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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

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«Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку»

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "День науки"

Цели: повышение интереса к английскому языку и стране изучаемого языка.


1.Развивать языковые, интеллектуальные и творческие способности учащихся. 2.Закрепить речевые образцы, грамматические структуры, лексику. 3.Воспитывать чувства товарищества, коллективизма, взаимопомощи и ответственности. 4. Прививать чувство гордости за достижения ученых

Оборудование: карточки с заданиями, плакаты с высказываниями о науке, портреты ученых, презентации, проектор, экран, компьютер.

Вступительное слово

Teacher: Good afternoon, everybody! Today we are going to have a talk about science and scientists. As you know this year is very rich in anniversaries of great scientists; the 300th anniversary of M.Lomonosov, the 220thanniversary of M.Faraday. Every year people celebrate the day of science. What is it: science? Will you give us some facts about science in Russia?

Pupil 1: Science covers the broad field of knowledge that deals with observed facts and the relationships among those facts. The word “science” comes from the Latin word “scientia”, which means “knowledge”. Scientists study a wide variety of subjects. Science has enormous influence on our lives. It provides the basis of much of modern technology - the tools, materials, techniques, and sources of power that make our lives and work easier.

Pupil 2: The discoveries of scientists also help to shape our views about ourselves and our place in the universe. It’s difficult to overestimate the role of science and technology in our life. They accelerate the development of civilization and help us in our co-operation with nature. Science always has to fight against heavy odds, for it always tries to show how useful something may be to people who don’t want to listen, knowing that the very moment they will be persuaded, they will use a yet another product of science against what has created it. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that a scientist is the hero of modern day,

Pupil 3: (Презентация 1 Slide2).

Scientists investigate the laws of the universe, discover the secrets of nature, and apply their knowledge in practice improving the life of people. The creation of the Academy of Sciences is directly connected with Peter the Great’s reformer activities aimed at strengthening the state, its economic and political independence. Peter the Great understood the importance of scientific thought, education and culture for the prosperity of the country. Pupil 4: (Slide 3)

Senate By founding the Academy, Peter the Great understood that “it was impossible for that matter to follow a pattern adopted in other states”, and then, “such a construction is to be made that not only the state’s glory because of sciences multiplication may spread, but also benefit for the people by means of education and using sciences may be gained in future”. And these goals set by Peter the Great were achieved.

Pupil 5: (Slide 3) .The Senate approved the project of Peter the Great to establish an Academy of Sciences and Arts in St. Petersburg. The Senate decree of February 8 (January 28 old style), 1724 established The Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences. A separate organization, called the Russian Academy, was created in 1783 to work on the study of the Russian language presided over by Princess Ekaterina Dashkova. In 1999 this day became a holiday for scientists.

Teacher: Dear boys and girls, let’s start our quiz “Scientists and their inventions”. I wish you success. Be attentive. It’s time to begin. The quiz has 4 tasks.

II. Вопросы и задания викторины:

Task I. (Slide7): What were they famous for?

Answers: 1. Samuel Colt designed and patented a pistol. 2. Charles Makintosh developed a rubber solution that was used in raincoat production. 3. Samuel Finley Morse invented the telegraphic dot-and-dash alphabet. 4. Charles Rolls and Henry Royce created the world famous Rolls-Royce car. 5S.P.Korolyov was a founder of practical cosmonautics. He was the chief constructor of the first Earth sputniks and spaceships. 6. M.Lomonosov is the father of the Russian sciences and outstanding poet the founder of Russian literature. He wrote a first scientific grammar of Russian language. Lomonosov was a founder of the first Russian University. This University is named after Lomonosov.

Task II. Now you’ll listen to M.Faraday’s biography. Pupil 5 will tell us some interesting facts about his life .Then he will ask you questions . Be attentive. We’ll begin. (Презентация 2 slide 2)

Michael Faraday was born in a small village near London on September 22, 1791 in a poor family. His father, a blacksmith, could feed his family with difficulty, and could not even dream of an education for his boy. So in 1804, when he was 13, he went to work in a bookbinder’s shop. The young Michael Faraday, the third of four children, having only the most d-basic of school educations, had to largely educate himself.

