correct preposition

  1. We were told about showing kindness ____animals and looking ______ them properly.

  2. I liked the idea _____ getting involved ____ something worthwhile.

  3. Most of the animals are removed _____ their homes.

  4. Could you volunteer to visit a senior citizen _____ a couple ___ hours about twice a week?

  5. We always donate old clothes ___ the local charity shop.

Test 9-6 B

        1. Make the phrases

              1. animal

              2. charity

              3. foster

              4. staff

              5. burst

              6. a senior

              7. natural

              8. full

              9. answer

              10. take

  1. shelter

  2. choice

  3. member

  4. care

  5. event

  6. phone call

  7. into tears

  8. home

  9. citizen

  10. recovery

        1. Translate the words

              1. abandoned

              2. donate

              3. owner

              4. kindness

              5. foster home

              6. charity event

              7. rescue

              8. animal shelter

              9. support

              10. lend a helping hand

              11. 3. Fill in: checked in, check out, check on, checked off, check up on

              12. 1) Can you go upstairs and _______________ the kids?

              13. 2) He _______________ at the Europa Hotel.

              14. 3) Henry called me to _________________ some facts.

              15. 4) The teacher ____________ the children's names ___ as they entered.

              16. 5) I’d like to ______________ than new restaurant.

              17. 4. Fill in the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

              18. 1) The building __________ (build) in 1677.

              19. 2) The building __________ (build) in 2019.

              20. 3) The building ____________ (build) now.

              21. 4) The building ______________ (already / build).

              22. 5) The building ______________ (build) when the fire started.


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