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Организационный момент

Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

Итоги урока

"мой дом -моя крепость"

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МКОУ ХСОШ №1 им.Бекишева Р.Я. 

Мастер – класс на тему:

«Мой дом – моя крепость»

                                                                                      Разработала: Забитова У.А.                                                                         учитель английского языка

                                                        2018-2019 уч.год                                   Мой дом - моя крепость.6 класс Кузовлев В.П.   Цели

•    развивающий аспект-развитие способности к выявлению языковых закономерностей (правила использования оборотов there is/are, therewas/were), внимания, памяти, логического мышления, способности к сравнению, любознательности, логичности, доказательности;

•    воспитательный аспект- воспитание любви к своему родному дому;  •    Повысить мотивацию учащихся к изучению английского языка. •    Воспитать умение работать в парах и индивидуально.

•    учебный аспект- совершенствование грамматических навыков( оборотов there is/are,therewas/were); сопутствующая задача:развитие умения аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации. Речевой материал: Продуктивный:лексический - an armchair, between, central heating, comfortable, cosy, in front of, in the corner of, a lamp, a mirror, modern conveniences, next to, opposite, own, a piece of furniture, a refrigerator, running water, a TV set, a wall unit;   Задачи: 1.    Закрепить изученную лексику. 2.     Практиковать учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности. 3.    Проверить уровень усвоения изученного материала.   4.    осуществить совместно с детьми целеполагание; 5.    способствовать формированию навыков устной речи путём создания ситуации диалога и подготовки сообщения; 6.    совершенствовать навыки письменной речи при составлении описания комнат дома/квартиры.

Тип урока: урок совершенствования лексико - грамматических навыков. Обеспечение урока:  интерактивная доска, компьютер, раздаточный материал по теме «Мой дом».

Ходурока: 1.    Организационныймомент. Good morning, boys and girls. I'm glad to see you today.Sit down, please. - What mood do you have today? Show me the smiles, please.(показывают смайлики с настроением) Постановка целей, задач. What will we do today at the lesson? What do you think? We will read. We will translate. We will play. We will describe the room. 

2.1   Постановка темы урока, сообщение цели.  -        Watch some pictures and try to guess what we’ll speak about today. ( несколько картинок на слайде) 

2.2. Проверка домашнего задания (описание своей комнаты)

3.    Фонетическая зарядка. Показывать тематические картинки по теме. 

4.    Речевая разминка. (2-4 мин) Look a tthe screen. There are several proverbs about home. Let's read and translate them.       East or West home is best (В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше).       There is no place like home (В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше).       An Englishman's home is his castle (Мой дом – моя крепость)

    I’ll read you the description of the rooms; you are to guess what room I’m reading about.

1 The room is small. There is a bed, a mirror and a table there. We sleep there. (It’s a bedroom.)

2.In this room there is a desk, a chair and an armchair, a sofa, a TV set and a carpet. (It’s a living-room.)

3.This room is large. In the middle of the room there is a big table. There are some chairs near the table. On the table there are cups, plates and spoons. (It’s a dining-room.)

     4.There is a refrigerator, a stove and a cupboard in this room. We usually cook there. (It’s a     kitchen.)   5.Повторение и актуализация ранее изученного грамматического материала. Развитие навыков поискового чтения. (Повторение оборота  there was/were). Open your books on page 44 ex.1. Alice describes her old house.   6. Закрепление there was/were в письменной речи. Open your student  s  Book on p.45 ex. 2 (Lesson 2). Please put «was» or «were» where necessary. Your time is up please, read one by one.

7.Физкультминутка.It’s time to have a rest Handsdown! - Рукивниз! Hands on hips! - Рукинабедра! Sit down!  - Садись! Stand up! - Встань! Hands up! - Рукивверх! Hands to the sides! - Рукивстороны! Turn to the left! - Поворотналево! Bend right! - Наклонвправо! Stand still! - Стойтесмирно! Stop! - Стой! Handsup! - Руки вверх!

8. Аудирование . Open your books on p.46 ex.5. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту. - Was the room very small?(yes)    - Were there 2 beds in the room? (yes)   - Was there a computer on the desk? (yes)    - Were there some shelves on the wall? (yes)  - Were there 2 chairs in the room? (yes) Рассказать какой была комната Alice с опорой на вопросы.

