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Презентация по теме "Здоровое питание подростков"

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Эта презентация была подготовлена моей ученицей Гилязовой Гульшат к научно-практической конференции. Нами была проведена исследовательская работа среди 9-11 классов. Результаты данного исследования я представила здесь.


"We do not live to eat, but eat to live."Socrates

Healthy food (healthy diet, Eng. Healthy diet) - is food helping us to ensure the growth, development and normal human life, promoting better health and disease prevention. Of course, a balanced diet is necessary in order to be healthy and full of energy, to be in an excellent shape - physically and mentally. That is healthy food includes a large amount of protein, carbohydrates, fat, water, vitamins and minerals, but it is important that the body was not overwhelmed by one or all of these elements. Proper nutrition helps us be not only in a great shape, but feel more energetic, easy and efficient.




In the period of adolescence sexual development is formed. Children grow quickly, their weight and muscles strengthen. Most teens are now very tall, well developed physically. Accelerated physical and sexual development is called acceleration. The nervous system of children in this age group is at a considerable effort under the influence of intensive cognitive information, the complexity of schooling. Sports and physical labor led to a sharp increase in energy expenditure. That's why it's so important that teenagers will have a healthy food.  Unfortunately, children in this age group often ignore the healthy diet eating junk food. These habits have a detrimental effect on the growing organism. According to the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences research the deterioration of the health is noticed in comparing with the children of the same age 70 years ago. The doctors note the lack of vitamins in the mental and physical development of children.



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«Презентация по теме "Здоровое питание подростков"»

 TEENAGERS’ HEALTHY MEALS   Work performed by Gulshat Gilyazova,        Form 9A  Naberezhnye Chelny                                           2013 .


Work performed by

Gulshat Gilyazova,       

Form 9A

Naberezhnye Chelny                                         

2013 .

A few words about nutrition in different countries Content: 1 My aims and objectives 2 2  3 My research 4 Conclusion

A few words about nutrition in different countries



My aims and objectives




My research





"We do not live to eat, but eat to live."Socrates

Healthy food is food helping us to ensure the growth, development and normal human life, promoting better health and disease prevention.

  • Proper nutrition helps us be

not only in a great shape, but

feel more energetic, easy and


Topicality    Children grow quickly. The nervous system of children in this age group is at a considerable effort under the influence of intensive cognitive information. It's so important for teenagers to have a healthy food.


Children grow quickly. The nervous system of children in this age group is at a considerable effort under the influence of intensive cognitive information.

It's so important for teenagers to have a healthy food.

Рurposes: 1. Learn the basics of good nutrition and explore food in the other countries My purposes:  2. Do a research among the students of 9-11 th forms to identify their body index Text  5. Form a positive attitude to healthy eating. Text Text 3. Find out through testing the knowledge of the right nutrition. 4. Work out recommendations on the basics of good nutrition . Text Text


1. Learn the basics of good nutrition and explore food in the other countries

My purposes:

2. Do a research among the students of 9-11 th forms to identify their body index


5. Form a positive attitude to healthy eating.



3. Find out through testing the knowledge of the right nutrition.

4. Work out recommendations on the basics of good nutrition .



Оbjectives:   Using books and online resources to learn the basis of healthy eating and learn more about food in other countries My objectives: 2. Find out the causes of children ’ s having excess weight and losing weight. 5. Provide advice on nutrition . 3. Conduct a survey of students. 4. Explore the idea of school nutrition .


  • Using books

and online resources to learn the basis of healthy eating and learn more about food in other countries

My objectives:

2. Find out the causes of children ’ s having excess weight and losing weight.

5. Provide advice on nutrition .

3. Conduct a survey of students.

4. Explore the idea of school nutrition .

Two main theories: According to this theory, the power of the body is due to the blood, which is continuously formed from nutrients through a complex process of unknown nature, similar to the fermentation.   The ancient theory of nutrition Text in here The theory of a balanced diet.  Тhe theory was based on the observance of basic principles: - The balance between incoming energy from food consumed by man; - Meeting the needs of the body in a certain amount and ratio of nutrients; - Observing the diet and the time.