Task III. Now you’ll know about M.Faraday’s contribution to science. Your task will be to enumerate his most important works. (Презентация 2 slide 2)

Pupil 5: What we are most interested in here is just one discovery of his – the generation of electricity from magnetism. It was known at that time that an electric current could magnetize iron. Ampere had shown that if a piece of iron was placed inside a coil and a current was passed along the wire, the iron became a magnet.

(slide 3) Faraday was wondering whether a magnet could in some way be made to give an electric current. Other scientists in other parts of the world were working on the same problem, but no one had yet been able to make an electric current by using a magnet. Today almost all the electricity that we use is generated by great machines which have magnets in them, but in those days no one knew how to do this. In Russia, France and Germany scientists were making experiments, but they failed.

(slide 4) Faraday felt sure that a current could be produced in this way, but he too was at first totally unable to generate an electric current with his magnets. He placed wires near magnets in different ways. He made coils of wire and put them round magnets. He arranged the wires and magnets in every possible way and did not stop trying to get an electric current. At last he got a bright idea: he would move the magnet near wire. And then he got what he wanted: an electric current in the wire! He was already 40 years old at the time, but his age did not stop him from dancing with delight on a table!

Pupil 6: We remember M. Faraday . He is one of those who changed our lives. We remember him because (Презентация 3 slide1) he was an English chemist and physicist (or natural philosopher, in the terminology of the time) who contributed to the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry.

(Slide 4) He succeeded in liquefying several gases; he investigated the alloys of steel; He produced several new kinds of glass intended for optical purposes. A specimen of one of these heavy glasses afterwards became historically important as the substance in which Faraday detected the rotation of the plane of polarization of light when the glass was placed in a magnetic field, and also the substance that was first repelled by the poles of the magnet.

Pupil 7 (slide 5) Faraday is best known for his work with electricity and magnetism. His first recorded experiment was the reconstruction of a voltaic pile with seven halfpence pieces, stacked together with seven discs of sheet zinc, and six pieces of paper moistened with salt water. With this pile he decomposed sulphate of magnesia (first letter to Abbott, 12 July 1812).

Teacher: What can you say, how people commemorate Michael Faraday nowadays? Who can answer?

Pupils: Faraday School is located on Trinity Buoy Wharf where his workshop still stands above the Chain and Buoy Store, next to London’s only lighthouse.

Pupil 7: (slide 6) I’d like to add something. A statue of Faraday stands in Savoy Place, London, outside the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Also in London, the Memorial, designed by brutalist architect Rodney Gordon and completed in 1961, is at the Elephant & Castle gyratory system, near Faraday’s birthplace.

Task IV. Blitz Round. (Презентация 1 Slide 10).

Watch the film and choose the right words describing the life of M. Faraday (Презентация 4):

1. British or American ? 2. In a poor or in a rich family? 3. The first job a bookseller or a blacksmith ? 4. Got scientific education from G.Galileo or H.Davy ? 5. His carrier began when he made a trip round Europe or when Davy was blinded 6. in a lab accident? 7. Experiments in biology or in physics ? 8. The foundation ideas in car engineering or in electricity and magnetism? 9. Invented the 1st dynamo or the 1st plane? 10. In honour of him the unit of charge is called “the Faraday” or “the Michael”?

III. Финал.

Teacher: Now it’s high time to do the last task. (Slides 10, 11) 'It's not science fiction — it's even cooler: (slide 12) M.Faraday and our reality. Where can we find M.Faraday’s inventions? Can you demonstrate some of Faraday’s discoveries? (Здесь можно подключить учащихся старших классов для демонстрации некоторых физических опытов, связанных с открытиями Майкла Фарадея)

IV. Награждение победителей.

Победителям за активную работу вручаются дипломы, приготовленные учителем. Учитель благодарит всех участников за хорошие и отличные знания по данной теме и активное участие в викторине.


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