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Проблемы молодежи

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«Проблемы молодежи»

Youth problems  Created by: MAGAMEDOVA F.A.,  Kurah, №1 .

Youth problems

Created by: MAGAMEDOVA F.A.,

Kurah, №1 .

  The aim: study and analyze the main problems among youth.      Objectives: improving the knowledge and skills  acquired in the foreign language lessons;  expanding worldview of students, the  development of creative abilities;  foster in young an active position in life, the preservation and promotion of health.

The aim: study and analyze the main problems among youth.  

  • Objectives: improving the knowledge and skills

acquired in the foreign language lessons;

expanding worldview of students, the

development of creative abilities;

foster in young an active position in life, the preservation and promotion of health.

Actuality:  the need to develop a set of  measures to create a political and legal culture of youth; organization of leisure of youth.  


the need to develop a set of

measures to create a political and legal culture of youth; organization of leisure of youth.


 Stages of work:   preliminary work-reports of students;  creating a wall newspaper;  testing among young people;  disclosure of the contents- the story of the teacher;  acquainted with the reports; independent work of students;  assessment of students.

Stages of work:

  • preliminary work-reports of students;
  • creating a wall newspaper;
  • testing among young people;
  • disclosure of the contents- the story of the teacher;
  • acquainted with the reports;
  • independent work of students;
  • assessment of students.

 Resources: the interactive whiteboard; Internet.  Type of work: extracurricular activity.

Resources: the interactive whiteboard; Internet.

Type of work: extracurricular activity.

Anonymous questionnaire №1  -Your age.  -Your interests.  -Purpose in life.  -What is the problems you have there?  -What problem is the most important for you at  this moment ?  -Your suggestions for its solution.

Anonymous questionnaire №1

  • -Your age. -Your interests. -Purpose in life. -What is the problems you have there?

-What problem is the most important for you at

this moment ? -Your suggestions for its solution.

Anonymous questionnaire № 2 Whom do you live with? How much time do you spend with your family? Would understand the adults to you? Do you discuss your problems with someone else in the family? Whom would you like to discuss your problems  with?

Anonymous questionnaire № 2

  • Whom do you live with?
  • How much time do you spend with your family?
  • Would understand the adults to you?
  • Do you discuss your problems with someone else in the family?
  • Whom would you like to discuss your problems


Youth problems find the good friend  problems in a family  difficulties at school  to get an education  first love  alcohol  drugs  cigarettes

Youth problems

  • find the good friend
  • problems in a family
  • difficulties at school
  • to get an education
  • first love
  • alcohol
  • drugs
  • cigarettes

To get an education  P1: One of the actual youth problems is difficult to get an education. A lot of young people think that education is inaccessible because of lack of money. They would like to get a high education, but it could be very difficult to enter the university or very expensive.  

To get an education

P1: One of the actual youth problems is difficult to get an education. A lot of young people think that education is inaccessible because of lack of money. They would like to get a high education, but it could be very difficult to enter the university or very expensive.


Problems in a family P2: Nowadays we are often told that young generation is absolutely impolite and disorganized. As for me, I partially agree with this opinion as there are various facts that support it. To begin with, teenagers are reluctant to listen to their parents` advices because teens are absolutely convinced that they are always right and consequently do not need any help. They feel like looking independent and confident but, of course, in fact they can neither live on their own nor manage with all difficulties themselves. Moreover, teenagers are often very selfish and self-absorbed. They think, they are much better than other people. They do not understand that the way you treat people - you will be treated by them. In addition, I strongly believe that teenagers` behavior is influenced by mass media. Today most of young people have TV-sets as well as computers with permanent Internet connection in their bedrooms. Therefore, despite the fact that a lot of TV programs are inappropriate for teens they watch them because few parents actually check up what their children watch. So, programs containing offensive language, scenes of violence and loud screeches influence teens badly. It is really difficult for children to determine the difference between the reality and the fantasy. Hence, they start imitating the violent behavior they see in their favorite programs.  In conclusion, I firmly believe that a lot depends on parents and the way a child is bringing up. If a teenager has the common sense, then he or she will be able to solve any problem and improve his  or her behavior.  

Problems in a family

  • P2: Nowadays we are often told that young generation is absolutely impolite and disorganized. As for me, I partially agree with this opinion as there are various facts that support it. To begin with, teenagers are reluctant to listen to their parents` advices because teens are absolutely convinced that they are always right and consequently do not need any help. They feel like looking independent and confident but, of course, in fact they can neither live on their own nor manage with all difficulties themselves. Moreover, teenagers are often very selfish and self-absorbed. They think, they are much better than other people. They do not understand that the way you treat people - you will be treated by them. In addition, I strongly believe that teenagers` behavior is influenced by mass media. Today most of young people have TV-sets as well as computers with permanent Internet connection in their bedrooms. Therefore, despite the fact that a lot of TV programs are inappropriate for teens they watch them because few parents actually check up what their children watch. So, programs containing offensive language, scenes of violence and loud screeches influence teens badly. It is really difficult for children to determine the difference between the reality and the fantasy. Hence, they start imitating the violent behavior they see in their favorite programs. In conclusion, I firmly believe that a lot depends on parents and the way a child is bringing up. If a teenager has the common sense, then he or she will be able to solve any problem and improve his

or her behavior.


