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Презентация на тему " Безопасность на кухне""

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«Презентация на тему " Безопасность на кухне""»

Safety in the kitchen    Work performed : Koleboshin Stepan

Safety in the kitchen Work performed : Koleboshin Stepan

1. Remove the covers from the pots and pans other cookware special tack and you direction you

1. Remove the covers from the pots and pans other cookware special tack and you direction you

2. Dishes with a long handle and set so as not to catch it, and do not drop.

2. Dishes with a long handle and set so as not to catch it, and do not drop.

3. Open saucepan lids left hand away to the left so , the hand is not over the steam coming out from under the covers.

3. Open saucepan lids left hand away to the left so , the hand is not over the steam coming out from under the covers.

4. See to it that does not fill with boiling liquid heaters.

4. See to it that does not fill with boiling liquid heaters.

5. Work carefully with a pen float , not to get your hands.

5. Work carefully with a pen float , not to get your hands.

6. When cutting any product clench his left hand.

6. When cutting any product clench his left hand.

7. Transfer but as a handle forward.

7. Transfer but as a handle forward.

 Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention


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