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Выражение будущего в английском языке

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Данная разработка может быть использовака и как практика в освоении грамматических навыков, так и их контроль.Разработка ориентирована на учащихся 7 класса общеобразовательных школ, но может быть предложена и ученикам младших классов, согласно их календарно - тематического планирования.

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«Выражение будущего в английском языке»

Present Continuous, be going to and will.

  1. Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Charles! Your fish and chips _________ (get) cold now. Hurry up!

  2. I ____________ (not lie) now. Really! I promise it is true.

  3. Hello? __________ (you/come)? I am waiting here but I can’t see you.

  4. Lisa can’t come to the phone now. She _______ (run) in the park.

  5. Ian and Emma ________ (not talk) at the moment. They disagree about the bathroom.

  6. _____________ (Mum and Dad/ sleep)? I want to practice playing my drums.

  1. Read the conversation and choose the correct option.

Conversation 1.

A: I hear your parents have just bought a new house. When are you moving/will you move in?

B: Oh, we won’t move/aren’t moving in until next month. On the twenty – eighth, I think.

Conversation 2.

A: Are you coming to class? It’s almost 9 o’clock.

B: Yes. I am seeing/I’ll see you later, Caroline, OK?

A: OK, bye.

Conversation 3.

A: Oh, no! That man has just stolen my bag!

B: I’m calling/I’ll call the police.

Conversation 4.

A: What will we have/are we having for dinner today?

B: Oh, I don’t know. We’ll see/We’re seeing what’s in the freezer.

  1. Complete the pairs of sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use be going to or the Present Continuous.

  1. a We_________(eat) in a restaurant, but we haven’t decided which one.

b We _________(eat) in a restaurant tonight. The table is booked for 7.00

  1. a Nathan _________(visit) his friend in the UK next week. He reserved a seat yesterday.

b Nathan _________(visit) his friend in the UK if he can find a cheap flight.

  1. a Penny and Jill _________(play) tennis if it stops raining.

b Penny and Jill _________(play) tennis at 4.30 at the sports centre.


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