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Модальные глаголы (11 класс)

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«Модальные глаголы (11 класс)»

Тема: Модальные глаголы

Тип урока: урок закрепления и развития знаний умений и навыков

Задачи: научить выражать долженствование и отсутствие необходимости (модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты); формировать знания обучающихся о видах и формах модальных глаголов; умения употреблять их в устной и письменной речи. развивать речь, мышление, память, умение анализировать, осуществлять поиск информации. воспитывать уважение к законам и установленным правилам;

Содержание урока

I Организационный момент.

T. Приветствие, формирование психологического настроя, пожелания успеха.

Good morning, dear students! I am glad to see you. I hope you are fine today or maybe you have any problems? What are they? Look at these teenagers. Do they have problems? So can you guess the topic of the lesson?

II Фонетическая зарядка.

T. Read Abraham Lincoln’s quotation as good as you can. Pay your attention to the pronunciation.

You can fool some of the people all of the time,

And all of the people some of the time.

But you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. (Abraham Lincoln)

III Речевая зарядка.

T:1. Do you agree with this statement?

2.Who fools us more often?

3.Have you got many friends?

4.Can you rely on your friends?

5.Should people trust their friends?

6.Does anybody fool you?

7. What advice can you give your classmates?

IV Целеполагание. Мотивация учебной деятельности.

T. Look at the screen and read the quotation once more. Translate it into Russian. (Прочитайте цитату еще раз и переведите.)

T. What verb express ability and disability in this statement?

S. The verb can.

T. Does this verb express any action?

S. No, it doesn’t.

T. It gives certain meaning to main verbs, doesn’t it?

S. Yes, it does.

We’ll discuss different modal verbs and their using in speech.

V Основной этап урока.

1.Активизация материала по теме:” Модальные глаголы.“

T. Look at this scheme. Find modal verbs and read them.

Посмотрите на схему и найдите модальные глаголы.

SS. Знакомятся с таблицей и читают вслух модальные глаголы.

T. Define the functions of the modal verbs.

SS. Writing. (выписывают модальные глаголы)


Possibility-might, may, can

Probability-should, must

Necessity-need to, must

Obligation-have to, has to, must


Prohibition-mustn’t, don’t need

Ability-can, could (past)

Request- can, could, should

VI Проверка домашнего задания.

1.Grammar skills. (Практиктическое применение грамматических навыков)

Ex.1 p.37 Workbook

T: a) Match the big city problems to the pictures (key:1c 2e 3f 4a 5b 6d)

b) In what way can we solve these problems? (use can, must, mustn’t, should or need).

S1. We should feed birds only in special places.

S2. We need more bins in the streets. Etc.

Ex.2 p.37 Workbook

T: a) Choose the correct response to complete the exchanges. (1a2a3b4a5b6b)

b) Give some advice to the people. Work in pairs.

S. Работают в парах.

2.Reading skills practice. (Чтение)

T. You have one minute to look at the picture. Describe all that you can see in the picture. Use the following expressions:

If you are asked to describe a photo or a picture in the exam, here is some language you can use:

What is in the picture?

In the picture I can see ... There’s / There are ... There isn’t a ... / There aren’t any ...

Say what is happening with the present continuous

The man is ...ing The people are ...ing It’s raining.

Where in the picture?

At the top/bottom of the picture ... In the middle of the picture ... On the left/right of the picture ... next to in front of behind near on top of under

If something isn’t clear

It looks like a ... It might be a ... He could be ...ing Maybe it’s a ...

Текстовый этап. Ex.1 p.88

3. Reading for detailed comprehension. (изучающее чтение)

T. Read the text. Which of the modal verbs in bold expresses:

probability? possibility? ability? necessity/ obligation? lack of necessity/ obligation? advice?


Answer Key: probability: should (attract) possibility: may ability: can necessity/obligation: must; have to lack of necessity/obligation: don’t need to advice: should (paint) prohibition: mustn’t

SS. Читают текст.

4. Послетекстовый этап. Проверка понимания.

T: Check answers with the class. Ex 2 p. 88

Answer Key: 1 must/have to 7 will/should 2 mustn’t/can’t 8 can’t 3 don’t have to/needn’t 9 can/may 4 Can/Shall 10 could/might 5 can/could 11 can/may 6 Can/would 12 should/ought to

5. Writing skills practice. (Письмо)

T. Rewrite the sentences using an appropriate modal verb. Compare answers with a partner.

T. Explains the task and reads out the example.

Answer Key: 2 You mustn’t tell anyone. 3 You shouldn’t go out on your own. 4 You mustn’t turn right here. 5 Pete may/might not come to the party. 6 He may/might/could be going to Greece in August. 7 You shouldn’t have gone out. The weather was awful. 8 Steve may/might not have been invited. 9 You should join a gym. 10 You mustn’t/can’t ride a motorbike without a crash helmet.

VII Динамическая пауза. (Grammar in Songs: Modal Verbs, аудиоприложение)

VIII Первичное введение нового материала.

T: Read the theory. Ex.5 p.88 Прочтите теорию и используйте ее в данных ситуациях.

a) read the situations and use didn’t need to/have to or needn’t have as in example Ex. 5 p.88-89 ( базовый уровень)

Answer Key: 2 Mike didn’t need to/have to catch the bus this morning. 3 We needn’t have bought more food. 4 They didn’t need to/have to buy any tomatoes. 5 Angie needn’t have cooked last night.

b) then make logical deductions (логические выводы) Ex.6 p.89(повышенный уровень)

T: Read the theory. Do the exercise using an appropriate expression. Прочтите теорию. Измените предложения, используя подходящие выражения. Ex7 p.89

Answer Key: 1 I’m supposed to pick up Sue from school. 2 Mark was supposed to call me yesterday 3 I’m to finish my report by tomorrow. 4 I’m supposed to continue the medicine for a week. 5 I’m to clean my room today.

XI Рефлексия

XII Домашнее задание. Ex.2,3 p.38 Workbook

XIII Подведение итогов.


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