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Methodical project

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One key goal almost every adult ESL student shares is gaining the ability to speak English with others.

Luckily, they come to the classroom with a unique advantage. They have life experience.

And, unlike younger students, they’ve typically already achieved a high level of proficiency in their native language.

They want to speak English as well as they speak their own native language—so what better way to speak English like their native language than to speak about the very same things that they speak about on a daily basis?

ESL speaking activities work even better when they speak about their own personal recollections, thoughts and ideas on these topics too!

Sure, games and interactive exercises definitely work—so, you can always do some fun activities with them. But when it comes to improving confidence and fluency, sometimes you just can’t beat a fine discussion. You know, a discussion like the ones they regularly have in their own language!

Breaking out discussion questions like the ones below, questions about everyday things, works well because these types of questions really get the brain thinking, relate directly to the students on a familiar level and can even incite some fascinating discussions between students, all while you sit back and listen!

These topics can all be used for beginner, intermediate and advanced learners! Just choose the questions that are the right level of simplicity or complexity for your students based on your knowledge of their skills. You could even mix up the example questions any way you’d like.

Ask the students these questions yourselves to get conversations started, or pass them out on worksheets for students to ask each other.

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«Methodical project»

Тема: Контроль аудіювання

Мета уроку:активізувати вивчені ЛО, закріплення навичок використання граматичної часової форми, розвивати навички говоріння, роботи в групах та парах, навчати налагоджувати контакти в групах, розвивати навички сприймання іншомовного тексту на слух, розвивати пам'ять та увагу, мовну здогадку та логіку, виховувати повагу один до одного, виховувати культуру поведінки, уміння адекватно оцінювати себе та один одного.

Тип уроку: розвиток закріплення знань граматичної структури та розвитку навичок письма.

Обладнання:тематичні малюнки (флешкартки), картки із завданнями, комп'ютер, мультимедійна система, підручник Карпюк О.Д

Клас 4 Семестр I Контроль аудіювання

Task: Listen to the story “My school” and do the tasks My school I`m Kevin and I go to St. Martin`s Primary School. I`m 9 and I live in London. I like to go to school. I am in year 4 and my favourite subject is English. School starts at 9.00 and finishes at 15.00. We have lunch at 12 o`clock at school. My classroom is big and beautiful. There is a big library in my school. Mrs. Grand is my teacher. She is the best teacher in my school. There are some school rules. School rules Pupils must be quiet in the classroom. They must throw litter in the bin. They mustn’t chew gum in the classroom. They mustn’t write on the walls and desks. Pupils must listen to the teacher and do their homework. There are 34 children in my class. There are 15 girls and 19 boys. The boys are very noisy and the girls are quiet. Our boys like to collect stamps and coins from all over the world. The girls collect old dresses and different fridge magnets. My friend Kate has got 64 fridge magnets. She also collects dolls. Kate has got 37 dolls from China, Australia, England and Norway.

Task 1: True or False 1. Kevin goes to St. Martin`s Primary School. 2. The boy is nine years old. 3. His favourite subject is Maths. 4. Mrs. Grand is Kevin`s teacher. 5. Pupils must throw litter on the floor at school. 6. They mustn`t listen to the teacher in the classroom. Keys: 1. T ; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F; 6. F

Task 2: Multiple Choice Task 1. Kevin lives in … a) London b) New York c) Kyiv

2. His school starts at … a) seven o`clock b) eight o`clock c) nine o`clock

3. There are … a) fifteen boys and nineteen girls b) eighteen girls and sixteen boys c) fifteen girls and nineteen boys

4. The boys are … a) clever b) noisy c) fast

5. The girls are … a) beautiful b) happy c) quiet

6. Kevin`s friend Kate has got … fridge magnets. a) forty-three b) seventy-one c) sixty-four Keys: 1. A; 2. C; 3. A; 4. B; 5. C; 6. c


1. Рефлексія2хв

- Which task was the most difficult?

- Which task was the most interesting?

- Do you like the lesson?

Для того щоб учні оцінили урок, роздаємо їм наліпки сердечка та "мотиваційні браслети". Учні мають прикріпити свій значок або показати його.

T:. And now lets sing Good-bye song”.

2. Домашнє завдання3хв

Your hometask will be to write about Andy’s working day. The lesson is over. You are free. Thank you for attention. Have a nice day!


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