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Сценарий спектакля "золушка" на английском языке

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Сценарий спектакля на английском языке для учащихся 5-х классов. 

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«Сценарий спектакля "золушка" на английском языке»




NARRATOR:  Cinderella lives in a house with her Stepmother and her two Stepsisters. Her Stepmother doesn’t do anything around the house.  She always says: 

STEPMOTHER:  Cinderella, wash the dishes, Cinderella, do the rooms. Come on, Cinderella, move!.

 NARRATOR:  Her Stepmother is not a good woman.  And her daughters are the same. None of them loves Cinderella

ANN: Cinderella, come here!.

MARY ANN:  Cinderella wash the floor!.

 ANN: Cinderella clean my shoes!.

 MARY ANN:  Cinderella make my hair!.

 NARRATOR:  Cinderella is very beautiful and hardworkig.  She is so good to her Stepmother and to her Stepsisters.  Once they got an invitation.

 ANN:  Mum, just read it!.

MARY ANN:  What is it?.

STEPMOTHER:  It says that all women of our kingdom are invited to a ball.

 CINDERELLA:  Oh, I would like to go there.  I like dancing.

 ANN:  You want to go to the ball, don’t you? 

MARY ANN: You must be crazy! Our mother will never allow this

CINDERELLA:  Oh, I would be so happy to go to a ball even just to look at it

 NARRATOR:  Cinderella works hard.  She starts making the dresses for her Stepmother and her Stepsisters.  She doesn´t have time to make her own dress. 

ANN:  Oh, what a wonderful dress! I will be the most beautiful lady in the ball

MARY ANN: I think my dress is much more beautiful. 

STEPMOTHER: Cinderella, poor thing, if you don´t have a dress, you will not go to the ball.

 NARRATOR:  Cinderella starts to cry.

 CINDERELLA:  I don´t have a pretty dress.  I have a dirty dress because I work all the time.  I am not going to the ball. 

ANN:  What a shame! Off course you won’t go

MARY ANN: You are too lazy to have a pretty dress 

NARRATOR:  Suddenly, Cinderella sees a very beautiful woman.  It´s her Fairy Godmother. She waves her magic stick and says:

 FAIRY GODMOTHER:  Don’t cry, my dear child. Now you have a pretty dress.

 NARRATOR:  Cinderella looks at her dress and says.

 CINDERELLA:  Yes, I have a fantastic dress!.  I am going to the ball.  I am so happy! Thank you so much!

 FAIRY GODMOTHER: Just remember that you have to come back at twelve o´clock.  Don´t forget!.

 CINDERELLA:  No, I won´t forget!.  Good-bye.

 NARRATOR:  Cinderella goes to the ball, and when she enters the palace everybody look at her.

 GIRL 1:  What a pretty girl!.

 GIRL 2:  Who is she?.

 NARRATOR:  The handsome prince looks at her and says.

 PRINCE:  I want to dance with this pretty lady.

 NARRATOR:  He walks to where she is, and says.

 PRINCE:  Would you like to dance with me?.

 CINDERELLA:  Yes, I would.


NARRATOR:  And they danced all night.  Suddenly, Cinderella hears the clock strike .

 CLOCK:  One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.

 CINDERELLA:  I have to go!.

 NARRATOR:  Cinderella runs and runs outside the palace, but she drops one of her shoes.  The Prince runs after her, but he doesn´t see her.

 PRINCE:  Wait!.  Wait!.  What is your name?.  Where do you live?.  Wait!.

 NARRATOR:  Then he picks up the shoe and says.

 PRINCE:  Where is she? I don´t even know her name.  I don´t know anything about her.  I am very sad.

 NARRATOR:  Next morning, when the prince wakes up, he says.

 PRINCE:  I have to find my pretty lady.  I have her crystal shoe!

 NARRATOR:  He goes to town and looks for her in every house there is.

 PRINCE:  Is the pretty lady here?.

 WOMAN 1:  No, she is not, and I don´t know where she is.

 NARRATOR:  The prince goes to another house, and another one, and another one. He doesn´t find her.  At last, he goes to Cinderella´s house.

 PRINCE:  Is the pretty lady here?.

 STEPMOTHER:  Yes, she is.  That is my daughter´s shoe.  Ann, come here.

 ANN:  Yes, my lady.

 STEPMOTHER:  Try on this shoe.

 NARRATOR:  Ann tries to put on the shoe but it is much smaller than her foot.

 ANN:  I can´t .  This shoe is too small.  It hurts!.  This is not my shoe.

 NARRATOR:  Meanwhile, Cinderella is coming down the stairs and says.

 CINDERELLA:  That shoe is mine.

 MARY ANN:  Ha, ha, ha.  You’re silly!.

 CINDERELLA:  Yes, that shoe is mine!.  And I have the other one.

 NARRATOR:  Suddenly she appears with her pretty dress, and once again she looks very beautiful.

 PRINCE:  I love you!.   I love you!.  Will you marry me, my beautiful lady? 

CINDERELLA:  Yes, I will, my dear prince.

 NARRATOR:  And now Cinderella and the Prince live happily in the palace.



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