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Путешествие! Закрепление пройденного материала!

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«Путешествие! Закрепление пройденного материала!»


1. Read the text and translate using new words below the text



Modern life is impossible without travelling. True, we often get tired of the same surroundings and daily routine. That's why sometimes we have to restore our mental and physical resources.

The best place of relaxation is one where you have never been before. To understand how true it is you should go to a railway station, a sea or a river port or an airport. There you are most likely to see hundreds of people hurrying to board a train, a ship or a plane.

So, it would be better to book tickets in advance. All you have to do is to ring up the airport or the railway station booking office and they will send your ticket to your place. On the eve of your departure you should pack your things in a suitcase. When the day of your departure comes you call a taxi and go to the airport or the railway station.

Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see the country you are travelling through and enjoy the beautiful nature. There is no doubt it's much more convenient to travel by an express train, because it does not stop at small stations and it takes you less time to get to your destination.

But if you are in a hurry and want to save your time you'd better travel by plane, because it is the fastest way of travelling.

Some people prefer to travel by ship when possible. A sea voyage is very enjoyable, indeed. But to my mind best way of travelling is by car, because you don't have to buy a ticket, you can stop wherever you wish, where there is something interesting to see.

But if you become home - sick and feel like returning home you realize that "East or West -- home is best"


       WORD LIST:

1.      suitcase — чемодан

2.      departure — отъезд, отправление

3.      to become home -sick- скучать по дому

4.      to feel like returning home—хотеть вернуться домой

5.      to be in a hurry — спешить, торопиться

6.      surroundings — окрестности, среда

7.      routine — определенный режим, заведенный порядок, рутина

8.      relaxation— отдых от работы, передышка

9.      to restore — восстанавливать, возмещать, возрождать

10.  railway station—ж.д. вокзал

11.  to board a train (ship, etc.)- сесть на поезд

12.  in advance — заблаговременно

13.  advantages — преимущества

14.  on the eve — накануне

15.  to pack —укладывать вещи, паковаться



2. Answer the questions:

1. What means of travel do you know?

2. Why are many people fond of travelling?

3.  Do you like travelling by train? What makes you like or dislike it?

4.  What are the advantages of travelling by train?

5. How many days in advance do you book your train tickets?

6.      What trains are the most convenient for traveling over long distances?

7.      Have you ever travelled by plane?

8.      What are in your opinion the most enjoyable means of travel?

9.      What ways of travelling are the most comfortable for people?

10.  Have you ever travelled by ship?

3. Translate into Russian:

Tickets; by plane; impossible; daily routine; advantages; on the eve; the most comfortable; to book; to be fond of; to board a train; to be in a hurry; enjoyable; to become home-sick.

4. Match each word in the left - hand column with the best meaning in the

right - hand column:

1. sea voyage

1.  portable flat    sided case for clothes

2.      a crew

2.   a rather long journey, especially by water

3.  railway

3.       a journey, an exclusion; a brief one, made by land

4. tour

4.       road or track laid by rails on which trains run

5. suitcase

5.       all the persons working on a ship, plain, train, etc

 5.Translate into English:

Современная жизнь невозможна без путешествий; экономить время и деньги: ;сесть на поезд; скучать но дому; это занимает у вас меньше времени; накануне отправления; некоторые люди предпочитают путешествовать;  преимущества; это самый быстрый способ путешествовать.

6. Tell about travelling in your life.

7. Write the composition about your last travelling.



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