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Сценарий праздника "Halloween"

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Данный сценарий был написан для обучающихся 6-го класса после прохождения ими темы "Reading? It's  great!" ( Unit 2/ "New Millennium English- 6)

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«Halloween night»

Halloween night, really such a sight,
All my friends are dressed up right.
Gonna have a party, come on everyone.
Let’s get together and have some fun.

When we dance dance dance
At the Halloween dance.
Come on everybody, let’s take a chance.
Dance dance dance
At the Halloween dance.
Move it all over in England and France.

Look over there, wearing phony hair,
I see a werewolf sleeping on a chair.
He tried to be scary but he ran out of steam.
Now he’s only scary in a Halloween dream.

Let’s dance dance dance
At the Halloween dance.
Come on everybody, let’s take a chance.
Dance dance dance
At the Halloween dance.
Move it all over in England and France.

I see Pocohantas dancing with a king,
Shakin’ and twistin’ like everything.
Dance to the left, dance to the right.
Having lots of fun on Halloween night.

When we dance dance dance
At the Halloween dance.
Come on everybody, let’s take a chance
When we dance dance dance
At the Halloween dance,
Havin’ lots of fun with your uncle and aunts.

Dance dance dance
At the Halloween dance.
Move it all over in England and France.
Dance dance dance
At the Halloween dance,
Come on everybody, let’s shake your pants.


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«Сценарий пьесы на Хэллоуин»

Сценарий пьесы на Хэллоуин

Три волка исполняют песню про Хэллоуин

Halloween night,

Moon shining bright.

You’ll see such an amazing sight.

All of the wolves gather ’round.
They make a very sad and lonely sound.

Sadder than the wind through the trees,
It puts a lot of little goose bumps on me.

When the wolves sing their song,
They want you to sing along and  . . .

Howl at the moon.
Howl at the moon.
Howl at the moon.
Howl at the moon.

They come from miles and miles away....

Howl at the moon.

Howl at the moon.

Howl at the moon.

Howl at the moon.

They sing all night till the moon sinks low,..

Howl at the moon.

Howl at the moon.

Howl at the moon.

Howl at the moon

Выходят ведьмы

1 witch Tonight is the night

When dead leaves fly

Like witches on switches

Across the sky,

When elf and sprite

Flit through the night

2 witch Tonight is the night

When leaves make a sound

Like a gnome in his home

Under the ground,

When spooks and trolls

Creep out of holes

3 witch Tonight is the night

When pumpkins stare

Through sheaves and leaves


When ghouls and ghost

And goblin host

Dance round their queen.

It's Halloween.

- Oh, girls! It’s time to cook our Halloween brew!

2 witch - Have we got all the ingredients ready?

3 witch - Oh, yes! Mice’s tails, frogs’ eyes, snakes’ faws!

1 witch - Let’s make the brew to make all people go crazy!

Все вместе начинают мешать в котле и говорить:

Witches flying past on broomsticks

Black cats leaping here and there

White-robed spooks on every corner

Mournful moaning in the air

Goblins peering out of the window

Spirit things that rap and run

All should be scared at the end of October

Little witches are all having fun!

Ведьмы танцуют. Входит привидение.

Ghost – Hello, ladies! How are you?

Witches – Teriible!!!

Ghost – Where’s your little sister?

1 witch – Oh, don’t tell me about her!

2 witch – She doesn’t want to scare people!

3witch – She wants to be friends with them!

Ghost – Oh, my dear! It’ terrible, terrible, terrible.

Привидение уходит. Заходит Jack- o- lantern.

Jack o lantern – Hello, ladies! How are you?

Witches – Terrible!!!

Ghost – Where’s your little sister?

1 witch – Oh, don’t tell me about her!

2 witch – She doesn’t want to scare people!

3witch – She wants to be friends with them!

Ghost – Oh, my dear! It’s terrible, terrible, terrible.

4 ведьма вбегает.

4 witch – Who is speaking about me? Oh, Jack –o – lantern. Here you are!

What are you doing? Let’s play!

Все в замешательстве, но начинают играть.

Все вместе поют «Five little pumpkins”

One little pumpkin smiling, smiling. (Hold up one finger and then make a smiley face!)
One little pumpkin smiling, smiling.
One little pumpkin smiling, smiling.
One little pumpkin is happy.
(Smile and put your fingers on your cheeks.)

Two little pumpkins pouting, pouting. (Hold up two fingers and then frown and look down.)
Two little pumpkins pouting, pouting.
Two little pumpkins pouting, pouting.
Two little pumpkins are grumpy.
(Cross your arms and frown.)

Three little pumpkins yawning, yawning. (Hold up three fingers and then cover your mouth with your hand as you yawn.)
Three little pumpkins yawning, yawning.
Three little pumpkins yawning, yawning.
Three little pumpkins are sleepy.
(Stretch and yawn like you are falling asleep.)

Four little pumpkins crying, crying. (Hold up four fingers and then pretend to wipe a tear from your eye.)
Four little pumpkins crying, crying.
Four little pumpkins crying, crying.
Four little pumpkins are sad.
(Wipe tears from both eyes with both hands.)

Five little pumpkins laughing, laughing. (Hold up five fingers and then hold your tummy as you pretend to laugh.)
Five little pumpkins laughing, laughing.
Five little pumpkins laughing, laughing.
Five little pumpkins are playing.
(Run around the room!)

