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Презентация урока (Lesson 23) к учебнику "Project 4" (3rd edition) by Tom Hutchinson, James Gault. Издательство Oxford University Press.

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Презентация к уроке по теме "Your project". Проектная деятельность учащихся.

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«Презентация урока (Lesson 23) к учебнику "Project 4" (3rd edition) by Tom Hutchinson, James Gault. Издательство Oxford University Press.»

Your project

Your project

 What are the examples? (your liver and your lungs, sardines and salmon). How do we introduce them? (such as, like). What are they examples of? (parts of the body, oily fish). Where do the examples go? (next to the thing they are examples of). What goes before the list? (a comma) Why does the list have to go next to the thing it is an example of? (So we know what the list contains examples of).

What are the examples?

(your liver and your lungs, sardines and salmon).

How do we introduce them?

(such as, like).

What are they examples of?

(parts of the body, oily fish).

Where do the examples go?

(next to the thing they are examples of).

What goes before the list?

(a comma)

Why does the list have to go next to the thing it is an example of?

(So we know what the list contains examples of).

 fat-soluble vitamins, for example A, D and E and water-soluble vitamins such as B and C.  orange fruit and vegetables, like carrots, peppers, peaches and pumpkins, and from dark green vegetables, like spinach  There are a lot of different B vitamins ( such a s B2 and B12).  You get vitamin C from fruit, such as oranges, grapefruit and tomatoes, and from vegetables, like cabbage and broccoli.

fat-soluble vitamins, for example A, D and E and water-soluble vitamins such as B and C.

orange fruit and vegetables, like carrots, peppers, peaches and pumpkins, and from dark green vegetables, like spinach

There are a lot of different B vitamins ( such a s B2 and B12).

You get vitamin C from fruit, such as oranges, grapefruit and tomatoes, and from vegetables, like cabbage and broccoli.

Cultural background note The song Ain‘t got no (I got life) is based on a song from Hair, a 1968 rock musical written by James Rado and Gerome Ragni and composed by Galt MacDermot. (The musical was also made into a film in 1979 by Milos Forman). American singer-songwriter Nina Simone recorded this version in 1968 with slightly different lyrics. Language note The form AIN‘T GOT NO is an informal slang variation of I HAVEN’T GOT ANY (or I HAVE NO), used by native speakers. 1. head, 2. ears, 3. nose, 4. smile, 5. chin, 6. lips, 7. heart, 8. back, 9. arms, 10. fingers, 11. feet, 12. liver

Cultural background note

The song Ain‘t got no (I got life) is based on a song from Hair, a 1968 rock musical written by James Rado and Gerome Ragni and composed by Galt MacDermot. (The musical was also made into a film in 1979 by Milos Forman). American singer-songwriter Nina Simone recorded this version in 1968 with slightly different lyrics.

Language note

The form AIN‘T GOT NO is an informal slang variation of I HAVEN’T GOT ANY (or I HAVE NO), used by native speakers.

1. head, 2. ears, 3. nose, 4. smile, 5. chin, 6. lips,

7. heart, 8. back, 9. arms, 10. fingers, 11. feet, 12. liver

love, tongue, blood, money no, home, token, nobody, nose, toes nobody

love, tongue, blood, money

no, home, token, nobody, nose, toes



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