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Текст с заданиями на тему Реклама

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«Текст с заданиями на тему Реклама»


Advertising is the engine of commerce. Companies usually advertise products in order to sell them and it is called commercial offering. However, some advertisements are used to change people’s views, to support a certain candidate for president. These are called ideological or political advertisements. Every year more than 600 billion dollars are spent worldwide on advertising. Advertisements appear everywhere: on TV and radio, in newspapers and magazines, on billboards and buses. In business it is known as marketing communication and is used to encourage, reassure and even manipulate an audience or a specific group.

Ad vertere from Latin means “to turn toward”, which clearly shows that the purpose of advertising is to catch the client’s attention. Advertising is usually paid by sponsors and transmitted via mass media. While traditional media includes newspapers, TV, outdoor advertising, the new forms of media involve blogs, forums, websites, e-mails, text messages. Advertising can be of two types: commercial and non-commercial.

Commercial advertisements usually use branding to produce increased consumption of their product. It helps to associate a product with a certain image of high quality.

Non-commercial advertisements have nothing to do with consumer products. They are thought to advertise political parties, religious organizations, interest groups etc.

The history of advertising is rather exciting. Perhaps, the oldest advertisers were the Egyptians. They used either papyrus to create sales messages or left their scripts on walls. Examples of lost-and-found advertising were found in Ancient Greece. During the Middle Ages people have learnt to use an image associated with their trade. For example, instead of writing the word “tailor”, they would draw a suit and tie sign at the entrance. In the 18th century, when education became more affordable, people have started printing advertisements in newspapers. The father of modern advertising is Thomas J. Barratt. His slogans were created at the end of the 19th century but were still recognizable in the 20th century.

Industrialization dramatically increased advertising in the 20th century. The tobacco industry was one of the firsts to make use of mass production. At this stage advertising has also become one of the few careers for women, since they were responsible for most household duties and purchasing. In the early 1920s, with the appearance of first radio stations, many non-profit organizations were willing to establish their own ones. Thus, the practice of program sponsoring became popular. Each sponsor wanted his business to be mentioned during the program. Later the same role was assigned to commercial and cable television. However, with the advent of Internet a lot has changed. Since 1990s many advertisers started contributing into “dot-com” boom, as the Internet opened new frontiers of marketing for them.


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