9. Работа в группах по картинкам.     Work in groups. Take these pictures and describe these rooms. (Работа в группах по картинкам, на картинках изображены кухня, гостиная комната. К каждой картинке прикреплён конверт со словами, из которых нужно составить предложения. Задание – описать комнаты). 1.    The living room is light and cosy because there is a comfortable sofa and armchair near the window. There is a big carpet on the floor. There are flowers on the table. A TV set is opposite the sofa. 2.    It is a bedroom. There is a bed, a desk and a chair in the room. There are also many bookshelves on the wall. There is a computer on the desk. I think this bedroom is bright. 3.    This is a cosy dining room. There is a big round table and four chairs in the middle of the room. There is a cupboard opposite the table. There are some colorful pictures on the wall. There is a big colorful carpet on the floor. 4.    It is a kitchen with modern conveniences. There is running water and a cooker. There are wall cupboards on the wall in the corner of the room. There is a big table and four chairs near the window. There is a big window with light curtains.

- You will have 5 min. Your time is over.

(Учащиеся каждой группы выходят к классной доске, описывают свою комнату, прикрепляя предложения возле своей картинки- комнаты.В целом, в итоге, мы получаем описание дома/ квартиры). Look here - this is our home. Do you like your home?

    С текстом. Чтение и говорение: Open your books on page 46 ex.4. Fill in the missing words. Наслайде: conveniences, running central, was, own, curtains, wardrobe, corner, are.

10. Развитие навыков диалогической речи. Take these envelopes. There are dialogues here you have to make up sentences in a correct order. Возьмите эти конверты. Здесь есть диалоги, в которых вы должны составлять предложения в правильном порядке. 1.    - Do you live in a house or in a flat? -    I live in a house. -    Is your house big or small? -     It is really big. -    How many rooms are there in your house?  -    There are 5 rooms in my house. -    Is there a living room, a kitchen, a dining room and bedroom in it? -    Yes, I also have my own bedroom. -    Is your room cosy?  -    I think it is. I love my house.

2.    – Have you got your own bedroom? -    Yes, I have. -    Is your room big or small? -    It is not very big. -    What is there in your room? -    There is a bed, a wardrobe, a desk and a chair. -    Is your room cosy? -    I think it is. There is a big colorful carpet on the floor.  -    How beautiful! What else is there in your room?  -    There are a lot of posters on the walls. -    You are lucky!

11. Домашнее задание: Рабочая тетрадь с.34 упр.4

12. Рефлексия.    Now pupils tell me please was the lesson interesting for you? There is a house on the blackboard and “good” and “not very good” smiles for this house. If the lesson it interesting, put the “good” smiles, if the lesson was not interesting and was boring put the”not very good’’ smiles. (Вешаютсмайликинадоску). Very good. I see that the lesson was interesting for you and we have a beautiful house.  13. Отметки за работу на уроке.Thank you very much. All pupils worked excellently. Congratulations! Lesson is over you may be free. Bye-bye. 

 - Was the room very small?

   - Were there 2 beds in the room? 

   - Was there a computer on the desk? 

   - Were there some shelves on the wall? 

   - Were there 2 chairs in the room? 

   - Was the room very small?

   - Were there 2 beds in the room? 

   - Was there a computer on the desk? 

   - Were there some shelves on the wall? 

   - Were there 2 chairs in the room? 

1.    The living room is light and cosy because there is a comfortable sofa and armchair near the window.  There is a big carpet on the floor. There are flowers on the table.  A TV set is opposite the sofa. 2.    It is a bedroom. There is a bed, a desk and a chair in the room.  There are also many bookshelves on the wall.  There is a computer on the desk.  I think this bedroom is bright.

3.    This is a cosy dining room.  There is a big round table and four chairs in the middle of the room.  There is a cupboard opposite the table. There are some colorful pictures on the wall.  There is a big colorful carpet on the floor.

4.    It is a kitchen with modern conveniences.  There is running water and a cooker.  There are wall cupboards on the wall in the corner of the room. There is a big table and four chairs near the window. There is a big window with light curtains.

- Do you live in a house or in a flat? -    I live in a house. -    Is your house big or small?  -    It is really big. -    How many rooms are there in your house?  -    There are 5 rooms in my house. -    Is there a living room, a kitchen, a dining room and bedroom in it? -    Yes, I also have my own bedroom. -    Is your room cosy?  -    I think it is. I love my house.

– Have you got your own bedroom? -    Yes, I have. -    Is your room big or small? -    It is not very big. -    What is there in your room? -    There is a bed, a wardrobe, a desk and a chair. -    Is your room cosy? -    I think it is. There is a big colorful carpet on the floor.  -    How beautiful! What else is there in your room?  -    There are a lot of posters on the walls. -    You are lucky!

Просмотр содержимого документа
«"мой дом -моя крепость"»

Утвердительное предложение, которое начинается с обстоятельства места ( где? ),в английском языке начинается с конструкции  There is  или  There are . There is  + В комнате ребёнок .- There is  a child in the room. There are  + В комнате дети .- There are children in the room .

