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Вторая жизнь использованных вещей

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Презентация-проект учащихся 10 класса по теме "Recycling". Презентация проекта сопровождалась демонстрацией практического результата "второй жизни" вещей в домашнем обиходе.

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«Вторая жизнь использованных вещей»

Every year people throw away thousands of things considering them to be old and useless. But now we will try to prove that these things can have second life.

Every year people throw away thousands of things considering them to be old and useless. But now we will try to prove that these things can have second life.

The first thing we would like to show is how you can reuse plastic bottles. Following the steps in the picture we can get a great scoop for collecting different cereals .

The first thing we would like to show is how you can reuse plastic bottles. Following the steps in the picture we can get a great scoop for collecting different cereals .

The second way to use unnecessary bottles is also very useful for people who spend much time in the kitchen. We can make a water can of old bottles. It can be done very quickly following the movements in the picture and most importantly it does not require any cost.

The second way to use unnecessary bottles is also very useful for people who spend much time in the kitchen. We can make a water can of old bottles. It can be done very quickly following the movements in the picture and most importantly it does not require any cost.

Thank you !

Thank you !


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