Jack-o-lantern. – Ladies! I’m leaving! It’s a shame! A witch can’t play, she should be angry! Do something with her!

Тыква уходит.

4 witch – Girls! I cooked a new kind of brew! It’s so sweet! Some raspberry ice-cream, some pieces of roses, some parts of love! It’s so tasty! Try it!

Witches – It’s unheard!

4 ведьма начинает колдовать, приговаривая такие слова и дотрагиваться до сестер

4 witch - Three little ghostesses

Sitting on postesses,

Eating buttered toastesses,

Greasing their fistesse,

Up to their wristesses,

Oh, what beastesses

To make such feastesses!

Witches- What a beautiful world! Everything is so beautiful! You’re so beautiful!

Все вместе танцуют танец “Halloween dance”

4 witch – Let’s go trick- or-treat.

Witches- Ok.

All characters

Trick or treat, Trick or treat

Trick or treat we say!

Try to get the treats before

The ghost takes us away!

Trick or treat , Trick or treat

Trick or treat we say!

If you don’t have treats for us

We’ll never go away!

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«Сценарий урока по»

Сценарий урока по «Хэллоуину»

T. –Its autumn now. In autumn there are a lot interesting holidays in Britain. Do you know what holiday в British people have in autumn.

Right. And today we’re going to have a lesson on Halloween.

So what do you know about Halloween? (Дети отвечают, можно на русском)

Now a few words about Halloween. In the old times people believed that on the 31st of October on All Hallows’ Eve witches, skeletons, vampires, mummies, ghosts, demons and goblins came out. People were afraid. And they put on scary costumes to frighten them away. Black cats and bats are the symbols of this holiday.

Now Halloween is a holiday for children. Before it they decorate the windows in their classrooms and homes with pictures of black cats, bats and witches. They dress up in Halloween costumes. They go to house from house and ask for sweets. They say trick or treat. There Halloween parades in many towns and cities.

And today I’d like to invite you to the haunted castle.

To travel there we should get divided into 2 groups.

(The teacher gives cards with numbers 1,2)

To learn the name of your group you should do this crossword. For doing so you should look at the screen, read and translate the words.

(Children do the crossword)

So your group’s name is “Black cat” and yours “Pumpkin”

And surely we should get prepared for our traveling.

Put your costumes on.

Secondly let’s decorate the room and these brooms. (Дети украшают швабры цветной бумагой, искусственными цветами, лоскутками ткани.)

And in the end let’s make Jack o’lanterns. (На чем-нибудь висят надутые воздушные шары, пока звучит музыка, дети могут подбегать и рисовать , как только музыка прекращается, они должны передать маркер товарищу).

So we are ready for the traveling.

Shut your eyes and say

Hey Halloween hey

We are flying far away.

Now open your eyes

This is the haunted castle. But here there are two locks, to open them you should do some tasks. The first task is to count the things. (слайд 6)

The second task is to make up sentences (combine two parts of the sentence)

Halloween is on October, 31.

Children decorate windows with pictures of black cats, witches and bats.

Children go from house to house and say “Trick or treat”

Children put on scary costumes.

OK/ We can enter the castle/ And first of all we shall visit the haunted library.

This the haunted library.I’ ll give you the names of the books/ You must make up a riddle so that another group could guess what book it is.

Rudyard Kipling “The jungle book” Arthur Conan Doyle “Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”

Now let’s go to the haunted kitchen. For Halloween children usually like to eat caramel apples, pop corn and mashed potatoes. They find different charms in mashed potatoes. They mean: a heart – love, a ring – a soon marriage, a key – great success, a shell – a long trip, a button – some troubles. Today we will not eat potatoes but I’ve got some charms for you. (Учитель раздает рисунки сюрпризов)

And now we are in the ball room. What do you think guests would like to do on Halloween party. (Ученики делают предположения, используя слайд № 10)

Now lets check if you were right.

(Группа девочек танцует танец и поет песню)

So what would guests like to do on Halloween party? (to dance and sing a Halloween song)

Our trip is over.

Просмотр содержимого документа

  1. Halloween is

  1. pictures of black cats, witches and bats.

  1. Children decorate windows with

  1. house and say “Trick or treat”

  1. Children go from house to

  1. scary costumes.

  1. Children put on

  1. on October, 31.

  1. Halloween is

  1. pictures of black cats, witches and bats.

  1. Children decorate windows with

  1. house and say “Trick or treat”

  1. Children go from house to

  1. scary costumes.

  1. Children put on

  1. on October, 31.

Просмотр содержимого презентации

Просмотр содержимого презентации

Evil spirit Remnants ( останки) of people A flying mouse People do it with Christmas tree Pumpkin with cut eyes People wear iton Halloween The main vampire A bad woman
  • Evil spirit
  • Remnants ( останки) of people
  • A flying mouse
  • People do it with Christmas tree
  • Pumpkin with cut eyes
  • People wear iton Halloween
  • The main vampire
  • A bad woman
7 5 Demonstration of people Evil spirit in Egypt Somebody very ugly It bites you and drinks your blood Children who go from house say…  6. Insect  7. Evil spirit  6 4 2 1 3



  • Demonstration of people
  • Evil spirit in Egypt
  • Somebody very ugly
  • It bites you and drinks your blood
  • Children who go from house say…
  • 6. Insect
  • 7. Evil spirit







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