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Урок английского языка в 1 классе по теме "My room"

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  • To act out a dialogue
  • Understand some factual questions on the theme.

Respond appropriately to some yes/no questions

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«Урок английского языка в 1 классе по теме "My room"»


LESSON: Module 3. My room.



Teacher name: Vukkert I.V

CLASS: 1 G 1 A

Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

  1. UE1 , UE4, UE6 2. L3L1 3.S1 S3.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Pronounce the words on the theme “My room”.

  • To take out the story cutout and hold the corresponding one.

Most learners will be able to:

  • To act out a dialogue

  • Understand some factual questions on the theme.

  • Respond appropriately to some yes/no questions

Some learners will be able to:

  • To ask and answer the questions on the theme in pairs.

  • Act out the dialogue in pairs.

Language objective

Learners can:

  • Pronounce the words on the theme.

Key words: bed, chair, TV, table, desk.

Classroom expression: this is my …

Previous learning

Numbers from 1-5. Colours. Odd and even.


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



4 min

Warm up





Greet the learners: Hello (good morning). Teacher models and drills words that feature in greetings.

sing the song “Hello, how are you”

Ss ask and answer the questions: how are you? I’m hungry, I’m good, I’m OK

T asks a pupil to come to the board. Say a school object. The pupil draws a rough sketch of the object on the board. Then review the numbers by saying a number and having a pupil write it on the board. T asks the rest of the class for verification. Repeat with as many pupils as necessary.

Pupils’ books closed. T puts up the My Room poster on the board. Points to the things inside a room (bed, chair, TV, table, desk), one at a time, and say the corresponding words. The pupils repeat, chorally and individually. T points to each item in random order. T asks individual pupils to say the word and asks the rest of the class for verification. T names an item e.g. bed and asks a pupil to mime an action connected with it e.g. sleeping. Repeat with as many pupils as T thinks is necessary.

1.Colour. Point and say.

T points to and elicits the colours. Then say: look at my room! This is my bed! It’s blue! Then T asks the pupils to repeat after the T. Then elicits the rest of the items in the picture. T explains the activity. The pupils use the colour code and colour in the items. The pupils then point to and present them. For weaker classes the pupils can simply point to the items and name the colours.

  1. Sing the My room song!

T points to the picture of the chair in ex.1 and says : This is my chair! It’s just for me! The pupils repeat after T. Then they follow the same procedure to present the rest of the song.

T plays the CD and the pupils listen to the song and sing it in groups.

  1. T sets the scene by asking the pupils questions about what they can see in the pictures. (who are they?- Liam and Lilly, where are they? – in Liam’s room!, this is Liam’s bed. What colour is it?- blue!) .T plays the CD and the pupils listen and follow the dialogue in their books.

T focuses the pupil’s attention on the picture illustrating ex.1. the pupils have a look for two minutes before they close the eyes. T divides the class into two teams and asks individual pupils from both teams the questions about the picture. Each correct answer gets one point. The team with the most point wins.

Activity book page 36.

CD player.

Video and audio


Activity books and cards.

Teacher asks some questions and elicits responses.

  • What letters do you know?

  • What can you see on the pictures?

  • Name the characters.

Teacher provides practice in speaking to revise the phrases,the letters, sounds, words.

pictures, slides,


Teacher asks the pupils to leave while waving and saying goodbye. Teacher sums up the lesson with the song about the alphabet.

video song


Summary evaluation What were we doing at the lesson? T gives smiles-cards to the pupils.


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