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The educational system of England

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«The educational system of England»



The educational system and the types of schools vary from region to region as each area or town has its own Local Education Authority. The Local Education Authority is responsible for financing the schools in its area. It employs teachers and other staff, provides and maintains buildings, supplies equipment and material.

Although each school decides its own curriculum, they must include certain compulsory subjects. These core subjects are Mathematics, English, Physical Education and Social Education.

Schooling is compulsory for children from 5 to 16. Primary education includes infant schools and junior schools. At five the child attends infant school. At seven he moves to junior school. In primary schools teachers encourage children to read, write and do basic mathematics.

At eleven the child attends secondary school. In secondary school pupils are taught according to their academic abilities. The most able will follow academic courses, while those of lesser abilities will follow practical courses as well as the main subjects.

At the age of 16 pupils take school-leaving examinations in several subjects. After these examinations the pupil can choose his way: to continue his study or to leave the school for colleges of further education.

There are forty-seven universities in Britain and thirty polytechnics, plus 350 colleges of higher education (some of them train teachers). At the end of the study at higher education establishments the students get the bachelor’s degree in Art or Science.

The most famous universities are Oxford and Cambridge. They are famous for their academic excellence.



  • Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! My name is Mark Dawson. I’m going to answer your questions.

  • Good morning, Mark. Please, tell us about nurseries in England, your country.

  • There is no law which provides for education of the under-fives. About 47 per cent of three- and four-year-olds receive their education in nursery schools or classes. In most of the cases parents or voluntary bodies organize such groups.

  • Thank you, Mr. Dawson. And what can you say about primary education?

  • Well, primary education in my country consists of infant and junior schools. The children do not have academic subjects, but they are taught to read, write and do some simple mathematics.

  • It is clear, thank you. Your system of secondary education has changed a lot since 1970. Earlier the children took the eleven-plus examinations after the primary school and those who did it well went to grammar schools, the rest of the children went to some other types. Now it is different. The children can choose any nearest school to study. Do you like such a situation?

  • Yes, of course. Our children are free now to choose any school they want. Besides it is very important to send your child to the school which is near your house. Parents don’t waste their time on a long way to school as it used to be.

  • We are thankful to you, Mr. Dawson. It is always pleasure to speak to a native-English speaker and get information out of the first hands.


vary v менять(ся), варьировать(ся), e.g. Market prices often vary; various adj различный, разный, e.g. I’ll give you various exercises on this rule; variety n разнообразие, разновидность, e.g. You must have more variety in your food.

Local Education Authority n местный орган образования, e.g. Each area or town of England has its own Local Education Authority.

be responsible (for smth/smb) v быть ответственным (за что-л./ кого-л.), e.g. Parents are responsible for their children.

employ и нанимать на работу, e.g. They employ teachers and other staff; Who employed him? He is not responsible for this job!

supply и снабжать, e.g. The Local Education Authority supplies schools with equipment.

provide и снабжать, обеспечивать, e.g. His father provided him with education.

curriculum n расписание, e.g. Free schools decide their own curriculum.

subject n предмет; compulsory subject обязательный предмет, e.g. All schools must include compulsory subjects.

infant school n дошкольное учреждение, детский сад, ясли, e.g. English children go to infant schools when they are Five.

junior school n младшие классы (средней школы), e.g. At the age of seven children go to junior schools.

attend и посещать, присутствовать, e.g. All children over seven attend school in our country.

primary school n начальная школа, e.g. In primary schools children study English, Mathematics and other subjects.

take (took, taken) an examination (an exam) сдавать экзамены), e.g. Students take exams twice a year.

encourage и ободрять, поощрять, e.g. The teacher encourages the child for good marks.

secondary school n средняя школа, e.g. Children go to secondary schools at the age of eleven.

establishment n учреждение, заведение, e.g. What educational establishments are there in your town?


1.Pronounce correctly.

vary, authority, equipment, encourage, Mathematics, nurseries, voluntary bodies, successfully, choose, staff, compulsory

2.Read the words paying attention to the pronunciation of the letters in bold type:

a)finance, provide, primary, highest, design, symbolize, divide;

b)curriculum, infant, junior, Britain, admission, addition, mint.


  1. Read Text and break it up into several parts. Make up a plan giving a title to each part of the text.

  1. Complete the sentences.

1. Schooling is compulsory for children ... . 2. At five the child ... . 3. In primary school teachers ... . 4. In secondary school pupils ... .

5.The most able ... .

  1. Answer the questions using the Vocabulary Notes.

1. Do the educational system and types of schools vary from region to region? 2. What is the Local Education Authority responsible for? 3. What are the core subjects at schools? 4. What age is compulsory for schooling? 5. What types of schools does primary education consist of?

6.Do children go to secondary school at ten or eleven? 7. Who follows academic courses? 8. What establishments of higher education are there in England? 9. What degree do students get after graduating from the university? 10. What are the most famous universities in Britain? What are they famous for?

  1. Correct the statements if they are wrong.

1. The educational system and types of schools vary from region to region. 2. The Local Education Authority employs workers and other staff, provides and maintains sports grounds, supplies food and drinks. 3. The core subjects are Physical Training, Music and Art.

  1. Schooling is compulsory for children from 7 to 16. 5. Primary education includes infant and junior schools. 6. At 14 the child goes to secondary school. 7. The most able children take more academic courses while those of lesser abilities follow practical courses as well as core subjects. 8. After final examinations at secondary schools pupils can enter the Universities.

  1. Find the following words and word combinations in Text and Dialogue:

высшее образование; степень бакалавра гуманитарных или естественных наук; детские сады; закон; дети, которым меньше пяти лет; трех- и четырехлетки; начальное образование; среднее образование; выбирать; как это было раньше; мы очень благодарны; всегда приятно; носитель английского языка


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