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Тексты к экзамену. часть 2

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«Тексты к экзамену. часть 2»

1.О себе и своей семье.

Hello! My name is… I am…I study at Rylsk Social – Pedagogical College in the first year.

I'd like to tell you about myself. I live in… I am going to be a (kindergarten) teacher. I like my future profession. I live with my family. It is big (small, not very big) and very good. We love each other very much and always try to help each other. I have a lot of friends. I am fond of reading (dancing, drawing, playing computer games…). My favourite sport is swimming (tennis, football, basketball…). My friends and I often get together to play different games, to go for a walk or to the disco or simply to talk.

2. О друзьях.

Hello! My name is… I am…I study at Rylsk Social – Pedagogical College in the first year.

I'd like to tell you about my best friend. I am (not) very sociable person. I have the only best friend. My best friend's name is … I made friends with her/ him a few years ago ( in …). We have a great deal in common. She (he) has a lot of hobbies: she/ he likes to… (read, sing, dance, play computer games). She (he) is … (kind, funny, creative, caring, loyal). She (he) has a good sense of humor. We spend much time together – watch video or listen to the music, walk or go to the café. Our friendship helps me feel strong and sure of myself.

3. Мое свободное время (хобби).

Hello! My name is… I am…I study at Rylsk Social – Pedagogical College in the first year.

I'd like to tell you about my spare time. I have not very much free time, because I try to study well. I hate (like) to stay at home and laze about. Even when I stay at home, my friends often come to my place. We usually watch new films, listen to music, play our favourite computer games or just talk. In my free time I usually hang out with my friends or surf the Net. If it is summer I don't use the computer much and have a great time outside. But in autumn, winter and spring I have to use computer more because sometimes we can't do our homework without using the Internet. And I usually chat with my friends because I don't see some of them for a long time. (Also I like…)

4. Мой выходной день.

Hello! My name is… I am…I study at Rylsk Social – Pedagogical College in the first year.

I'd like to tell you about my day off. I study at college five days a week. Weekends are my favourite days of the week, because it is not necessary to get up early and go to college. On weekends I get up later than usually. In the afternoon I help my parents about the house. After dinner I have a short rest. Then I read a book, listen to music or do my homework for the next week. In the evening I go for a walk with my friends. I come home at ten o’clock in the evening.

5. Мой рабочий день.

Hello! My name is… I am…I study at Rylsk Social – Pedagogical College in the first year.

I'd like to tell you about my working day. On week days I usually get up nearly seven o’clock. I don’t like to get up early, but I have to, because I have a lot of work to do during the day. I make my bed, wash my face, put my clothes on and have breakfast. Then I go to college. I have classes till three o’clock; it depends on a week day. Then I come home and have dinner. After my dinner, I have a rest for a couple of hours and then I do my homework. If I have some spare time I do some work about the house. Then I have free time. I go for a walk with my friends or watch TV, or read books or surf the Net. Then I have supper. I usually go to bed at about eleven o’clock.

6. Великобритания.

Hello! My name is… I am…I study at Rylsk Social – Pedagogical College in the first year.

I'd like to tell you about Great Britain. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (The UK) occupies most of the territory of the British Isles. It consists of four main parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. London is the capital of England; Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, Cardiff –of Wales and Belfast – of Northern Ireland. The population of the UK is over 57 million people. The official language of the United Kingdom is English. The UK is a constitutional monarchy. In law, Head of the State is Queen. In practice, the country is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties. The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the Union Jack, is made up of three crosses.

7. Достопримечательности Лондона.

Hello! My name is… I am…I study at Rylsk Social – Pedagogical College in the first year.

I'd like to tell you about London. London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economical and cultural centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than million people. London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old and beautiful. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster. The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. Westminster is the administrative centre. To the west of Westminster is West End. Here we can find most of the big shops, hotels, museums, art galleries, theatres and concert halls. London has many places of interest. The English are proud of Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, the British Museum and others.

8. Путешествия.

Hello! My name is… I am…I study at Rylsk Social – Pedagogical College in the first year.

I'd like to tell you about travelling. It is the most popular and pleasant way of spending time. I haven't travelled a lot yet. When I was a child I dreamt about the most romantic (city) in the world- (Paris). For me (Paris) is a fairy tale. I think I would be the happiest person in the world if I visited (Paris). I would like to see (the Eiffel Tower). I would like to do shopping in (Paris) as (Paris) is a fashionable city. In (Paris) there are so many interesting places to visit: (the Louvre, Notre Dame de Paris, the Elysian Fields) and many others. I would like to visit (Paris). I'd like to live out my dream. I would be in the seventh heaven.

9. Мой родной город.

Hello! My name is… I am…I study at Rylsk Social – Pedagogical College in the first year.

I'd like to tell you about my hometown. I live in …But now I live in Rylsk. Firstly Rylsk was named in 1152. It is situated on the Western part of Kursk region on the bank of the river Seym. Rylsk is an old and beautiful town. It isn't big. The houses are not very large. We have several schools and colleges here. The town also has a cinema. I love to go and watch movies with my friends. There are a lot of monuments in Rylsk. It is a unique town with its own atmosphere. I like Rylsk very much.

10. Мой колледж.

Hello! My name is… I am…I study at Rylsk Social – Pedagogical College in the first year.

I'd like to tell you about my college. It is one of the best colleges of the town. Our college is rather well equipped. There is a large sports ground outside and two gyms inside. There is also a big library with a good choice of books. I am very proud to be a student of this college. Today our college is one of the most prestigious and reliable institutions in the town. Many young people can get good education in pedagogical area at this college. I am going to be a teacher. I like my future profession and I am going to do my best to become a good specialist.


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