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Презентация к уроку английского языка в 11 классе по теме "The Noun"

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Презентация к уроку английского языка в 11 классе по теме "The Noun"

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«Презентация к уроку английского языка в 11 классе по теме "The Noun"»



Read the words and name the nouns which are uncountable bread, table, lamp, butter, telephone, pencil, idea, sugar, tea, computer, coffee, dress, leather, T-shirt, paper, skirt, lesson, wood, book, box, silver, crystal, picture, flower, plastic, toy, porcelain, doll, metal, balloon, car, water, house, child, air

Read the words and name the nouns which are uncountable

bread, table, lamp, butter, telephone, pencil, idea, sugar, tea, computer, coffee, dress, leather, T-shirt, paper, skirt, lesson, wood, book, box, silver, crystal, picture, flower, plastic, toy, porcelain, doll, metal, balloon, car, water, house, child, air

Read the words in the table and divide them into groups according to their meaning Joy, travel, beauty, blood, honesty, death, sleep, happiness, swimming, wine, hope, sugar, peace, cruelty, work, shopping, pride, life, help, water, food, fun, salt, anger. Human feelings and qualities   Abstract ideas   Substances'   Activities

Read the words in the table and divide them into groups according to their meaning

Joy, travel, beauty, blood, honesty, death, sleep, happiness, swimming, wine, hope, sugar, peace, cruelty, work, shopping, pride, life, help, water, food, fun, salt, anger.

Human feelings and qualities

Abstract ideas



При образовании множественного числа существительных, оканчивающихся на -f/-fe, важно помнить об исключениях, которые не изменяют окончания на -ves . К ним относятся : chief — chiefs (шеф, начальник) roof — roofs (крыша) safe — safes (сейф ) cliff — cliffs (утес) belief — beliefs (убеждение ) chef — chefs (шеф-повар, главный повар) Также важно выучить слова, оканчивающиеся на -о . Их можно разделить на три группы. 1. Слова, у которых множественное число образуется при помощи -es hero - heroes potato — potatoes tomato — tomatoes mosquito — mosquitoes 2. Слова, у которых множественное число образуется при помощи -s piano — pianos photo —photos video — videos zoo — zoos radio — radios 3. Слова, у которых множественное число образуется при помощи -s или -es flaming — flamingos / flamingoes mango — mangos / mangoes motto - mottos / mottoes tornado - tornados / tornadoes volcano - volcanos / volcanoes

При образовании множественного числа существительных, оканчивающихся на -f/-fe, важно помнить об исключениях, которые не изменяют окончания на -ves .

К ним относятся : chief — chiefs (шеф, начальник) roof — roofs (крыша) safe — safes (сейф ) cliff — cliffs (утес) belief — beliefs (убеждение ) chef — chefs (шеф-повар, главный повар)

Также важно выучить слова, оканчивающиеся на . Их можно разделить на три группы.

1. Слова, у которых множественное число образуется при помощи -es hero - heroes

potato — potatoes tomato — tomatoes mosquito — mosquitoes

2. Слова, у которых множественное число образуется при помощи -s piano — pianos

photo —photos video — videos zoo — zoos radio — radios

3. Слова, у которых множественное число образуется при помощи -s или -es

flaming — flamingos / flamingoes mango — mangos / mangoes motto - mottos / mottoes tornado - tornados / tornadoes volcano - volcanos / volcanoes

Divide the words into 4 groups Journey, scarf, baby, potato, church, leaf, teacher, calf, school, mosquito, box, story, lorry, wolf, party, fairy, class, video, knife, kite  + s + es - ies - ves

Divide the words into 4 groups

Journey, scarf, baby, potato, church, leaf, teacher, calf, school, mosquito, box, story, lorry, wolf, party, fairy, class, video, knife, kite

+ s

+ es

- ies

- ves

The war changed the (1)_________of people who lived and farmed in their villages and in turn, changed all the country. The government (2)_________that helped them to live through the 1930s were efficient but they changed the future of agriculture forever. The farm (3) _________ didn’t have modern (4)_________like people who lived in town. (5)_________and (6)__________ raised most of their own food from their own cows and (7) _________, (8) _________ and goats, chickens and (9)_________, and (10)_________ such as (11)_________and (12)__________from their gardens. (13)_________helped each other through hard times, sickness, and accidents. (14)_________and adults found ways to have fun for free — playing board (15) , buying (16) _________, or going to outdoor movies in town. When the dryness, heat, (17) _________, (18) _________ and (19) _________ destroyed the crops, farmers were left with no money to buy (20)_________or make (21)__________for farm payments. Some (22) _________ lost hope and moved away. (1) LIFE (2) PROGRAMME (3) FAMILY (4) CONVENIENCE (5) MAN (6) WOMAN (7) OX (8) SHEEP (9) GOOSE (10) VEGETABLE (11) POTATO (12) TOMATO (13) NEIGHBOUR (14) CHILD (15) GAME (16) RADIO (17) FLY (18) GRASSHOPPER (19) MOUSE (20) GROCERY (21) BUSINESS (22) CHIEF

The war changed the (1)_________of people who lived and farmed in their villages and in turn, changed all the country. The government (2)_________that helped them to live through the 1930s were efficient but they changed the future of agriculture forever. The farm (3) _________ didn’t have modern (4)_________like people who lived in town. (5)_________and (6)__________ raised most of their own food from their own cows and (7) _________, (8) _________ and goats, chickens and (9)_________, and (10)_________ such as (11)_________and (12)__________from their gardens. (13)_________helped each other through hard times, sickness, and accidents. (14)_________and adults found ways to have fun for free — playing board (15) , buying (16) _________, or going to outdoor movies in town. When the dryness, heat, (17) _________, (18) _________ and (19) _________ destroyed the crops, farmers were left with no money to buy (20)_________or make (21)__________for farm payments. Some (22) _________ lost hope and moved away.

(1) LIFE




(5) MAN


(7) OX







(14) CHILD

(15) GAME

(16) RADIO

(17) FLY


(19) MOUSE



(22) CHIEF


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