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Урок английского языка в 6 классе по теме ,,Sport in Great Britain''

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Урок английского языка в 6 классе по теме ,,Sport in Great Britain'' к учебнику Бибалетовой.

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«Урок английского языка в 6 классе по теме ,,Sport in Great Britain''»
















  1. A round ball is used in this game. Two teams of 11 players kick it. They are not allowed to handle the ball. (Football)

  2. To keep fit they travel by bicycle every weekend. They have visited a lot of places. It’s their favourite hobby. (Cycling)

  3. It’s very popular with women. You can do it in a sport centre with music or just follow classes shown on TV. (Aerobics or fitness)

  4. You can play this game at home or in the gym. You need a partner, a table, a small ball, a net and two small bats. (Table tennis)

  5. The ball is usually played with the hands or arms, but players can legally push the ball with any part of the body. (Volleyball)

  6. A player can’t run with the ball. The player must throw it on the spot (кольцо или корзина). The ball must be held in the hands. The arms and body mustn’t be used for helding it. (Basketball)

  7. A player can carry the oval ball with his hands. The players can move forward only by running with the ball or by kicking it. (Rugby)


Sport plays a very important role in our life. It is popular among  young and old people. It helps them to keep fit (держать себя в форме), be healthy and strong.   Going in for sports makes people more organized and better disciplined     in their activities. A lot of people go in for sport. Some of them devote (посвещают)    their lives to sport. They train themselves in sports clubs and sections. All  big sport is professional and sportsmen are famous all over the world.    They take part in European and World championships and the Olympic Games in different kinds of sports and they have set many records, won   gold, silver and bronze medals and world's recognition. Some of them are invited to foreign (иностранные) clubs to play for them or to train sportsmen there. Other people play different games, swim, ski, skate, jog, go in for aerobics, body-building, practice various sports at the stadiums and sport-    complexes just for pleasure (удовольствие). Another group of people prefers to watch   sports competitions at a stadium or on TV while sitting in a comfortable arm-chair and listen to sports news or read about them in newspapers.Now practically every man has the opportunity (возможность) to go in for sport.    We have many sports grounds, gyms and swimming-pools. In schools    and colleges physical training is a compulsory (обязательный) subject. At P.E. lessons schoolchildren play volley-ball, basket-ball or other sports games, run,   jump a long way and jump high, ski and go in for gymnastics. Different competitions are held at schools where schoolchildren try to get good   results or win.The most popular winter and summer outdoor sports in our country   are skiing, football, skating, ice hockey, shooting (стрельба). Wrestling, boxing, basket-ball, volley-ball, fencing (фехтование), weightlifting (тяжелая атлетика) are favourite among indoor sports.But from the other side sport has some disadvantages. For example, it’s dangerous because bring injures (травмы). It takes a lot of time. Famous sportsmen are in public all the time and their fans (фанаты) follow (преследуют) everywhere.


Sport plays a very important role in our life. It is popular among  young and old people. It helps them to keep fit (держать себя в форме), be healthy and strong.   Going in for sports makes people more organized and better disciplined     in their activities. A lot of people go in for sport. Some of them devote (посвещают)    their lives to sport. They train themselves in sports clubs and sections. All  big sport is professional and sportsmen are famous all over the world.    They take part in European and World championships and the Olympic Games in different kinds of sports and they have set many records, won   gold, silver and bronze medals and world's recognition. Some of them are invited to foreign (иностранные) clubs to play for them or to train sportsmen there. Other people play different games, swim, ski, skate, jog, go in for aerobics, body-building, practice various sports at the stadiums and sport-    complexes just for pleasure (удовольствие). Another group of people prefers to watch   sports competitions at a stadium or on TV while sitting in a comfortable arm-chair and listen to sports news or read about them in newspapers.Now practically every man has the opportunity (возможность) to go in for sport.    We have many sports grounds, gyms and swimming-pools. In schools    and colleges physical training is a compulsory (обязательный) subject. At P.E. lessons schoolchildren play volley-ball, basket-ball or other sports games, run,   jump a long way and jump high, ski and go in for gymnastics. Different competitions are held at schools where schoolchildren try to get good   results or win.The most popular winter and summer outdoor sports in our country   are skiing, football, skating, ice hockey, shooting (стрельба). Wrestling, boxing, basket-ball, volley-ball, fencing (фехтование), weightlifting (тяжелая атлетика) are favourite among indoor sports.But from the other side sport has some disadvantages. For example, it’s dangerous because bring injures (травмы). It takes a lot of time. Famous sportsmen are in public all the time and their fans (фанаты) follow (преследуют) everywhere.

