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Олимпиада по английскому языку для 6 класса

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«Олимпиада по английскому языку для 6 класса»

Олимпиада по английскому языку

2021-2022 учебный год

Школьный этап

6 класс

Продолжительность 35 минут


Read the text and do the tasks:

blind — слепой

save – спасать


You know that a dog is a man’s best friend. The dog is also man’s oldest friend.

More than ten thousand years ago, dogs didn’t live with people. They were wild.

Now dogs live with people and do many good things for them. Dogs can be “eyes” for blind people. There was a dog, Bruno, who saved 40 people in the mountains. Dogs help geologists to find metals. They help police officers to catch criminals.

If you have a dog, you know how clever dogs are. You can teach your dog to do many tricks: to bring things to you, to carry your bag when you do shopping, to help you with your school-bag when you come home from school.

Dogs usually like to swim and you can teach your dog to swim. But you must remember that some dogs are afraid of water.

Where do you leave your dog, when you go on holiday? Leave him in good hands: with a neighbor or a family friend. Take your dog to these people before you go away. Sit down and talk to them. Show your dog that they are your friends and he will like them.

Take care of your dog; never let him run wild in the street. If you are good to your dog, he will be your real friend.

Task 2. Choose True (A) if the sentence agrees with the text and False (B) if it doesn’t agree with the text:

1. Many thousand years ago, dogs were wild.

A) True. B) False.

2. Dogs help to find people in the mountains.

A) True. B) False.

3. You can never teach your dog to swim.

A) True. B) False.

4. Your dog can carry your bag from the shop.

A) True. B) False.

5. The dogs are not very clever.

A) True. B) False.


Task 1. Read the story. Choose the best word A, B or C for each gap 11 – 26:

The mice and the cat

Long, long ago there lived a lot of (6) __ in an old house. There lived a cat in (7) __ house too. The mice (8) __ afraid of the cat but they (9) __ what to do. So, one day they all (10) __ to an old clever mouse and began talking (11) __ the cat.

“What (12) __ we do?” they (13) __ . “The cat will kill (14) __ all.” Suddenly one little mouse (15) __ , “Let’s put a bell round the cat’s neck and we (16) __ it.”

They were all very (17) __ and they (18) __ to dance. Suddenly (19) __clever old mouse said, “(20) __ want to ask one question. Who will put the bell round the (21) __ neck?”

6. A) mouse B) mice C) mouse’s

7. A) these B) those C) that

8. A) were B) was C) is

9.A) doesn’t know B) won’t know C) didn’t know

10. A) came B) comes C) will come

11. A) at B) about C) for

12. A) couldn’t B) can C) cannot

13. A) will say B) says C) said

14. A) us B) we C) our

15. A) will say B) said C) say

16. A) heard B) will hear C) is hearing

17. A) bad B) glad C) sad

18. A) begins B) began C) begun

19. A) the B) an C) –

20. A) Me B) My C) I

21. A) cat’s B) cats C) cats’


Read the sentences and choose the right answer:

22. The United Kingdom consist of ___ countries.

A) four B) three C) two

23. The capital of Great Britain is ___

A) New York B) Washington C) London

24. The residence of the Queen is ___

A) Westminster Abbey B) Buckingham Palace C) the Tower of London

25. London stands on the river ___

A) Severn B) Clyde C) Thames

26. The colors of the British flag are ___

A) red, blue, white B) only red and yellow C) green, white and red

27. The Lock-Ness Monster is in ___

A) Northern Ireland B) Scotland C) Wales

28. Stonehenge is in ___

A) England B) Wales C) Northern Ireland

29. In reality, Big Ben is ___

A) a clock B) a bell C) a statue

30. Madame Tussauds is ___

A) a wax museum in London B) an American cartoon C) a British actress

31. The double-decker is ___

A) a bus B) a car C) a ship

32. The traditional London taxi is ___

A) yellow B) black C) green

WRITING Do you know how to write in English? Write about yourself:

33. Name _____________________________________________________________

34. Surname ___________________________________________________________

35. Home address _______________________________________________________

36. Date of birth ________________________________________________________

37. Family _____________________________________________________________

38. Do you have any pets? ________________________________________________

39. Favorite school subjects ______________________________________________

40. What are your hobbies? ______________________________________________

41. What profession (job) do you want to choose in future?_____________________________


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