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Обучение лексической стороне на среднем этапе

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Цель:  1. Тренировать учащихся в употреблении новой лексики по теме: «Планета Земля»;

 2. Формирование навыков поискового чтения;

3. Развитие навыков монологической речи..

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«Обучение лексической стороне на среднем этапе»

Обучение лексической стороне Иноязычной речи на среднем этапе.  8 класс на тему: «Планета Земля». 2017г.

Обучение лексической стороне Иноязычной речи на среднем этапе. 8 класс на тему: «Планета Земля».


Цели: Тренировать учащихся в употреблении новой лексики по теме: «Планета Земля»;  Формирование навыков поискового чтения;  Развитие навыков монологической речи..


  • Тренировать учащихся в употреблении новой лексики по теме: «Планета Земля»;

  • Формирование навыков поискового чтения;

  • Развитие навыков монологической речи..
Read the Earth page from the encyclopedia below. The Earth  All of us know that we live on the Earth. But what do we know about it?  The Earth is the fifth largest is the nine main planets in the Solar System.  It’s the third planet from the Sun. the Sun is just one of many stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.  The Earth looks blue from space because 70%, nearly three quarters, is covered with water. There are four oceans on the Earth: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian and the Arctic.  The oceans contain 97% of all the water on the Earth.

Read the Earth page from the encyclopedia below.

The Earth

All of us know that we live on the Earth. But what do we know about it?

The Earth is the fifth largest is the nine main planets in the Solar System.

It’s the third planet from the Sun. the Sun is just one of many stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.

The Earth looks blue from space because 70%, nearly three quarters, is covered with water. There are four oceans on the Earth: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian and the Arctic.

The oceans contain 97% of all the water on the Earth.

Find answers to the following questions :  Why do people call the Earth “the Blue Planate”? Where is the most of Earth’s water found? Is the Sun a planate? What is it? How many main planets are there in the Solar System? What are the name of the oceans? How much water do the oceans contain?

Find answers to the following questions :

  • Why do people call the Earth “the Blue Planate”?
  • Where is the most of Earth’s water found?
  • Is the Sun a planate? What is it?
  • How many main planets are there in the Solar System?
  • What are the name of the oceans?
  • How much water do the oceans contain?
In pairs find the same words in Russian. The Solar System  galaxy  the universe  the Milky Way  planet  satellite  distance  the Sun  The Earth  the Moon  pole  atmosphere  ocean  ton  star  intergalactic  space travel  spaceship  astronaut  telescope Вселенная Планета Галактика Космическое путешествие Спутник Дистанция (расстояние) Полюс Космонавт Солнце Земля Луна Атмосфера Млечный Путь Звезда Океан Космически корабль Тонна Межгалактический Телескоп Солнечная система

In pairs find the same words in Russian.

The Solar System galaxy the universe the Milky Way planet satellite distance the Sun The Earth the Moon pole atmosphere ocean ton star intergalactic space travel spaceship astronaut telescope




Космическое путешествие


Дистанция (расстояние)







Млечный Путь



Космически корабль




Солнечная система

Fill in the gaps the E…rth a sat…llite an …stronaut the M…lky W…y the Sp…ce a plan…t  the M…on the Un…verse an atm…sphere The Sol…r S…stem a g…laxy

Fill in the gaps

  • the E…rth
  • a sat…llite an …stronaut
  • the M…lky W…y the Sp…ce a plan…t

the M…on

  • the Un…verse
  • an atm…sphere
  • The Sol…r S…stem
  • a g…laxy
1.a planet 2. a galaxy 3. the solar system 4.spaceship 5.space 6. the universe a) … is all space and everything that exits in it b) … is a huge group of stars and planets. c) … is a space far above the Earth where there is no air d) … is a rocket or other vehicle that can travel in space. e) … is a large, round object that goes around a star. f) … is a sun together with the planets going round it
  • 1.a planet 2. a galaxy 3. the solar system 4.spaceship 5.space 6. the universe
  • a) … is all space and everything that exits in it
  • b) … is a huge group of stars and planets.
  • c) … is a space far above the Earth where there is no air
  • d) … is a rocket or other vehicle that can travel in space.
  • e) … is a large, round object that goes around a star.
  • f) … is a sun together with the planets going round it
Put in an article a/an/the   In space there is … galaxy. In … galaxy there is …sun. Near … sun there is …planet On ... Planet there is … ocean. Near … ocean there is … continent On … continent there is …country. In … country there is … city. In …city there is … park In … park there is …house In … house there is …bedroom I n …bedroom there is … bed. And in … bed there is me

Put in an article a/an/the

In space there is … galaxy.

In … galaxy there is …sun.

Near … sun there is …planet

On ... Planet there is … ocean.

Near … ocean there is … continent

On … continent there is …country.

In … country there is … city.

In …city there is … park

In … park there is …house

In … house there is …bedroom

I n …bedroom there is … bed.

And in … bed there is me

Answer the questions Which is the biggest planet in the solar system? a. Jupiter, b. Mars, c. Venus. Which is the smallest planet in the solar system? a. Pluto, b. Neptune, c. Uranus. Which planet is nearer to the Sun? A. the Earth, b. Mars, c. Venus. Which is smaller? a. the Sun b. Jupiter. Which is the fastest planet? a. Mercury, b. Mars, c. Saturn. Which is the nearest planet to the Sun?

Answer the questions

  • Which is the biggest planet in the solar system?
  • a. Jupiter, b. Mars, c. Venus.
  • Which is the smallest planet in the solar system?
  • a. Pluto, b. Neptune, c. Uranus.
  • Which planet is nearer to the Sun?
  • A. the Earth, b. Mars, c. Venus.
  • Which is smaller?
  • a. the Sun b. Jupiter.
  • Which is the fastest planet?
  • a. Mercury, b. Mars, c. Saturn.
  • Which is the nearest planet to the Sun?
Why is space exploration is important?

Why is space exploration is important?

Some people think that space exploration is not important. Why?

Some people think that space exploration is not important. Why?

The World is beautiful !!!

The World is beautiful !!!


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