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Путешествие в страну Английского языка

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Данная разработка представляет собой внеклассное развивающее мероприятие по английскому языку для обучающихся 4-5 классов

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«Путешествие в страну Английского языка»

Путешествие в страну Английского языка

(внеклассное мероприятие для 4-5 классов)

Баришполец Лариса Дмитриевна, учитель английского языка

МБОУ СОШ №38 г.Шахты Ростовской области

Дети на сцене поют песню на мелодию "Happy birthday"

Good morning to you!

Good morning to you!

Good morning, dear friends!

We are glad to see you.

Marry Poppins. Good morning, children! Did you recognize me, I am Marry Poppins. I am very glad to see our friends, our guests! My friends and me are sure you know and like English very much. Do you like to travel? As for us we like to travel very much. Let,s travel together! Let,s visit an unusual country, its name is English-land. But in what way will we travel?

Подходит к карте Британских островов

Look at the map, please. Англия находится на Британских островах. Как мы доберемся до нее? We have no ship, we have no train, we have no plane. Oh, I know. I have magic umbrella. Here it is( Берет черный зонт) I need a painter. Have you a painter?

Выходит художник

Marry Poppins. Painter, help me, please! Colour my umbrella, make it many- coloured.

Painter. All right. I,ll help you. (Уходит и приносит цветной зонтик. Раскрывает его.) Чтобы у зонтика появилась волшебная сила, надо правильно называть цвета. What colour is this?

Children. Its red.

Marry Poppins. Right! What colour is it?

Children. Its blue (yellow, green...)

Marry Poppins. Thank you, painter! Thank you, children! Now, lets begin our journey. But do you know how to greet the people we,ll meet?

Children. Good morning. Hello! How do you do? Glad to see you!

Marry Poppins. Well, I see, you know how to greet. So, lets go on travelling. Close your eyes. (Мэри возвращает зонтик). One, two, three. Fly, umbrella, with the children and me. Lets sing the song "Brother John"!

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping,

Brother John, Brother John?

Morning bells are ringing,

Morning bells are ringing,

Ding, ding, dong!

Marry Poppins. Мы остановились на острове загадок. Чтобы продолжить наш путь, надо отгадать несколько загадок.

Listen to them attentively.

Pupil 1. I am green. I can jump. I can swim. I cannot fly. I cannot walk. I live in water. What am I? (A frog)

People 2.I am orange. I live in the forest. I can walk, run and jump. I cannot fly. I cannot swim. I like hares. What am I? (a fox)

People 3. I am grey. I can run. I cannot fly. I cannot swim. I live in the house. What am I? (a mouse)

People 4. I am brown. I can walk, run, jump and climb. I cannot fly I live in Africa. What am I? (a monkey)

Marry Poppins. Good! Well done!

Lets continue your journey. Go to sleep. One, Two Three. Wake up, children! Now we are in "The town of masters".

Children, what professions, connected with English language, do you

what professions, connected with English language, do you

Children, what professions, connected with English language, do you know?

Children. A driver, a chemist, a pilot, a stewardess, a teacher, a seller, a singer, an actor, a

translator, a businessman, a doctor.

Выходят ребята, на груди у них эмблемы профессий.

Выходят Ребята, на груди у них эмблемы профессий

Pupil 1. Good day. I am a taxist. One day I had an unusual passenger, one American tourist, she wanted to get to the airport. She didn’t speak Russian at all, only English. But I know English, I understood her. It’s necessary to know foreign languages, do you agree with me?

Children. Yes, I have a cat.

I have a dog.

I have a parrot.

Pupil.6. Lots of families in Britain have got one or more pets. Dogs are the favorite pets and there are about 6 millions of them in Great Britain. The second favourite are cats (about 5 millions). There are more than 12 millions pets in Britain. The English take good care of their pets. They give them nice names.

Rover, Rex, Misty, Cindy (for dogs);

Snowy, Fluffy, Tom (for cats);

Polly, Chatterbox (for parrots;

Shipley, Shirley(for monkeys).

The English are pet lovers.

“I like dogs”/

Читает стихотворение" I like dogs"

I like dogs, all dogs,

Big dogs and small dogs,

Black dogs and white dogs,

But I like best,

As you can see,

The dog who likes

To play with me.

Marry Poppins. Good. How clever you are! Children, our journey approached to its finish. Now , I want to

ask you such question. How do you imagine Englishmen? What are they?

Children. Hardworking, polite, people of principle, snobs.

Появляются силуэты Лондона

Marry Poppins: Children, look, what city is it? What sightseeings do you know there?

Children. Big Ben, Tower, Westminster Abbey.

Mary Poppins. Right you are. Let’s ask the Englishman to tell us about London.

Pupil 8. With great pleasure. London is the capital of Great Britain . It is a very old city. It is

2 Thousand years old. London is not only the capital of the country, it is also a huge port.

London is situated upon both banks of the Thames. There are 17 bridges above the river.

London has got three main parts: The city, the West End and the East End. The City is full of

banks, offices and firms. The East End of London is the district of working people. There are

factories, docks there. The West End is the cultural heart of London. There are museums,

galleries, theatres there.

Now, look at the pictures. (Появляются картины с достопримечательностями Лондона) This is Big Ben – the biggest clock bell in Britain.

Westminster Abbey – many great Englishmen were buried here: Newton, Byron, Darwin.

The official London residence of the Queen is Buckingham Palace. This is Famous Trafalgar Square.

Mary Poppins. Thank you very much. So, children, I think, you know London now. During our journey we have learned about the professions, connected with English language, о традиционных английских блюдах, о домашних животных, которых любят англичане, мы узнали английские известные пословицы, и все это благодаря волшебнику- английскому языку.

Все участники говорят: If you know English:

Pupil 1.You can read the papers, magazines, original books, written by great writers.

Pupil 2. You can watch satellite TV programmes.

Pupil 3. Travel in the different parts of the world.

Pupil 4.English is the necessary while looking for a good job.

Pupil 5.Speaking English you will have no problems looking for a room or a meal anywhere in the world.

Pupil 6.You will talk and make friends with people from different countries.

Pupil 8.Study English, English is a very beautiful language!

“The More We Are Together”

Все поют песенку: "The more we are together"

The more we are together

Sing with us.

Together, together,

The more we are together,

The happier we are.

For your friend is my friend,

And my friend is your friend.

The more we are together,

The happier we are.


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