Problems in a family P3: One of the most important problems is the problem of fathers and sons. We usually want to be independent and show this to our parents. And this is kind of depressing when our parents try to control everything we do. Our parents usually don’t understand the clothes that we wear and the music that we listen to. We have different tastes. They often treat us like small children. And this is rather difficult to start listening to each other and understanding each other. Some teens even begin drinking alcohol or smoking. You must have to be a grown-up inside and a cigarette or a bottle of beer won’t help here. This won’t help you look cool. These bad habits cause health  problems in future.

Problems in a family

  • P3: One of the most important problems is the problem of fathers and sons. We usually want to be independent and show this to our parents. And this is kind of depressing when our parents try to control everything we do. Our parents usually don’t understand the clothes that we wear and the music that we listen to. We have different tastes. They often treat us like small children. And this is rather difficult to start listening to each other and understanding each other. Some teens even begin drinking alcohol or smoking. You must have to be a grown-up inside and a cigarette or a bottle of beer won’t help here. This won’t help you look cool. These bad habits cause health

problems in future.

The problem of free time P4: The problem of free time is also very important. Where to go, what to do in free time? Every teen must find a hobby or just go in sports. Not just wander in the street without an aim. We must not forget that it’s good to go to museums, theatres, cinemas and parks  even if it is not popular.

The problem of free time

  • P4: The problem of free time is also very important. Where to go, what to do in free time? Every teen must find a hobby or just go in sports. Not just wander in the street without an aim. We must not forget that it’s good to go to museums, theatres, cinemas and parks

even if it is not popular.

Unemployment P5: Unemployment is another great problem among youth. Difficulty which young people face is to find a good job after graduation. It is hard to find a well paid job, you must have connections everywhere. Young people are discriminated against when they seek a job, for they are inexperienced. It is also hard to find a job according to your qualifications; good jobs are hard to come by.  Problem of unemployment leads to material problems. Young people have to pay for everything, they have needs, they have to pay their bills and etc., but they don't have enough money. Almost all of young people face to shortage of money.  


  • P5: Unemployment is another great problem among youth. Difficulty which young people face is to find a good job after graduation. It is hard to find a well paid job, you must have connections everywhere. Young people are discriminated against when they seek a job, for they are inexperienced. It is also hard to find a job according to your qualifications; good jobs are hard to come by.

Problem of unemployment leads to material problems. Young people have to pay for everything, they have needs, they have to pay their bills and etc., but they don't have enough money. Almost all of young people face to shortage of money.


Alcoholism and drug-addiction P6: Alcoholism and drug-addiction is the most important problem. It is becoming more and more dangerous. Millions of young people today are using drugs. Usually they want just to try it, starting with light drugs like marijuana. Then they can’t stop and after year may be two years they will die. Drug-addiction is a disease. Drugs and alcohol consumption can destroy individual’s life. Another problem is alcoholism. The reason, some people suppose, is that vodka, beer, wine are easily available and inexpensive. Early alcoholism is caused by beer-addiction. Also problem is bad habits such as smoking especially among adolescents.

Alcoholism and drug-addiction

  • P6: Alcoholism and drug-addiction is the most important problem. It is becoming more and more dangerous. Millions of young people today are using drugs. Usually they want just to try it, starting with light drugs like marijuana. Then they can’t stop and after year may be two years they will die. Drug-addiction is a disease. Drugs and alcohol consumption can destroy individual’s life. Another problem is alcoholism. The reason, some people suppose, is that vodka, beer, wine are easily available and inexpensive. Early alcoholism is caused by beer-addiction. Also problem is bad habits such as smoking especially among adolescents.

The problem of love P7: The problem of love is very important for young people. Today they fall in love when they reach the age of Romeo and Juliet. Romanticism and idealism very often accompany the love of the young. They can love deeply and passionately, they believe that their love will last forever. Unfortunately, often their hearts are broken. Young people are not always ready to have stable relations. In many cases they are too young and inexperienced to begin a family life. They have to continue their education, while family obligations will force them to make money. At the same time without good education it is not easy to find a good job.

The problem of love

  • P7: The problem of love is very important for young people. Today they fall in love when they reach the age of Romeo and Juliet. Romanticism and idealism very often accompany the love of the young. They can love deeply and passionately, they believe that their love will last forever. Unfortunately, often their hearts are broken. Young people are not always ready to have stable relations. In many cases they are too young and inexperienced to begin a family life. They have to continue their education, while family obligations will force them to make money. At the same time without good education it is not easy to find a good job.

