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Стартовая проверочная работа 9 класс

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«Стартовая проверочная работа 9 класс»

Стартовая проверочная работа по английскому языку

за 2023-2024 год для обучающихся 9 класса.

Фамилия__________________________ Имя______________________Дата___________

Variant I.

Task I. Выберите нужную форму глагола: Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1. I ___ my best friend for ten years.

A have known B knew C has known

2. Somebody ___ our car last Sunday.

A stole B has stolen C have stolen

3. I don’t want to go to the cinema. I ___ this film.

A has already seen B have already seen C already saw

4. Michael ___ to play the piano last year.

A has learnt B have learnt C learned

5. My parents ___ to Germany in 2005.

A went B has gone C have gone

Task II. Выберите нужную форму предлога: for / since

1. I haven't slept … 48 hours.

2. Sarah has been waiting for her sister ……….. a long time.

3. They haven't visited us ………. Christmas.

4. She has been in hospital ……….. Monday.

5. They have been playing football ……… an hour and a half.

Task III. Выберите соответствующий вариант в косвенной речи.

1. «I think the film was a great success» — said Peter. 
Peter said that … . 
a) he thinks the film was a great success 
b) he thought the film was a great success 
c) he thought the film had been a great success 
d) I thought the film had been a great success 

2. «I`ll come to the meeting», — Tom said to me.

Tom said that … come to the meeting. 
a) I will 
b) I would 
c) he will 
d) he would 

3. He said: «I can speak English very well». 
He said that he … English very well. 
a) can speak 
b) could speak 
c) will speak 
d) may speak 

4. She said: «I have been waiting for you since five o`clock.» 
She said that she … for me since five o`clock. 
a) have been waiting 
b) had been waiting 
c) has been waiting 
d) was waiting 

5. «Do you often play tennis?» — he asked me. 
He asked me … tennis. 
a) I often play 
b) if I often played 
c) if he often plays 
d) if you often played 
Task IV. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Active или Passive Voice.

1. Nobody (to see) him yesterday.

2. The telegram (to receive) yesterday.

3. He (to give) me this book last week.

4. We (to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation.

5. Moscow University (to found) by Lomonosov.


Task V. Read the text. Below the text there are 7 statements. Decide if each sentence is «True» or «False». If the sentence is true, put a letter «T», if it is false, put letter «F»

Hi! I’m Denis. I go to school in St Petersburg. My school is not usual. We study a lot of chemistry and biology. Biology is my favourite subject. I have always been interested in wildlife. After school I spend most of my time in the club. We call ourselves . We meet two times a week to discuss some interesting problems. During school holidays we go to different places where we can watch wildlife and study their ecology. I keep some pets at home too. I like playing with them and looking after them. I have a big collection of books about the animals and plants and a lot of their recordings.

  1. His school is usual.

  2. Chemistry is his favourite subject.

  3. Denis has always been interested in water.

  4. They discuss some interesting problems three times a week.

  5. Denis and his friends go to different places where they watch wildlife and study their ecology.

  6. Denis keeps a lot of pets at home.

  7. He has a big collection of plants.

Стартовая проверочная работа по английскому языку

за 2023-2024 год для обучающихся 9 класса.

Фамилия__________________________ Имя______________________Дата___________

Variant II.

Task I. Выберите нужную форму глагола: Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1. Columbus ___ America in the 15th century.

A has discovered B have discovered C discovered

2. I ___ a letter. Can you post it?

A has just written B have just written C just wrote

3. Sandra ___ her bike yesterday.

A fell off B have fallen off C has fallen off

4. Andy ___ to Japan twice.

A was B has been C have been

5. He ___ a good education in London three years ago.

A have received B has received C received

Task II. Выберите нужную форму предлога: for / since

1. Jane has worked here ………. two weeks already.

2. These cherry trees have bloomed every spring …………. 1980.

3 Joe and Josephine have been going out together ……….. Valentine's Day.

4. Has he been watching TV ……….. morning?

5. They have been talking ……………. an hour.

Task III. Выберите соответствующий вариант в косвенной речи.

1. «I think the film was a great success» — said Ann. 
Ann said that … . 
a) he thinks the film was a great success 
b) he thought the film was a great success 
c) he thought the film had been a great success 
d) I thought the film had been a great success 

2. «I`ll come to the meeting», — Tom said to me.

Tom said that … come to the meeting. 
a) I will 
b) I would 
c) he will 
d) he would 

3. He said: «I can speak Spanish very well». 
He said that he … Spanish very well. 
a) can speak 
b) could speak 
c) will speak 
d) may speak 

4. «Do you often play football? » — he asked me. 
He asked me … football. 
a) I often play 
b) if I often played 
c) if he often plays 
d) if you often played 

5. «Will you go with the others, Tonny? » asked Mr. Kelly. 
Mr. Kelly asked … with the others. 
a) if Tonny went 
b) that Tonny goes 
c) if Tonny would go 
d) if Tonny will go 

Task IV. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Active или Passive Voice.

1. She (to give) me this book last week.

2. You can (to find) interesting information about the life in the USA in this book.

2. Budapest (to divide) into two parts: Buda and Pest.

4. The email (to receive) yesterday.

5. Everybody (to see) him yesterday.


Task V. Read the text. Below the text there are 7 statements. Decide if each sentence is «True» or «False». If the sentence is true, put a letter «T», if it is false, put letter «F»

Hi! I’m Denis. I go to school in St Petersburg. My school is not usual. We study a lot of chemistry and biology. Biology is my favourite subject. I have always been interested in wildlife. After school I spend most of my time in the club. We call ourselves . We meet two times a week to discuss some interesting problems. During school holidays we go to different places where we can watch wildlife and study their ecology. I keep some pets at home too. I like playing with them and looking after them. I have a big collection of books about the animals and plants and a lot of their recordings.

  1. His school is usual.

  2. Chemistry is his favourite subject.

  3. Denis has always been interested in wildlife.

  4. They discuss some interesting problems two times a week.

  5. Denis and his friends go to different places where they watch wildlife and study their ecology.

  6. Denis keeps a lot of food at home.

  7. He hasn’t a big collection of books.


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