Утвердительное предложение, которое начинается с обстоятельства места ( где? ),в английском языке начинается с конструкции

There is или There are .

There is +

В комнате ребёнок .- There is a child in the room.

There are +

В комнате дети .- There are children in the room .

Если английское предложение начинается с конструкции There is  или There  are  на русский язык такое предложение следует переводить начиная с конца.  There are four books in the bag . –  В сумке четыре книги .  Если в предложении несколько подлежащих, то выбор формы глагола ( is  или are ) определяется тем подлежащим, которое стоит первым.  There is  a pen , two books and a pencil in the bag .  There are  two books ,  a pen and a pencil in the bag.

Если английское предложение начинается с конструкции There is или There are на русский язык такое предложение следует переводить начиная с конца.

There are four books in the bag . – В сумке четыре книги .

Если в предложении несколько подлежащих, то выбор формы глагола ( is или are ) определяется тем подлежащим, которое стоит первым.

There is a pen , two books and a pencil in the bag .

There are two books , a pen and a pencil in the bag.

Образование отрицательных предложений There is a flower in the vase.  no  There are   cats on the roof. no

Образование отрицательных


There is a flower in the vase.


There are cats on the roof.


There is  a book on the table.  Is there a book on the table ? There are children in the room . Are there children in the room ?

There is a book on the table.

Is there a book on the table ?

There are children in the room .

Are there children in the room ?

Is there a book on the table ? Yes, there is . / No, there is n’t.  Are there children in the room ? Yes, there are . / No, there are n’t.

Is there a book on the table ?

Yes, there is . / No, there is n’t.

Are there children in the room ?

Yes, there are . / No, there are n’t.

Вопросы , начинающиеся с вопросительного слова   what. What  +  is  there on the table ? +  Вопросы , начинающиеся с вопросительного слова   How many. books are there on the table ? +  +  How many +

Вопросы , начинающиеся с вопросительного слова what.



is there

on the table ?


Вопросы , начинающиеся с вопросительного

слова How many.


are there

on the table ?



How many


Ex. 1. Use the right form (there  is / are ).  is  1.There ____ a big park in our city. 2.There _____ three roses in the vase. 3.There ____ a pencil in the box. 4.There _____ a fox in the zoo. 5.There ____ two birds on the tree. are  is  is  are

Ex. 1. Use the right form (there is / are ).


1.There ____ a big park in our city.

2.There _____ three roses in the vase.

3.There ____ a pencil in the box.

4.There _____ a fox in the zoo.

5.There ____ two birds on the tree.





Ex. 2. Make these sentences negative. no There is a dictionary on the shelf.  2. There is a tree in the garden. 3. There are seven books in the bag. 4. There is a chair in her room. 5. There are ten plates in the cupboard. no no no no

Ex. 2. Make these sentences negative.


  • There is a dictionary on the shelf.

2. There is a tree in the garden.

3. There are seven books in the bag.

4. There is a chair in her room.

5. There are ten plates in the cupboard.





Ex. 3. Make questions and answer them. 1.There is a book on your table. 2.There is a fish on teacher’s table. 3.There are ten pupils in the classroom. Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. No, there aren’t.

Ex. 3. Make questions and answer them.

1.There is a book on your table.

2.There is a fish on teacher’s table.

3.There are ten pupils in the classroom.

Yes, there is.

No, there isn’t.

No, there aren’t.

Ex. 4 .  Look at the picture and ask your classmate: Is there… ? Are there… ? What is there… ?

Ex. 4 . Look at the picture and ask your classmate:

Is there… ? Are there… ? What is there… ?

Ex. 5. Make  sentences  from these words. bread the is 1. . table on There no little white the ? in Is 2. a cloud sky there is a There . piano 3. in the hall

Ex. 5. Make sentences from these words.










little white

















the hall

Ex. 6.  What is there in the room?

Ex. 6. What is there in the room?

Ex. 7. Find mistakes and correct them.  is There are a sofa in the room and two little lamps on the wall. 2. There is no a little brown coffee-table in our room. 3. What there is on the floor? 4. How many children is there in the yard? 5. There are two bedrooms, a living-room, a bathroom and a kitchen in the flat. are OK

Ex. 7. Find mistakes and correct them.


  • There are a sofa in the room and two little lamps on the wall.

2. There is no a little brown coffee-table in our room.

3. What there is on the floor?

4. How many children is there in the yard?

5. There are two bedrooms, a living-room, a bathroom and a kitchen in the flat.



The lesson is over.  Goodbye

The lesson is over.



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