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Поурочный план 6 класс ктп 10.02.15

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                                                        Lesson plan

Date: 10.02.2015

Class:  6

Theme:  “How green you are”

Grammar: British English vs. American English

Aim of the lesson:

  • To introduce students with British English and American English;
  • To revise the vocabulary on the theme: “Environment”
  • To bring up pupil’s to respect their classmates opinion;
  • To enlarge pupil’s knowledge about environment.

Expecting result:

  • Students will be able to differentiate British English and American English
  • Students will develop their speaking skills;
  • Students will evaluate themselves correctly.

Equipment: Interactive board; presentation Power Point, audio and video record;

Literature: Textbooks and working writing – books, cards;

Type of lesson: Combined

Lesson time: 45 minutes

Organization moment

Phonetic drill

Checking up the homework

Warm – up

Speaking and discussing

Physical minute for eye

Introduction with the British English and American English





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«поурочный план 6 класс ктп 10.02.15»

Lesson plan

Date: 10.02.2015

Class: 6

Theme: “How green you are”

Grammar: British English vs. American English

Aim of the lesson:

  • To introduce students with British English and American English;

  • To revise the vocabulary on the theme: “Environment”

  • To bring up pupil’s to respect their classmates opinion;

  • To enlarge pupil’s knowledge about environment.

Expecting result:

  • Students will be able to differentiate British English and American English

  • Students will develop their speaking skills;

  • Students will evaluate themselves correctly.

Equipment: Interactive board; presentation Power Point, audio and video record;

Literature: Textbooks and working writing – books, cards;

Type of lesson: Combined

Lesson time: 45 minutes

The process of the lesson

Title of the stage

Contents of the stage

Form of the work

The teacher’s activity

The students activities


Organization moment

T: Good afternoon children! Who is on duty today? What date is today? What day is it today? What season is it now? What the weather like today?

Students greet and answer the teacher's questions



Phonetic drill

Pronunciation Practice

Listen and read [ ә:]

Learn, term, third, first, turn. The teacher reads aloud for students.

Ex.9 p.102

Read and write the words.

Firstly, students listen to the teacher and then try to repeat themselves, these words and sounds. after do this exercise.

T Cl

Cl T


Checking up the homework

Let’s check you hometask then continue our new lesson. Ex.4 p.98 retelling of the text.

10 sentences (Present Continuous Tense)

After one by one you should read sentences from exercises you did at home and retell the text.

Cl T


Warm – up

Write the missing letters.

Sc-ool, -now, he-vy, rite, fr-end, -rong, lis-en, wa-k.

Answer: School, know, heavy, write, friend, wrong, listen, walk.

Cl T


Speaking and discussing

Ex. 2, 3 p.100-101

Read environmentalist’s advice and put them in order of importance for yourself. Compare your list with your partner’s. Ask why he/she chooses that order. Explain your own order.

Students work in pairs and explain the point of view of his partner

Work in pairs.


Physical minute for eye

Objective: development of the speech apparatus, creative activity, stress relief and eye fatigue.

Funny Face Paint your hair and paint your nose

Show me show me Paint your hair and paint your nose

Show me a funny face Funny hair funny face

I have a funny face Paint your eyes and paint your mouth Show me show me Paint your eyes and paint your mouth Show me a funny face! Funny eyes Funny mouth Funny face

Students read together with the teacher and repeat the movement

T Cl



Introduction with the British English and American English

Ex. 5 p.101 March the words with their meanings.

Spelling differences

American English: flavor, honor, analyze,color etc. British English: flavour, honour, analyse,colour etc.

(audio and video)

Answers: a-3, b-4, c-6, d-1, e-2, f-5.

After exercise, students watch videos and listen to audio on this topic

T Cl

Cl T



Ex.4 p.101

“Litter is a problem”

Read the text and check the meaning of the underlined words in your dictionary.

Students read the text one by one and translate unknown words.

Cl T



We learned a lot of new words. Learned a lot of interesting things about our theme. Thank you very much for your participation at the lesson.

Tell me, please

What new have you know today?

Says today's student assessment.

Students summarize what they have learned during this lesson




Open your diaries and write down the homework for tomorrow.

Ex.10,11 p.103

Teacher explains what to do in these tasks.

Students write their homework




To each student is given a sheet of paper where he can write his opinion about the lesson.

The lesson is over! Thank you for your work!

Students will give their answers, opinions about the lesson and estimate the work of the teacher.


Подпись учителя – предметника по английскому языку: Умиртаева Г. И.


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