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Презентации "Театры Англии"

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В презентации представлены театры Англии. 

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«Презентации "Театры Англии"»

Alexandrinsky Theatre.

Alexandrinsky Theatre.

The first permanent public theater in Russia was founded by decree of Empress Elizabeth August 30 (September 10) in 1756, the original name -
  • The first permanent public theater in Russia was founded by decree of Empress Elizabeth August 30 (September 10) in 1756, the original name - "Russian ideas for tragedies and comedies theater". The troupe headed by the "father of Russian Theatre" Fyodor Volkov, director of the theater became playwright AP Sumarokov. In 1759, the theater received the status of the court.
Since 1763, due to the death of Volkova, led the troupe becomes the oldest Russian actor IA Dmitrevsky.
  • Since 1763, due to the death of Volkova, led the troupe becomes the oldest Russian actor IA Dmitrevsky.
  • "Russian court actors" played pieces Sumarokova, Fonvizin, JB Knyazhnin, V. Lukin, PA Plavilshchikov, Corneille, Racine, Voltaire, JB Moliere, Beaumarchais, for a long time acted in various theatrical spaces.
  • Since the early 1770s in the repertoire of a firm place takes a comic opera.
Building Alexandrinsky Theatre. On the site of the present building in 1801 built a wooden theater for the Italian troupe Kazassi. After some time, the company was dissolved and the building was purchased by the treasury and became known as the Little Theatre.

Building Alexandrinsky Theatre.

  • On the site of the present building in 1801 built a wooden theater for the Italian troupe Kazassi. After some time, the company was dissolved and the building was purchased by the treasury and became known as the Little Theatre.
August 31, 1832, after 76 years after the organization of the troupe, theater building was created by the architect Carlo Rossi, the main facade facing Nevsky Prospect.
  • August 31, 1832, after 76 years after the organization of the troupe, theater building was created by the architect Carlo Rossi, the main facade facing Nevsky Prospect.
At 1841 there were 107 boxes (10 stalls, 26 lodges of the first tier, 28 - second, 27 - 16 and the third - fourth), balcony for 36 people, the fourth tier gallery at 151 place, 390 seats in the fifth tier, 231 seat on the ground (9 rows) and 183 places for them. In total, the theater could accommodate up to 1,700 people.
  • At 1841 there were 107 boxes (10 stalls, 26 lodges of the first tier, 28 - second, 27 - 16 and the third - fourth), balcony for 36 people, the fourth tier gallery at 151 place, 390 seats in the fifth tier, 231 seat on the ground (9 rows) and 183 places for them. In total, the theater could accommodate up to 1,700 people.
XXI Century. Theatre is hosting an international theater festival

XXI Century.

  • Theatre is hosting an international theater festival "Aleksandrinsky."
  • In May 2010, construction began on the second stage of the theater, it was planned even from the 1980s.
May 15, 2013 a new scene opened the show-laboratory
  • May 15, 2013 a new scene opened the show-laboratory "Crime" based on the novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky's "Crime and Punishment".


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