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Раздаточный материал по теме "Профессия дорожного рабочего"

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Раздаточный материал для работы над темой "Моя будущая профессия" для студентов 3 курса ГБПОУ СО "ТПК" специальности 08.02.05 "Строительство и эксплуатация автомобильных дорог и автодромов"

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«Раздаточный материал по теме "Профессия дорожного рабочего"»


Job profiles

Road worker in the UK

  • Hours: 37 per week

  • Starting salary: £12,000 + per year

As a road worker or highways operative, you would help build and repair roads and motorways. You might also excavate trenches, lay drains, kerbs and pipes, and paint road markings.

If you are physically fit, and would like a practical job working outside, this could suit you.

In this job you would need to be able to follow instructions closely and work well in a team. You may have to be available to work evenings and weekends.

There aren't any specific entry requirements to get into this job, although some employers may want you to have some experience in construction, for example as a labourer. A college course in construction could help you to get some of the skills needed for this job. You may also be able to get into this job through an Apprenticeship scheme.

Exercise 1

Match the following words and translations, write

to be available to work evenings and weekends

рыть траншеи

to have some experience in construction

строго следовать указаниям

to get into this job

ремонтировать дороги и автомагистрали

to excavate trenches

уметь работать в команде

to repair roads and motorways

это вам подойдёт

to follow instructions closely

быть готовым работать в выходные и праздничные дни

to be physically fit

практический опыт работы на улице (вне помещения)

this could suit you

иметь опыт работы в строительстве

to work well in a team

быть в хорошей физической форме

to paint road markings

получить эту работу

a practical job working outside

наносить дорожную разметку

Exercise 2

Say in English, using the words from the text

  1. Я хочу получить эту работу.

  2. У меня есть опыт работы в строительстве.

  3. В хорошей ли он физической форме?

  4. Они не готовы работать в выходные и праздничные дни.

  5. У меня есть опыт в нанесении дорожной разметки.

  6. Эта работа мне не подходит.

  7. У нас есть практический опыт работы на улице.

  8. Меня не устраивает такая начальная з/плата.

Work activities

As a road worker, your typical duties could include:

  • road building, widening and re-surfacing

  • repairing potholes and cracks

  • laying pavements and kerbs

  • maintaining roadside verges and central reservations

  • painting road markings

  • putting up crash barriers, road signs, traffic lights and street lamps

  • digging access trenches for cable and pipe laying

  • gritting roads and clearing snow in winter.

You would do some of the work by hand, using picks and shovels. For heavier jobs, you would operate power tools and plant machinery, for example pneumatic drills, 360-degree excavators and road rollers.

Working safely is very important, and you would be responsible for setting up warning signs and cones, as well as managing traffic and pedestrians close to the work site.

Working hours and conditions

You would normally work around 37 hours a week, often starting early. You may have to work overtime, including evenings, nights and weekends, in order to minimise disruption to traffic.

You would work in all weather conditions and the work is noisy, dirty and physically tough. Your employer would provide you with ear protectors, and safety boots.

You could be travelling from site to site, which may involve overnight stays away from home.

Exercise 3

Match the following words and translations, write




повторная укладка покрытия

repairing potholes and cracks

в любую погоду

roadside verges


road building

дорожное движение

painting road markings

посыпать дороги песком

to clear snow in winter

нанесение дорожной разметки

to work overtime,

обувь с защитными вставками

to paint road marking

чистить снег зимой

to grit roads

работать сверхурочно

safety boots

наносить дорожную разметку

ear protectors

ремонт выбоин и трещин

in all weather conditions

обочины дорог (дорожные насыпи)

hard hat (helmet)

дорожное строительство



Exercise 4

Make up sentences, translate

  1. When he (to do) some of the work by hand, he (to use) picks and shovels.

  2. He (to be) responsible for setting up warning signs and cones.

  3. Today our task (to be) digging access trenches for cable and pipe laying.

  4. We (to be) repairing potholes and cracks.

  5. Working safely (to be) very important.

  6. He (not) operate plant machinery.

  7. His working day (to start) early.

Exercise 5

Choose the correct form of the verb to be (am, is, are), translate:

  1. Working safely … very important.

  2. Pneumatic drill … a power tool.

  3. The work on the road … noisy.

  4. 360-degree excavators and road rollers

  5. Plant machinery … 360-degree excavators and road rollers.

Exercise 6

Say in English, using the words from the text

Все дорожные работы должны быть безопасны.

