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Spotlight 9 Use of English 5f TEST

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2 варианта ( verbs prefixes, dependent prepositions, phrasal verb RUN)

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«Spotlight 9 Use of English 5f TEST»

Complete the sentences with verbs formed using the prefixes re-, dis-, mis-, under- , over-.

  1. Liz ___________________her abilities so she had to ask for help from her mother to make the report. (estimate)

  2. Many works by great artist are ______________ from auctions as they are all in museums or private collections. (appear)

  3. Modern artists use new techniques to __________________ classic paintings. (create)

  4. The foreigners are difficult to understand because they ________________many Russian words.(pronounce)

  5. They __________________ us in the restaurant but they gave us some money back.(charge)

Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. (of, by, with, for, in)

  1. Pushkin is one of the best poet __________all time.

  2. He is popular ___________fans of art cinema.

  3. This director is famous __________his comedies.

  4. Who stars __________ Pirates of the Caribbean?

  5. The paintings ___________Da Vinci are the masterpieces.

Fill in the form with out of, away, over, into, through



Заканчиваться (о продуктах, чернилах)

Встретить случайно

Наехать на автомобиле

Повторить, «пробежаться»

Fill in the gaps with the correct particle.

1. She’s run _____________ sugar. Can you buy some?

2. Be careful! Don’t run ___________ that rock on the road.

3. We ran ______________ our classmates at the library.

4. Can we run _____________ our plan, it was not clear.

5. Many teenagers tend to run _________ from families because of misunderstanding with parents.

Complete the sentences with verbs formed using the prefixes re-, dis-, mis-, under- , over-.

  1. You should __________________your composition because you made many mistakes. (write)

  2. Zoo keepers ____________________their animals that is why they were accused of animal cruelty (feed)

  3. My parents usually _____________________about which film to go and see. (agree)

  4. The letter I sent last week has returned because I __________________________the name of the receiver. (spell)

  5. We were sorry to realise that we __________________in the shop. (pay)

Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition (of, by, with, for, in)

  1. Banksy’s graffiti is extremely popular ________ the young urban population.

  2. Shakespeare is the best playwright ______all time.

  3. The music pieces______ Mozart are well-known all over the world.

  4. Walt Disney is famous ________ creating Mickey Mouse and a plenty of other bright characters.

  5. Who stars_______”Island” film?

  1. Phrasal verb RUN

Fill in the form with out of, away, over, into, through



Заканчиваться (о продуктах, чернилах)

Встретить случайно

Наехать на автомобиле

Повторить, «пробежаться»

Fill in the gaps with the correct particle.

  1. I think we should run …. this scene one more time.

  2. Laura ran ….. her best friend at auction.

  3. We ran ….. potatoes. – I’ll go and buy some.

  4. The driver nearly ran ….. a dog when it jumped in front of his car.

  5. Jim ran ….. from home when he was ten years old.


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