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Мониторинг универсальных учебных умений в 5 классе

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«Мониторинг универсальных учебных умений в 5 классе»

Мониторинг УУД в 5ом классе

Познавательные УУД

  • «найди отличия» (можно задать их количество);

Picture 1 is a city in the USA and picture 2 is in England. Find five differences. Write sentences.

  • «на что похоже»;

Think about a “future mobile” What will it look like? Draw a picture and describe it in several sentences.

  • поиск лишнего;

Odd one out!

Cartoon, horror, science fiction, stunt, comedy, adventure

  • упорядочивание;

Read the words. Then fill in the table.

Buy, broken, wrote, send, did, went, think, give, eaten, tried, been


Past Simple

Past Participle

  • «цепочки»;

Read the words and add two more.

  • Loving, modest, polite, friendly…..

  • Better, fatter, funnier……

  • More interesting, more modern, more difficult….

  • Slowly, fast, carefully…….

  • хитроумные решения;

Give some advice to someone with his/her problem. Write a letter.

  • составление схем-опор;

Read the texts about Mother’s Day in the US and Britain and about International Women’s Day in Russia. Make notes and then say what difference between these two women’s days is.

  • работа с разного вида таблицами;

Look at this table about three animal stars. Then tell about one of them.









What can they do?









Open the door




Run fast




Balance a ball on its nose




Jump through a hoop




Jump over a wall




Climb a ladder




  • составление и распознавание диаграмм;

Read the title and look at the graph. Use the graph to tell the class what high-tech gadgets British teenagers have in their bedrooms.


  • работа со словарями.

What does “make” mean? This word has many meanings. Find out its meanings in the dictionary. Then read the sentences and choose appropriate meaning

  • You’ve made some mistakes in the test.

  • Let’s have a rest. I will make some tea.

  • He made his discoveries in the early age.

  • To get a right solution yon need to make several calculations.

  • My mum makes me clean my room every week.

  • Дан список терминов, формул, рисунков и т.д. Подчеркни те, которые относятся к …

Read the sentences and underline the verbs in the Passive voice.

  • Ben invited his friends to the party.

  • Ben has been invited to the party.

  • Ben has invited his friends to the party.

  • The letter will be received by Tuesday.

  • Tom pained the wall white.

  • After the war the building was painted white.

  • Дан короткий отрезок текста.  Подчеркни те понятия, которые…

Read the text and underline the words which mean personal feelings.

Nicola feels happy when the sun shining. When it’s the last day of her holidays she feel very sad. The performance at the school concert makes her excited. She is nervous when she travels somewhere by plane. When she watches a boring TV programme Nicola feels bored. She is not afraid of spiders now. But one day she felt so frightened when she found a great big spider in her bed.

  • Перечислены характеристики процесса, объекта. О чем идет речь?

Какой частью речи являются слова, имеющие следующие признаки

  • Стоят перед существительным и его характеризуют.

  • Имеют три степени сравнения.

  • Не имеют числа, рода.

  • Перечислены: дата, имена, место – о каком событии идет речь?

Look at these words and say what they are connected with.

A nursery rhyme; Sarah J.Hale; Boston; 1830

Коммуникативные УУД

  • групповая работа по составлению кроссворда;

In groups (3-4 people) make a crossword about holidays and festivals in the USA (Great Britain, Russia). There will be at least 6-8 words in it. Then exchange with your crosswords and do your classmates’ one.

  • «отгадай, о ком говорим»;

Listen and guess the person.

He lived in the 18th century. He was a solder and a farmer. His house at Mount Vernon is visited by thousands of people every year. Americans are proud of this famous person

  • «подготовь рассказ...», «опиши устно...», «объясни...»

Do you like Russian holidays and festivals? Tell about your favourite one.

  • обоснование верности какого-либо утверждения

Read the sentences about the USA and say if the sentences are true or false.

  • The White House is in New York.

  • New York is the capital of the USA.

  • The White House was built of grey stone.

  • The first American president was George Washington.

  • The largest state is California.

  • Alaska wasn’t a state of the USA before 1867.

  • You can see the heads of five American presidents at Mount Rushmore.

  • задай уточняющие вопросы по материалу (Кто? Что? Почему? Зачем? Откуда? и т.д.)

Now you know that Americans celebrate Independence Day. You want to learn more about this holiday. Ask your partner 5 questions about it:

  • Who…?

  • When….?

  • How long…..?

  • Why….?

  • Where….?

  • Написать короткий монолог от имени объекта (клетки, атома, озера Байкал, исторического героя)

Imagine you are Gulliver and tell a story about Lilliput and Lilliputians

Регулятивные УУД

  • Дана задача. Необходимо установить и записать последовательность действий при решении задачи.

You want to organize a New Year party at school. Make a plan of what you and your classmates need to do. Tell them their tasks( what, when and how to do)

  • Составить план параграфа, план устного ответа

Think of any landmark in Moscow. Make a plan and talk about it. Don’t forget to say where it is, when it was built, how tourists can get there and what they can see.

  • Найдите, в чем заключается ошибка в каждом утверждении и запишите правильно.

Look at these sentences and correct them if necessary.

  1. Maxim is watches the news programme every day.

  2. Come in, please! Sit down! We watching a funny comedy.

  3. You laugh! Why? It’s not funny!

  4. Look! A dog is climb the ladder!

  5. My Rex never does it! It is afraid of ladders.


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