  • It was interesting

  • It was difficult

  • I would like to praise (похвалить) myself for

  • It was interesting

  • It was difficult

  • I would like to praise (похвалить) myself for

  • It was interesting

  • It was difficult

  • I would like to praise (похвалить) myself for

  • It was interesting

  • It was difficult

  • I would like to praise (похвалить) myself for

  • It was interesting

  • It was difficult

  • I would like to praise (похвалить) myself for

Конспект открытого урока в 6,,А’’ классе по английскому языку по теме ,,Sport in Britain’’.

Цель урока: развитие умений аудирования и говорения, обеспечивающих устное общение как в диалогической, так и в монологической формах.

Развивающие задачи:

- развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи;

- развитие памяти, мышления, активности учащихся.

Воспитательные задачи:

- повысить мотивацию учащихся к изучению англ.яз.;

- воспитать умение работать в парах, группах и индивидуально;

- повысить интерес к спорту.

Оборудование: аудиозаписи, раздаточный материал с упражнениями, изображения с различными видами спорта.

Ход урока:

  1. Приветствие, беседа по теме.

  • Good morning, my dears! Nice to see you! Sit down, please!

  • Who is absent today?

  • OK, let’s start our lesson.

  1. At what time did you get up today?

  2. Did you do morning exercises?

  3. Do you go in for sports or are you just a fan?

  4. What is your favourite kind of sport?

  5. Do you take care of your health?

  6. What do you usually do to keep fit?

  7. Do you do morning exercises every day?

  8. Do you often go to the swimming-pool or the stadium?

  9. Do you like winter or summer sports?

  10. What sports are popular in your family?

  11. Do your friends go in for sports?

  12. Would you like to be a professional sportsman?

  13. What famous sportsmen do you know?

  1. Thank you very much for your answers. How do you think what will be the topic of our lesson? About what we will speak today? (Уч-ся называют тему урока)

  2. That’s why, open your books , please, p.142 ex. 50. Let’s listen and repeat some words which will be useful for us today.

  3. Now look at the blackboard, please. Make up as many nouns as it is possible. ( Football, table tennis, volleyball, baseball, ice skating, figure skating, horse riding, wind surfing, kick boxing.

  4. You should read the definition of some word, which is connected with sport. Your classmates should guess what is it. (Уч-ся по очереди читают загадки, связанные со спортивными играми. Другие должны отгадать какая игра загадана).

  5. SB p.144 ex. 58. – аудирование

  6. And what about you? What games you play on your PE lessons?

  7. Fill in the table. What indoor sports do you know? What outdoor sports do you know? ( Выходят к доске и заполняют таблицу).

  8. SB p.142 ex. 51. Look at the picture, please. What do you see in this picture? How do you think what is it? Why it’s called PIE CHART? Let’s look what are the most popular sports among British people and what are the least popular ? You should use the phrases from the example.

  9. Now look at the pictures, please. Name these sport games. I will give you 4 min. to read these texts and then we will answer the questions.

  10. WB p.81 ex.18. Answer these questions in written form. I will give you 3 min.

  11. And the last task for today. You will work in 2 groups. I will give you a text about sport. You should read it by yourself and then in your groups discuss advantages and disadvantages of sport. I will give you 5 min.

  12. So, is sport really amazing and thrilling? Is sport an important part of our life? Would you like to become a famous sportsman? Can we say that sport is a wonderful world?

  13. Рефлексия.

- It was interesting…….

- It was difficult……

- Iwould like to praise myself for…..

XV. Open your diaries, please, and write your home task for the next lesson.

SP p.159 ex. 3,4.

XVI.The lesson is over. You may be free. Thank you very much for your work. Goodbye.


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