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Презентация к уроку английского языка по теме "Знаменитые люди и дислексия"

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 Agatha Christie and Dyslexia

Agatha Christie and Dyslexia

 English writer, one of the most famous in the world, who worked in the genre of a detective story. Since childhood, little Agatha found it difficult to concentrate on classes, and learning to write became a real punishment for her - she could not manage to write correctly. However, this did not prevent the creative nature of becoming famous. And her books were subsequently sold, like no others - 4 billion copies worldwide.

English writer, one of the most famous in the world, who worked in the genre of a detective story. Since childhood, little Agatha found it difficult to concentrate on classes, and learning to write became a real punishment for her - she could not manage to write correctly. However, this did not prevent the creative nature of becoming famous. And her books were subsequently sold, like no others - 4 billion copies worldwide.

Оther celebrities with dyslexia include Albert Einstein, Agatha Christie, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Leonardo da Vinci.

Оther celebrities with dyslexia include Albert Einstein, Agatha Christie, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Leonardo da Vinci.


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