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Past Simple vs Past Perfect

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Упражнения на разницу времён Past Simple vs Past Perfect

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«Past Simple vs Past Perfect»

Past Simple или Past Perfect

Exercise 1. 

  1. Sorry we are late, we had missed/missed the bus.

  2. I did/had done my homework, cleaned/had cleaned my room and then went for a walk.

  3. The man arrived at the station but the train had already left/already left.

  4. By the time Jenny got to the party most people went/had gone home already.

  5. They travelled/had travelled to Barcelona last month.

Exercise 2.

  1. When he ... his phone out of his pocket, he ... that the battery ... . (take, realise, run down)

  2. When another idea ... into my mind, I ... already the e-mail. (come, send)

  3. By the time we ... our main course, the dessert ... already on the table. (finish, be)

  4. I didn't have much luck. I ... the exam which I ... for perfectly well. (fail, prepare)

  5. When I ... her, she ... already the news. (call, know)

Exercise 3. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.

1) When I (arrive) at the station, the train (leave). 2) We (light) the candles because the lights (go) off. 3) When I came home, I (discover) that somebody (break) into my flat. 4) The boy (write) a report before his mother (come) home. 5) John (eat) all the cakes by the time the other children (arrive) at the party. 6) I looked at the new pupil in our class and __(realize) that I __(see) him before. 7) Irene __(say) that she __(be) on an excursion.

Exercise 4. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.

1) I (thank) her for everything she (do). 2) When I got to the office, I (realize) that I (forget) to lock the front door. 3) When they (finish) their work, they (go) home. 4) I __(give) her flowers which I __(buy) for her. 5) I __(say) they __(visit) London last month. 6) When I (listen) to the news, I (go) to bed. 7) Mike __(say) that he __(catch) a big bee.

Exercise 5. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.

1) I __ (see) his pictures before I __(visit) the museum. 2) Pedro __(learn) English before he __(go) to England. 3) After Bill __(do) his homework, he __(begin) playing on a computer. 4) Boris __(say) that his uncle __(go) to Kiev yesterday. 5) I soon __(realize) that he __(make) a serious mistake. 6) I __(write) a letter before my mother __(come) home. 7) Lily __(eat) all the cakes before her mother __(come).

Exercise 6. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.

1) He __(remember) that he __(not/lock) the door. 2) I __(say) he __(write) the exercise last Monday. 3) The father __(want) to know who __(break) his favourite cup. 4) The students __(know) that we __(buy) a radio-set. 5) I __(come) late to school because I __(miss) the train. 6) When I __(arrive) at the party, Tom __already (go) home. 7) Her uncle __(say) that he __(lose) the key.

Exercise 7.

  1. When Lisa _______ (arrive) at the airport she ____________ (discover) she _________ (forget) her passport.

  2. After visiting the library Nelly __________ (buy) some milk and __________ (go) home.

  3. Zoe ________ (open) her handbag and ___________ (find) out that she _________ (forget) her credit card.

  4. They ____________ (get) home to find that somebody __________ (break) into their house.

  5. Lisa ___________ (know) her husband for two years when they ____________ (get) married.

  6. Jillian ____________ (be) very pleased to see that Jack ______________ (clean) the kitchen.

  7. When Neil ___________ (arrive) at the party he __________ (learn) that Judith ___________ (just / leave).

  8. Bill ___________ (feel) sick last night because he __________ (eat) too many cakes at the party.

  9. First I __________ (tidy) the flat, then I _____________ (sit) down and _________ (have) a cup of tea.

  10. When Molly ________ (open) the curtains she________ (see) that the ground ________ (be) white.


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