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План урока английского языка в 5 классе "Country Mouse and Town Mouse"

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План урока английского языка 5 класс Country Mouse and Town Mouse (В гостях у сельского жителя. Чтение.)

( Английский язык 5 класс часть 2, Л.М.Лапицкая,  Unite 7, Lesson 10)

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«План урока английского языка в 5 классе "Country Mouse and Town Mouse"»

В гостях у сельского жителя. Чтение.

( Английский язык 5 класс часть 2, Л.М.Лапицкая,

Unite 7, Lesson 10)

Тип урока: урок развития навыков изучающего чтения.

Вид урока: традиционный, комбинированный.

Цель: развитие навыков изучающего чтения.


образовательная: способствовать развитию навыков говорения на основе прочитанного текста;

развивающая: способствовать развитию умения высказываться логично, связно, делать выводы.

воспитательная: содействовать развитию интереса к изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, доска.

Дидактическое оснащение: учебник, наглядный и раздаточный материал.

  1. Организационный момент. Введение в тему урока и определение целей.

- Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. How’s your morning? How are you today? You have different faces on your tables. Show me your mood with the help of these faces, please.

Ok, I think we can start our lesson. Today we’ll continue to speak about life in the town and in the country and we’ll read a continuation of the interesting story. Look at the board and help me to find the aims of our lesson, please. What do you think we are going to do today? Let’s pull off extra phases.

And at the end of our lesson we’ll return to them and if we achieve them we’ll put a tick “v”.

  1. Речевая зарядка. Совершенствование лексических навыков. Проверка домашнего задания.

You have 2 letters “T” and “C”. “T” is for town and “C” is for country. At home you have revise vocabulary connected with life in the town and in the country. Now I will say different words and you show me “T”, “C” or both letters and make a sentence.

  • Pick berries

  • Watch a concert

  • Pick mushrooms

  • Go to the theatre

  • Surf the internet

  • Go to the disco

  • Play on swings

  • Go to the cinema

  • Go bird watching

  • Play on slides

  • Go to the circus

  • Go to the woods

  • Go to the zoo

  • Grow fruit and vegetables

  • Go to the river

  • Go to the shop

  • Play on a see-saw

  • Go fishing

  • Go on a picnic

  • Go for a swim

  • Go to the lake

  • Go roller skating

  • Watch a play

  • Go to the museum

  • Go to the library

  • Go to the supermarket

  • Go to the concert hall

  1. Основной этап урока.

  1. Предтекстовый этап. Снятие языковых трудностей.

Now we’ll read an interesting story about two cousins. And I want you to guess the manes. Listen to me attentively.

  • This cousin is little. He’s got grey hair, big ears, little black eyes and a long pink nose. He likes biscuits, chocolate cakes, cola and ice-cream. He usually wears a blue cap, an orange T-shirt and red trousers. What’s his name? (Town Mouse)

  • This cousin is little. He’s got grey hair, big ears, little black eyes and a long pink nose. He doesn’t like biscuits, chocolate cakes, cola and ice-cream. He usually wears a yellow hat, a light green shirt and dark green trousers. What’s his name? (Country Mouse)

Now, look at the screen there are some new word. Repeat after me:

Straw [strɔ:] соломенный

a field [fi:ld] поле

To collect [kə’lect] собирать

To go back [gəυ bæk] возвращаться

A hole [həυl] нора

Dark [da:k] темный

I have one task for. Match the words with transcriptions and translations.

  1. Текстовый этап. Прослушивание и чтение текста. Развитие навыков изучающего чтения.

Listen to the text and then describe it in 5 words.


  1. Describe the text in 5 words.

  2. Now let’s read the text one by one and then answer the question “Did Town Mouse like the country” (PB ex.1, p. 76-77)

  1. Послетекстовый этап. Контроль понимания прочитанного текста.

Now find in the text:

  1. What did they have for dinner?

  2. Did Town Mouse sleep well?

  3. What did Country Mouse do at the field?

  4. Did town Mouse work at the field?

Развитие грамматических навыков.

Let’s play the game «Magic Ball». I’ll throw you a ball and say you verb from the text. You say past form of the verb.

(live, visit, say, love, make, have, like, sleep, think, go, see, be tired, go, help, jump, want)

1) Now look at the pictures on the screen, read the sentences and if the sentence is true – give your thumbs up, if false – give your thumbs down.

1. One day Town Mouse visited his cousin in the country.

2. Country Mouse gave Town Mouse seeds, mushrooms, biscuits, cola, chocolate and a cake for dinner.

3. Town Mouse liked his dinner.

4. Town Mouse slept very well on the straw bed.

5. Town Mouse helped Country Mouse to collect seeds.

6. Country Mouse liked the town.

7. Town Mouse lived in a small hole in the country and Town Mouse lived in a big hole in the town.

  1. Now I want you to do some interesting task and move a little bit.

Read the sentence and find the missing words in the class.

  1. Town Mouse visited his cousin Country Mouse.

  2. Country Mouse made a big dinner of mushrooms and seeds.

  3. Town Mouse didn’t like the food.

  4. Town Mouse didn’t like his little straw bed.

  5. The next day Country Mouse got up at 5 o’clock

  6. Country Mouse went to the field to collect seeds for the winter.

  7. Town Mouse didn’t help his cousin.

  8. Town Mouse wanted to go back home.

  9. Country Mouse ran into the hole. “Quick! The farmer is going to town”

  10. Town Mouse said goodbye and jumped into the car.

  1. Now I’ll read the story and when you hear your sentence come to the board one by one in then correct order. Then translate your sentence.

  1. And now we have the final task. Let’s divided into two groups. Each group should complete the sentence.

  • Country Mouse liked the country because ….

  • Town Mouse didn’t like the country because…

Now, let’s check.

  1. Домашнее задание.

1) One day Town Mouse visited…. .

3)Town Mouse liked … .

5)The next day Country Mouse got up … .

7)Town Mouse didn’t …. .

I want to go back home!

9)Country Mouse ran into the hole. “Quick! ….”

Retell the story with the help of the table. Complete the sentences. Replace the pictures with the sentences.

  1. Итоги урока. Оценивание.

Our lesson is coming to an end. But let’s look at the board, there are our aims. Read them and tell me, please: «Have we achieved our aims? » and if we have done it – put a tick.


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