Two main theories:

According to this theory, the power of the body is due to the blood, which is continuously formed from nutrients through a complex process of unknown nature, similar to the fermentation.

The ancient theory of nutrition

Text in here

The theory of a balanced diet.

Тhe theory was based on the observance of basic principles:

- The balance between incoming energy from food consumed by man;

- Meeting the needs of the body in a certain amount and ratio of nutrients;

- Observing the diet and the time.

Energy value: Proteins are needed to build our body . Fat is necessary to lay the body nutrient reserves for a long term and to produce hormones. Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy helping to work our muscles.

Energy value:

Proteins are needed to build our body .

Fat is necessary to lay the body nutrient reserves for a long term and to produce hormones.

Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy helping to work our muscles.

Food pyramid: Food pyramid is a very flexible practical nutrition guide which everybody can rely on.

Food pyramid:

Food pyramid is a very flexible practical nutrition guide which everybody can rely on.

American food: As American as apple pie At the same time, pupils in the states like to think of some kinds of food as especially American. They like to think of «Mom» as the best cook in the world, even if their own mother never  did much cooking.

American food:

As American as apple pie

At the same time, pupils in the states like to think of some kinds of food as especially American. They like to think of «Mom» as

the best cook in the world, even if their own mother never

did much cooking.

American food: An enormous fast- food industry gives hungry Americans the snacks they want when they want them. Best known, perhaps, is the McDonalds hamburger business.

American food:

  • An enormous fast- food industry gives hungry Americans the snacks they want when they want them. Best known, perhaps, is the McDonalds hamburger business.
British food: English breakfast Typical English breakfast is a bacon and eggs, sausages, mushrooms, baked beans and tea and toasts .  Lunch Popular lunches are: a salad or a sandwich; a baked potato; beans or toasts.

British food:

English breakfast

Typical English breakfast is a bacon and eggs, sausages, mushrooms, baked beans and tea and toasts .


Popular lunches are: a salad or a sandwich; a baked potato; beans or toasts.

British food: Dinner Dinner is usually the main meal of the day and consists of two courses – meat or fish and vegetables followed by a dessert or pudding. 60% of  British homes use a microwave oven for cooking. Afternoon tea, high tea  Afternoon tea is a small meal, not a drink.

British food:


Dinner is usually the main meal of the day and consists of two courses – meat or fish and vegetables followed by a

dessert or pudding. 60% of

British homes use a microwave

oven for cooking.

Afternoon tea, high tea

Afternoon tea is a small meal, not a drink.

Experimental part   1.Working with the scientific literature and Internet resources.   After reviewing the literature, I learned that for the normal development of the students proteins, fats and carbohydrates are necessary in the following amounts(everyday): Substances Energy, kcal 7-10 years Protein, g 11-13, boys 2350 11-13, girls Fat, g 2750 77 Carbohydrates, g 90 14-17, boys 2500 79 82 3000 14-17, girls 92 335 98 2600 390 84 100 90 355 425 90 360

Experimental part

  • 1.Working with the scientific literature and Internet resources.  
  • After reviewing the literature, I learned that for the normal development of the students proteins, fats and carbohydrates are necessary in the following amounts(everyday):


Energy, kcal

7-10 years

Protein, g

11-13, boys


11-13, girls

Fat, g



Carbohydrates, g


14-17, boys





14-17, girls













Experimental part 2. I applied practices. I conducted a study of students in grades 9-11. And with the Quetelet index revealed overweight and underweight. Body mass index is calculated as: Body Mass Index 16 and less Conformity between the mass of the person and his growth 6—18.5  Severe underweight Lack (deficiency) of body weight 18.5—25  25—30  Norm 30—35  Overweight (pre-obese) 35—40  Obesity is the first degree Obesity is the second degree  40 and more Obesity third degree (morbid)

Experimental part

2. I applied practices.

I conducted a study of students in grades 9-11. And with the Quetelet index revealed overweight and underweight. Body mass index is calculated as:

