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Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему: "Школа"

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«Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему: "Школа"»

Открытый урок с использованием информатизации по английскому языку

на тему:

«Еда и приемы пищи в Объединенном Королевстве»


  • Совершенствование навыков поискового и просмотрового чтения, формирование активного словаря по теме

  • Развитие навыков аудирования, говорения по теме; воспитывать культуру здорового питания.

  • Воспитывать культуру здорового питания,  Введение и отработка лексики по теме “Еда и приемы пищи”. Прослушивание текста с целью извлечения необходимой информации. Прослушивание и воспроизведение диалогов в парах.

Организационный этап урока

-Good morning, students.

S: (Good morning, teacher.)

-I’m glad to see you.

S: (We are glad to see you).

-Let’s begin our lesson. Take your seats. (Дети рассаживаются в группы).

T: I have some questions for you:

What do you like to eat?

What do you like to drink?

What would you like to eat for breakfast?

II Основной этап урока

T: Now we will watch the short movieand think what will the subject of our lesson?

(учащиеся смотрят короткий ролик и должны понять тему урока)

T: Dear students, what do you think, what is the subject of our lesson?

S: The subject of our lesson is “Meals and dish in Great Britain“

Now you will continue to watch the movie and fill the diagram about the dish of UK

(учащиеся продолжают смотреть ролик и заполнять диаграмму)



T : Tell me students, what kinds of food did you listen? (учащиеся выполняют диаграмму у доски)

T:Students, how many times we usually eat? Yes, there is 3 times and now we divide into 3 groups

  • Meal –еда

  • Supper – ужин

  • Starter - закуска

  • Snack – закуска

  • Course - блюдо

  • Pastries – выпечка

  • Pub – трактир

  • lunch bag – коробка с завтраком

a)Work in groups

The first task is you should read the information about breakfast, dinner and tea, you tell each other about it orally. You can draw or write a diagram

I group

II group

III group




(учащиеся работают в трех группах: читают текст и переводят в группе и рассказывают другой группе информацию)

b)T: Now students watch the short movie, this is you next task…

(учащиеся смотрят ролик «В ресторане»)

S: This is the conversation about “At the restaurant”

T: I will give you tasks, you should make up dialogue using these phrases then we will act

At the restaurant”

Waiter: Hello, can I help you?


Waiter: Ok. Menu, please!


Waiter: I don’t know what can I recommend you because everything is very tasty


Waiter: Sorry have you chosen anything?


Waiter: Yes, please. Here you are what else?


Waiter: Your check please!


Waiter: Ok. Bye-bye!

  1. Keep the change. Say hello your cooker. Bye!

  2. No thanks check please

  3. Hello, I would like to sit near the window

  4. I can’t choose, just a minute

  5. Thank you. What do you recommend me to eat because I am very hungry

  6. Please bring me one portion of roast beef fried potato and glass of cherry juice

(учащиеся выполняют задание на компьютерах)

T:Lets check you dialogue and act it

Waiter: Hello, can I help you?

Visitor: Hello, I would like to sit near the window

Waiter: Ok. Menu, please!

Visitor: Thank you. What do you recommend me to eat because I am very hungry

Waiter: I don’t know what can I recommend you because everything is very tasty

Visitor: I can’t choose, just a minute

Waiter: Sorry have you chosen anything?

Visitor: Please bring me one portion of roast beef fried potato and glass of cherry juice

Waiter: Yes, please. Here you are what else?

Visitor: No thanks check please

Waiter: Your check please!

Visitor: Keep the change. Say hello your cooker. Bye!

Waiter: Ok. Bye-bye!

T:Great job, well done!


T: Now students divide in pairs, your should divide into 6 groups for 2 persons

You will listen the audio the text and you should fill the table which there is on your tables

My favourite food







What kind of food do they like?

The names of meals

III Завершающий этап урока

This task I check and point the marks (учащиеся проверяют задание)

T:Our lesson is over, what can you say? What did you know at the lesson today?

  • What new words have you learnt?

  • What are traditional British meals?

  • When is supper?

  • How many courses can be in lunch?

  • What do the British have for lunch?

  • What do the British usually have for breakfast?

Home task will be : to find and learn the text about British food

Now you should make the short test:

Choose the right answer

1. British have their lunch about…

a)11 or 12 o’clock b) 12 or 1 o’clock c) 1 or 2 o’clock

2. People don’t need to prepare … food

a)fresh b) convenient c) favourite

3. Traditional British food is …

a) chips b) fish c) burgers d) cheese

4. Traditional English breakfast consists of…

a) omelet  b) tomato c) bacon d) juice

5. People in Britain eat for dinner at about …

a) 5 o’clock b)6 o’clock c) 7 o’clock


Рекомендуем курсы ПК и ППК для учителей

Вебинар для учителей

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