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Tongue Twisters (Скороговорки)

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«Tongue Twisters (Скороговорки)»

Whether the weather be fine, Of all the felt I ever felt, I cannot bear to see a bear
Or whether the weather be not, I never felt a piece of felt bear down upon a hare.
Whether the weather be cold which felt as fine as that when bare of hair he strips
Or whether the weather be hot, felt felt, when first I felt the hare, right there
We'll weather the weather that felt hat's felt. I cry, "Forbear!"
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not.

Three thin thieves thought Swan swam over the sea, Susan shineth shoes and

a thousand thoughts. Swim, swan, swim! Sarah saw a shot-silk sash

Now if three thin thieve Swan swam back again shop full of shot-silk

thought a thousand Well swum, swan! sashes as the sunshine

thoughts, how many shone on the side of the

thoughts did each thief think? shot-silk sash shop.

A flea and a fly flew up While we were walking, Susan shineth shoes and

in a flue. we were watching window socks; socks and shoes
Said the flea, "Let us fly!" washers wash Washington's shines Susan. She ceased
Said the fly, "Let us flee!" windows with warm shining shoes and socks,
So they flew through a washing water. for shoes and socks

flap in the flue. shock Susan.


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