Body Mass Index

16 and less

Conformity between the mass of the person and his growth


Severe underweight

Lack (deficiency) of body weight





Overweight (pre-obese)


Obesity is the first degree

Obesity is the second degree

40 and more

Obesity third degree (morbid)

Results of the study: Applying the Quetelet’s formula, I found out. Body mass index in the 9th forms Category 9 th forms All the students of 9 th forms. 90 % Underweight 8 Normal weight 100 9 Overweight (pre-obese) 78 3 87 4 Body mass index of 10 th forms  Category All the students of 10 th  forms . 10 th forms . % Underweight 60 Normal weight 100 10 Overweight 17 47 3 78 5

Results of the study:

  • Applying the Quetelet’s formula, I found out.

Body mass index in the 9th forms


9 th forms

All the students of 9 th forms.





Normal weight



Overweight (pre-obese)





Body mass index of 10 th forms


All the students of 10 th forms .

10 th forms .




Normal weight









Results of the study: Body mass index of 11 th  forms Category 11 th forms . All the students of 11 th  forms. 60 % Underweight 15 Normal weight 100 25 Overweight (pre-obese) 39 6 65 10 This is pre-obese, BMI 25-30. Underweight in 33 persons including 23 girls and 10 boys. BMI these guys a little less than 17. No signs of anorexia. My recommendation is eat 3 well-balanced meals and 3 or 4 snacks per day.

Results of the study:

Body mass index of 11 th forms


11 th forms .

All the students of 11 th forms.





Normal weight



Overweight (pre-obese)





This is pre-obese, BMI 25-30. Underweight in 33 persons including 23 girls and 10 boys. BMI these guys a little less than 17. No signs of anorexia. My recommendation is eat 3 well-balanced meals and 3 or 4 snacks per day.

Experimental part 3. I interviewed the students of the 9, 10 and 11form to find out their attitude to the right food. Questionnaire 1. How often do you eat during the day? a) three times b) twice c) once. 2. Do you have breakfast? a) every morning b) one or two times a week c) is very rare. 3.What does your breakfast consist of? a) of oatmeal and some drink b) from fried foods c) only one drink 4. Do you have a snack between breakfast, lunch and dinner? a) never b) one or two times c) three times or more. 5. How often do you eat fresh fruits and vegetables, salads? a) three times a day b) three or four times a week c) one time.6. 6. How often do you eat cakes with cream, chocolate? a) once a week, and b) from 1 to 4 times a week, and c) almost every day.

Experimental part

3. I interviewed the students of the 9, 10 and 11form to find out their attitude to the right food.


1. How often do you eat during the day?

a) three times b) twice c) once.

2. Do you have breakfast?

a) every morning b) one or two times a week c) is very rare.

3.What does your breakfast consist of?

a) of oatmeal and some drink b) from fried foods c) only one drink

4. Do you have a snack between breakfast, lunch and dinner?

a) never b) one or two times c) three times or more.

5. How often do you eat fresh fruits and vegetables, salads?

a) three times a day b) three or four times a week c) one time.6.

6. How often do you eat cakes with cream, chocolate?

a) once a week, and b) from 1 to 4 times a week, and c) almost every day.

Experimental part 7.Do you like bread and sausage? a) almost touching so sandwiches b) sometimes with tea c) very much and spoil myself almost every day. 8. How many times a week do you eat fish? a) two or three times or more b) once c) one time and less. 9.How often do you eat bread products? a) once a day b) two times a day c) three or more times. 10. How many cups of tea or coffee do you drink during a day? a) one or two b) three to five c) six or more. Answer a - 2 points, b - 1, - 0. 18 to 20 points. You have a great table. No cause for concern. 15-18 points. You are able to find a middle ground in the choice of dishes. 11-15 points. Reconsider your attitude to food. 0-11 points. The way you eat, very badly! Moreover, there are serious risks to your health.

