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Презентация "Peter I"

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«Презентация "Peter I"»

Peter 1

Peter 1

Peter the Great (1672-1725) Peter I The great Russian tsar and the first Russian emperor, the creator of the Russian fleet, the founder of St. Petersburg, a commander and diplomat who managed to carry out the most radical reforms in the history of Russia.

Peter the Great (1672-1725)

Peter I The great Russian tsar and the first Russian emperor, the creator of the Russian fleet, the founder of St. Petersburg, a commander and diplomat who managed to carry out the most radical reforms in the history of Russia.

Peter I the Great (Peter Alekseevich Romanov) January 28 (May 30, 1672, 1725) the last tsar of All Russia, the first All-Russian Emperor (since 1721). From the Romanov dynasty (since 1682). Peter was proclaimed tsar in 1682 at the age of 10, and began to rule independently in 1689. From a young age he showed an interest in science and a foreign way of life. Peter was the first of the Russian tsars to make a long journey to the countries of Western Europe (1697-1698). Upon his return from them, in 1698, Peter launched large-scale reforms of the Russian state and social order. One of the main achievements of Peter was the solution of the task set in the 16th century: the expansion of the territories of Russia in the Baltic region after the victory in the Great Northern War, which allowed him to take the title of the first emperor of the Russian Empire in 1721.
  • Peter I the Great (Peter Alekseevich Romanov) January 28 (May 30, 1672, 1725) the last tsar of All Russia, the first All-Russian Emperor (since 1721). From the Romanov dynasty (since 1682). Peter was proclaimed tsar in 1682 at the age of 10, and began to rule independently in 1689. From a young age he showed an interest in science and a foreign way of life. Peter was the first of the Russian tsars to make a long journey to the countries of Western Europe (1697-1698). Upon his return from them, in 1698, Peter launched large-scale reforms of the Russian state and social order. One of the main achievements of Peter was the solution of the task set in the 16th century: the expansion of the territories of Russia in the Baltic region after the victory in the Great Northern War, which allowed him to take the title of the first emperor of the Russian Empire in 1721.
what did Peter do for Russia? Peter I became famous not only for his successes in military affairs, he saw a lot and learned a lot, and understood that without literacy Russia would remain a backward country and therefore schools were opened where children learned to read and write.  Under him, trade expanded, new cities were built. The alphabet was abandoned, a new calendar was adopted.  In honor of Peter I, the Erod of Petersburg was named.

what did Peter do for Russia?

  • Peter I became famous not only for his successes in military affairs, he saw a lot and learned a lot, and understood that without literacy Russia would remain a backward country and therefore schools were opened where children learned to read and write.
  • Under him, trade expanded, new cities were built. The alphabet was abandoned, a new calendar was adopted.
  • In honor of Peter I, the Erod of Petersburg was named.
Opened the first university Introduced a new calendar Created a marine fleet Established communication between Russia and European countries
  • Opened the first university
  • Introduced a new calendar
  • Created a marine fleet
  • Established communication between Russia and European countries


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