Friendship   P8: For me, the most important and difficult problem is that of friendship. Firstly, in spite of the fact I have some conflicts with my parents, I have always known they love me, and I love them, too, and will always do my best to help them and make them happy. Friends are people whose trust and affection you have to win; friendship is art for me. Secondly, my friends normally are my peers, we have common interests, likes and dislikes, so having friends is of utter importance to me. As to dating and love, I don't think much about it yet. I think I have to solve the problems which seem most important to me at the moment, which is choosing the career and entering the university  I have chosen.


  •   P8: For me, the most important and difficult problem is that of friendship. Firstly, in spite of the fact I have some conflicts with my parents, I have always known they love me, and I love them, too, and will always do my best to help them and make them happy. Friends are people whose trust and affection you have to win; friendship is art for me. Secondly, my friends normally are my peers, we have common interests, likes and dislikes, so having friends is of utter importance to me. As to dating and love, I don't think much about it yet. I think I have to solve the problems which seem most important to me at the moment, which is choosing the career and entering the university

I have chosen.

Choosing a career P9: Probably the most vital problem is choosing a career, which is really difficult. One thing that makes it so difficult is the responsibility you have to take on — it is widely known that your future life depends on the choice made early in life when your personal experience is not so great. Sometimes you may even be not quite certain about the field of knowledge you are interested in. The second reason is that to make this choice you have to get some idea of the labor market and job opportunities. Third, there are parents who usually have their own idea of your future career and, in many cases, try to make their child choose the career path they prefer.

Choosing a career

  • P9: Probably the most vital problem is choosing a career, which is really difficult. One thing that makes it so difficult is the responsibility you have to take on — it is widely known that your future life depends on the choice made early in life when your personal experience is not so great. Sometimes you may even be not quite certain about the field of knowledge you are interested in. The second reason is that to make this choice you have to get some idea of the labor market and job opportunities. Third, there are parents who usually have their own idea of your future career and, in many cases, try to make their child choose the career path they prefer.

Cigarettes T .:  It is worth noting the problem of cigarettes. Tobacco is the second leading cause of death in the world. Currently tobacco results in the death of one in ten adults’ worldwide (about 5 million deaths each year) when current trends in smoking by 2020 tobacco will result in an annual 10 million deaths. Half the people that smoke today (about 650 million people) eventually be killed by tobacco. Tobacco is the fourth most common risk factor for disease worldwide, including cardiovascular disease and stroke, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases. In areas with a high prevalence of tuberculosis, smokers are at greater risk deaths from the disease than non-  smokers.


  • T .: It is worth noting the problem of cigarettes. Tobacco is the second leading cause of death in the world. Currently tobacco results in the death of one in ten adults’ worldwide (about 5 million deaths each year) when current trends in smoking by 2020 tobacco will result in an annual 10 million deaths. Half the people that smoke today (about 650 million people) eventually be killed by tobacco. Tobacco is the fourth most common risk factor for disease worldwide, including cardiovascular disease and stroke, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases. In areas with a high prevalence of tuberculosis, smokers are at greater risk deaths from the disease than non-


How can we help our youth?

How can we help our youth?

Can offer the following solutions: - We must try to understand and accept some valid things of youth lifestyle. After all, much of this is only temporary. Very important in the lives of young people, for example, lifestyle, piercings, tattoos, relationships with friends and teachers.

Can offer the following solutions:

  • - We must try to understand and accept some valid things of youth lifestyle. After all, much of this is only temporary. Very important in the lives of young people, for example, lifestyle, piercings, tattoos, relationships with friends and teachers.

Can offer the following solutions: - Some people don’t want to understand modern views, ideals and our system of values. They say that teenagers are cruel, brutal, heartless and rude. Yes, today new generation «plays» with smoking, drugs and alcohol, but this doesn’t mean that all teens are really bad! On the other hand, today many elderly people look at the world with new eyes. Moreover, they try to understand teenagers’ problems and solve them. This is very good.

Can offer the following solutions:

  • - Some people don’t want to understand modern views, ideals and our system of values. They say that teenagers are cruel, brutal, heartless and rude. Yes, today new generation «plays» with smoking, drugs and alcohol, but this doesn’t mean that all teens are really bad! On the other hand, today many elderly people look at the world with new eyes. Moreover, they try to understand teenagers’ problems and solve them. This is very good.

Wall newspaper

Wall newspaper

Thank you all for your attention! To sum it up, nowadays everyone has a different view on teen’s life. But, in fact, we should simply learn to understand each other. I’d like to say that all the problems which faced teens are solvable. You needn't be afraid of asking for someone's’ help. I’m  sure nobody rejects you. Understand that your children want to be understood, the right and just want to take them into account. They want to be adults - so help them ...

Thank you all for your attention!

  • To sum it up, nowadays everyone has a different view on teen’s life. But, in fact, we should simply learn to understand each other. I’d like to say that all the problems which faced teens are solvable. You needn't be afraid of asking for someone's’ help. I’m

sure nobody rejects you. Understand that your children want to be understood, the right and just want to take them into account. They want to be adults - so help them ...




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