Experimental part

  • 7.Do you like bread and sausage?
  • a) almost touching so sandwiches b) sometimes with tea c) very much and spoil myself almost every day.
  • 8. How many times a week do you eat fish?
  • a) two or three times or more b) once c) one time and less.
  • 9.How often do you eat bread products?
  • a) once a day b) two times a day c) three or more times.
  • 10. How many cups of tea or coffee do you drink during a day?
  • a) one or two b) three to five c) six or more.
  • Answer a - 2 points, b - 1, - 0.
  • 18 to 20 points. You have a great table. No cause for concern.
  • 15-18 points. You are able to find a middle ground in the choice of dishes.
  • 11-15 points. Reconsider your attitude to food.
  • 0-11 points. The way you eat, very badly! Moreover, there are serious risks to your health.
Test Result: 9 th forms % children 0-11 points 32,9 11-15 points 15-18 points 20,1 31,2 18-20 points 15,8 10 th forms 0-11 points % children 11-15 points 25,90 42,60 15-18 points 18-20 points 19,10 12,40

Test Result:

9 th forms

% children

0-11 points


11-15 points

15-18 points



18-20 points


10 th forms

0-11 points

% children

11-15 points



15-18 points

18-20 points



Test Result: 11th forms 0-11 points % children 11-15 points 15,4 15-18 points 45,6 20,1 18-20 points 18,9 After some investigation and the results which I have, I learned that most of the children have probably the wrong idea about how to eat to be healthy.

Test Result:

11th forms

0-11 points

% children

11-15 points


15-18 points



18-20 points


After some investigation and the results which I have, I learned that most of the children have probably the wrong idea about how to eat to be healthy.



"To prolong life, reduce the diet."

Benjamin Franklin

After studying literature and online resources, I realize that our eating habits affect our feel during the day. Food is a form of fuel. It gives us energy, helps us to grow, resist disease and form strong teeth and bones. No single food can take care of all body’s needs. Different foods do different things for the body.

There are some many kinds of food – fast food, snacks, junk food – that it may be difficult to follow a healthy diet. Fresh food and vegetables are important for a healthy diet. There are certain sayings about foods from long ago. “Fish is brain food”, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away
  • There are some many kinds of food – fast food, snacks, junk food – that it may be difficult to follow a healthy diet. Fresh food and vegetables are important for a healthy diet. There are certain sayings about foods from long ago. “Fish is brain food”, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away", "A man is what he eats”.
Recommendations:      1. The food should be varied.  2.Eat smaller portions.  3.Concentrate on your food. 4.Drink a lot of water-at least 1.5 liters. 5. Have healthy snacks. 6.Don’t eat after 7 p.m. Have your last meal at least 2 hours before you go to bed.



1. The food should be varied.

2.Eat smaller portions.

3.Concentrate on your food.

4.Drink a lot of water-at least 1.5 liters.

5. Have healthy snacks.

6.Don’t eat after 7 p.m.

Have your last meal at least 2 hours before you go to bed.

References: 1) Paul C. Bragg. Formula perfection. TAP


  • 1) Paul C. Bragg. Formula perfection. TAP "Ceres" 1993 -384 pages.
  • 2) V.V Wolves' Medicine of immortality, and 280 years of earthly life. "SPb.: Sphinx ASS Valerie SPD, 2002. -280 pages.
  • 3) The health and clinical nutrition: V. Vorobiev - Moscow, Medicine, 2002 - 448 pages
  • 4) Physiology of growth and development of children and adolescents (theoretical and clinical issues). Volume 1: Edited by A. Baranov, LA Scheplyaginoy - Moscow, GEOTAR Media, 2006 - 416 pages.
  • 5) Sanitation and hygiene supplies: EV Zhuravkov, TV Shlenskaya - St. Petersburg, Colossus, 2004 – 184pages
  • 6) The policy of healthy eating: Federal and regional levels: Pokrovsky VI, Romanenko, GA, VA Knyazhev etc. - Moscow, Siberian University Press, 2002 - 344 pages.
Thank You!

Thank You!


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