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Открытый урок на тему "ABC party"

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This out of lesson wrtitten about "ABC party"

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«Открытый урок на тему "ABC party"»

The theme: "ABC party"

Aims of the lesson:

1. Educational: to give more information about world of letters, to master new words, practice its use in the speech. 
2. Developing: to develop pupils' skills in listening, in reading.
3. Bringing - up: to teach pupils' skills to express their opinion, and during the lesson should be attentively.

Visual aids: active board, pictures, cards.

I. Organization moment


- Good morning, dear children, parents and teachers!

- Good morning! Teacher !

-I am glad to see you! Welcome to our ABC party!

II. Phonetic drill 

- Well, let`s begin our English party. Today we shall make an interesting and funny travelling from A to Z. Do you want to start?

Let`s sing the ABC song first.

That's fine !

III. Short visibility about "Snow white and the seven dwarves"

Author: Once upon a time there lived a lovely princess with fair skin and blue eyes. She was so fair that she was named Snow White. Now we will show she, she is sleeping after long walking at home where live seven dwarves, but when came Snow White there was nobody, evening time seven dwarves came to home and saw, that one girl sleeping their home and ask:

First Dwarf: Look, a girl !

Second Dwarf: What is your name?

Snow white: Good morning dear gentleman's, and good morning dear guests! My name is Snow White, I brought for yours so many apples

Snow white:

Letter A

Apples here, apples there,
Apples, apples everywhere!

Letter B (pupil)

Bounce! Bounce! It is my ball!
It doesn`t want to stop at all.

Letter C (pupil)

I`m the cat. My name is Hat. 
I`m not fat. I like to chat!

Letter D (pupil)

I`m the dog. My name is Jack. 
My coat is white. My nose is black.

Letter E (pupil)

Little yellow bee, bee, bee! 
How many flowers can you see?

Letter F (pupil)

One, two, three, and four, and five!
I have got a fish alive!

Letter G (pupil)

I`m a girl. I`ve got a doll. 
Her name is May. We like to play.

Letter H (pupil)

Little mouse, little mouse!
Where is your house? 
I`m a poor mouse, I have no house.

Letter I (pupil)

Spring is coming. Warm and nice.
Ice is melting. Poor ice!

Letter J (pupil)

Merry Jimmy Jinn 
is jumping in his jeans.

Letter K (pupil)

The king is strong. The king is brave.
What is his name? He is Nick Grey.

Letter L (pupil)

Who lives in Africa? 
He, she or me?
One lion, two lions, three...

Letter M (pupil)

Little mice, little mice! 
Would you like a piece of ice?
We would like a piece of cheese. Yes, please!

Letter N (pupil)

How much is one plus one? 
Two big nuts for little son.

Letter O (pupil)

“Tick-Tock! Tick-Tock! 
Play and walk,” says the clock.

Letter P (pupil)

I've got a pet. My pet is a pig. 
His name is Pick. He is not big.

Letter Q (pupil)

Mary the Queen can dance and sing.

Letter R (pupil)

One, two, three! One, two, three! 
Nice red roses you can see!

Letter S (pupil)

Oh, Mary! Come and see! 
A big snake is in the tree!

Letter T (pupil)

When tigers walk
They like to talk.

Letter U (pupil)

Hurry, hurry Cinderella!
Quickly bring my blue umbrella!

Letter V (pupil)

Can you dance? Can you sing?
I can play the violin.

Letter W (pupil)

Hey, Letter W!
I like the words with you!
Why, what, who,
Window, wall, two,
Swim, white, owl, 
Down, town... Wow!

Letter X (pupil)

I see two funny foxes 
With two small boxes.

Letter Y (pupil)

Fly! Fly! In the sky! 
My nice and funny kite!

Letter Z (pupil)

We go, we go, we go to the zoo! 
We can see a tiger and a zebra, too.



- I see you know the ABC very well, but do you know the names of the colours?

Tell me what colour is the snow? (It is white).

What colour is the fox? (It is red).

What colour is the frog? (It is green).

And what colour is the chicken? (It is yellow).

What colour is the bear? (It is brown).

What colour is the wolf? (It is grey).

What colour is the pig? (It is pink).

What colour is the orange? (It is orange).

What colour is the sea? (It is blue).

What colour is the gorilla? (It is black).

V. Warm up

Well, now pupils look at the active board, and try to dance like a bear !

VI. Math task

- I see that you know the ABC, the names of the colours. But can you count in English? (Yes, we can). O.K. Let`s count from one to twenty, one plus one is two, now look at the screen but how many if:

two plus two is... two plus three is... four minus one is...

one plus two is... four plus one is... five minus one is...

VII. Children please look at the board, you see puzzle with pictures, you should write missing words looking by this picture.

VIII. Dear friends! Thank you for your work. We have finished our first English party — the ABC party.


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