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Result, purpoose, reason, contrast.

Study some linkers that have different meanings:

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Study some linkers that have different meanings:


1) Result:

so, as a result, therefore, consequently, such/so … that, for this reason

It was freezing cold, so she wore a warm coat.

It snowed hard all night. As a result/therefore/consequently the airport was closed the following morning.


We regret that you do not have the necessary qualifications, and as a result/therefore/consequently we are unable to offer you a job.

therefore/consequently  могут стоять перед смысловым глаголом:

We have therefore/consequently decided not to open a new shop.

2) Reason:

because, as, since, because of, due to, owing to

I have stopped writing to her, because/as/since she never answers me.

As the weather is so awful, we have decided not to go out.

Because of, due to, owing to (for formal speech)

The plane was late because of the fog. (informal)

Flight 341 has been delayed due to/owing to adverse weather conditions. (formal)

3) Purpose:

to, so as (not) to, in order (not) to, in case, so (that)

I had a language course in order to improve my English.

She closed the door quietly so as not to/in order not to wake the baby.

She closed the door quietly not to wake the baby.


I’m not going to tell Sam in case he tells everyone else.

She put a rug over the baby so (that) he wouldn’t be cold.

4) Contrast:

but/yet; however/nevertheless); although/ even though/though; in spite of/ despite/despite the fact that

I enjoyed the show but I didn’t have  a very good seat.

Marta was attracted to the stranger, yet something in her head was telling her not to get close to him.

I enjoyed the show. However, I didn’t have a very good seat.


Despite the fact that she was attracted to the man…

Study some information about different linkers.


1) Если вы хотите подтвердить вашу точку зрения, следует использовать такие слова-связки:

- for example, for instance (например)
- namely (
а именно)


2) Если необходимо дополнить высказывание нужной информацией, то это можно выразить при помощи таких слов-связок:

- and (и)
- as well as (так же как)
- in addition, furthemore (в дополнение, к тому же)
- also, too (также)
- moreover (более того)
- besides (кроме того)
- apart from (кроме того)


3) Союз and объединяет схожие идеи или понятия.

We went to the theatre and to the cinema last weekend.


4) Also используется, когда вы хотите обратить внимание на новую мысль или высказатьдополнительное мнение. Не располагайте also в начале предложения.


We are concerned not only about the time, but also about the place of our conference.


5) As well употребляется в начале или в конце предложения, а связка too используется в конце предложения.

We are interested in the project too.


We are interested in the quality as well as in the quantity.


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