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Сценарий сказки "The turnip" ("Репка")

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Сценарий сказки "Репка " на современный лад с использованием детских песен на английском языке..

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«Сценарий сказки "The turnip" ("Репка")»











Once upon the time in a very small and picturesque country there lived a very friendly, loving family. Now you can meet them. They are grandfather, grandmother, their granddaughter Jane, a dog, a cat and even a mouse. Look they are having a very happy life. (Все поют песню…минусовка «If you are happy»)

When we are happy and we know it clap the hands(we all dance).


It was spring, there were a lot of flowers in the trees and fields. The granddad was walking in the garden.

Grandfather: Oh, dear! Look, I’ve got a seed.

Grandmother: Jane, come here, look! What is it?

(прибежала внучка с телефоном в руке): I don’t know

Grandfather: I don’t know too. Let’s put it in the ground.

(Narrator: All the family waters the seed and waits for its growing.) (Показывают солнце на экране. Все ухаживают за Репкой)

Turnip: I am drinking water and growing. I am getting warm and growing. I want to become nice, sweet and big.

Танец Репки

(One morning granddaughter notices that the seed has grown up).(Внучка идет с телефоном в руке, делает селфи)

Granddaughter: Oh, Here’s something new! What is it? Who are you?

Песня Как тебя зовут?

Granddaughter: What is your name? What is your name, now tell me please!

Turnip: My name is Turnip, My name is Turnip, My name is Turnip. That’s my name!

Granddaughter: Your name is Turnip?

Turnip: Yes!

Granddaughter: Are you a Turnip?

Turnip: Yes, I am!

Granddaughter: Grandfather, grandmother, Doggy, Cat. Look. The seed has grown up. It’s a Turnip.

Grandfather: Oh, what a big turnip! It’s great!!!

Grandmother: What a wonderful Turnip!

Все радуются и поют песню «Happy birthday, dear Turnip!» и уходят.

Grandfather: I want to pull it out. 1, 2, 3 (два раза).

Oh, no, I can’t. It’s big for me. Hey, granny, come here, help me please.

Grandmother: O key, I’m coming. Oh, what a big turnip! It looks tasty. Let’s pull it out. I’ll help you. 1, 2, 3 (два раза). Oh, no, we can’t. Jane, come here and help us.

Granddaughter: (Идет и поет песенку под рэп)

1, 2, I love you (2 раза)

1, 2, 3, I love you and you love me.

Do you want me to help you?

Grandfather, Grandmother: Yes, please!

Granddaughter: Wow, what a big turnip! It’s super!!! O Key, let’s try together!

1,2,3! (Все тянут, потом вытирают пот со лба.)

Granddaughter, Grandmother, Grandfather: 1, 2, 3… Oh, no, we can’t.

Granddaughter: Doggy, come here, please.

Dog: (Играет на гитаре, остальные подтанцовывают под мyзыку)

I’m a pretty little dog. I can bark, but cannot talk. I am black and like to play in the garden every day. Bow-wow, bow-wow, bow-wow. What a big turnip! It’s fantastic! Let’s pull it out. (ТЯНУТ)

1, 2, 3! Oh, we can’t!

Dog: Cat, cat, cat, come here, help us, please!

Cat: I’m a nice and funny cat

I always sleep on my green mat

I’m white and I’m grey

And I like so much to play! Mew, mew, mew, Oh, what a big turnip! It’s marvelous! I’ll help you! Let’s pull it out!

Bce: 1, 2, 3.(2 paза) Oh, we can’t!

Cat: Little Mouse, Little Mouse,

Come to our house, help us, please!

Mouse: Squeak, Squeak, Squeak! Oh, what a big turnip! It’s so lovely!

I’m a very strong Mouse, I can help you! Let’s pull it out!

Bce: 1, 2, 3. (2 paза) Oh, we can’t! (вытирают пот со лба)

1, 2, 3! (все падают) Oh, we did it! The Turnip popped out!

Turnip: Thank you very much! I’m so happy!

Bce: You’re welcome! (все хвалят репку вокруг неё в хороводе)

Grandfather: It’s great!

Grandmother: It’s tasty!

Granddaughter: It’s super!

Dog: It’s fantastic!

Cat: It’s marvelous!

Mouse: It’s lovely!

Все поют песню и танцуют:

The more we get together, together, together,

The more we get together, the happier we’ll be

For your friends are my friends

And my friends are your friends

The more we get together, the happier we’ll be


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