Дорожный рабочий отвечает за установку предупреждающих знаков и конусов.

Дорожный рабочий регулирует движение автомобилей и перемещение пешеходов рядом с местом работ.

Дорожные работы ведутся в любую погоду.

Это очень шумная и грязная работа.

У вас должны быть беруши, каска и обувь с защитными вставками.


Starting salaries can be between £12,000 and £15,000 a year. With experience, this can rise to between £17,000 and £20,000. Road workers with supervisory duties can earn up to £24,000 a year.

Overtime and shiftwork can increase these amounts.

Figures are intended as a guideline only.

Entry requirements

You do not need formal qualifications to be a road worker, but employers may want you to have some on-site experience. If you have not worked in construction before, you could get this experience by finding work as a construction operative (labourer). Once you are working, your employer may be willing to offer you further training to progress.

You could get into this career by completing an Apprenticeship with a construction or utility company. To get on to a scheme, you may need GCSEs in subjects like maths, English and design and technology, or equivalent qualifications.

The range of Apprenticeships available in your area will depend on the local jobs market and the types of skills employers need from their workers


Another option is to take a college course in construction, which would teach you some of the skills needed in the job. Relevant courses include:

  • Level 1 Certificate in Basic Construction Skills

  • Level 1 Certificate in Building Crafts

  • Level 1 Certificate/Diploma in Work Preparation for Building and Construction

  • Level 2 Diploma in Construction Operations.

You will need to be 18 or over and have a driving licence to operate construction plant machinery. You may also need an LGV licence for some jobs.

Training and development

You would be given on-the-job training when you start work, with day or block release at a local college or training provider. You could take several work-based qualifications, including:

  • Level 1 (NVQ) Certificate in Roadbuilding

  • Level 2 Diploma in Highways Maintenance – Excavation Operations (Construction)

  • Level 2 (NVQ) Diploma in Highways Maintenance

  • Level 2 (NVQ) Diploma in Construction Operations and Civil Engineering Services (Highways Maintenance or Road Building).

These qualifications contain options in excavation, re-surfacing, operating plant machinery, drainage, laying kerbs and pavement construction.

Contact CITB for details of colleges and training providers offering these qualifications.

If you drive gritters and snowploughs for the Highways Agency or a local authority, you could take the Lantra Level 2 Award in Winter Maintenance and Operations.

All roadworks must have at least one fully qualified and registered worker present on site. You can apply to the Street Works Qualifications Register to get a card that shows you are qualified to do the job safely.

Contact the Street Works Qualifications Register for details about how to apply for a card and to find your nearest qualifications assessment centre.

Skills, interests and qualities

To be a road worker you should have:

  • a good level of fitness

  • practical skills

  • the ability to follow written and spoken instructions

  • good teamworking skills

  • a willingness to work flexibly when required

  • an awareness of health and safety.

Exercise 7

Match the following words and translations, write, learn

to teach

требования при приёме, поступлении

to include


to operate construction plant machinery

опыт практической работы

entry requirements


driving licence

работать с (заводской) строительной техникой


управлять снегоуборочной техникой

to offer

водительское удостоверение (права)


техническое обслуживание

to work flexibly



центр оценки квалификации


работать по гибкому графику

qualifications assessment centre

работа по сменному графику

drive gritters and snowploughs


on-site experience

обучение, стажировка

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