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Презентация к уроку английского языка в 3 классе. " Моё любимое время года".

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       Живут- поживают на белом свете four sisters. They are nice fnd good. Каждая из них has got three beautiful dresses for three months. Самая старшая sister likes white. She is white and soft.

  • What`s her name?-----( Winter)----- Right you are.

The younger sister is green. She is nice and merry. She likes to sing. All her dresses are green.

  • What`s her name?----( Spring)----- Right you are.

        The next sister is bright and sunny. She likes bright flowers, bright berries, bright forests and bright sun. All her dresses are bright.

  • What`s her name?----( Summer)-----Right you are.

         The last sister is yellow. She likes apples, yellow forests and rain. All her dresses are yellow.

  • What`s her name?-----( Autumn)-----Right you are.

                 Well done. But now tell me please what is the topic of our lesson?  My favourite season.

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