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Whole word games

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

  • Game “Echo”.
  • Game “What’s missing
  • Game “Disappearing cards”.
  • Game “Read my lips”.
  • Memory game.
  • Pelmanism
  • Snap!
  • Tic- tac- Toe




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«Whole word games»


  • Game “Echo”. Ask pupils to repeat the words after you like an echo. Do it first very loudly, then quieter and quieter, gradually reducing the volume to whisper. Or you may say the word happily, sadly, or in a tired voice and pupils repeat after you.

  • Game “What’s missing” (in case with more than 3 word cards). Read aloud the words on the word cards (WCs) omitting one or two words. Ask pupils to read the words you missed.

  • Game “Disappearing cards”. Say “Close your eyes” and close your eyes with your hand. Take away one of the PCs. Say “Open your eyes” and ask pupils to read all the word cards again. Continue until all picture cards disappear.

  • Game “Read my lips”. Say the words one at a time but without using your voice. Move your lips clearly. Ask pupils to read your lips. Say the word and point to the corresponding word card.

  • Memory game. Turn the word cards face down. Point to one of the cards. Ask pupils to guess the word. Turn the card face up. If they guessed it correctly, leave it face up. If not, put it face down again.

  • Pelmanism

Lay the cards face down on the table or use magnets and whiteboard. Take it in turns to turn up 2 cards. If they match, keep them as a pair and have another turn. If not, replace them in exactly the same place. The winner is the one with the most pairs.

  • Snap!

Take a set of cards. Shuffle them and deal the cards all out between the two of you. You both keep you pile of cards face down on the table.

Start by taking the first card off your pack, turn it over face up and put it in the center of the table. Your partner does the same, putting the card on top of yours. If the cards match, the first person to say Snap! Takes the pile of cards and puts them to the bottom of their own pile. If the cards are different, you continue by turning over cards in turn and putting them down as before. The game is over when one person has all the cards.

  • Tic- tac- Toe

Divide the class into two teams: team X and team O.

The aim for each team is to have three X’s or O’s across, down, or diagonally before the other team. At each turn, three team members play or participate in the game. Team X begins the game. Team member 1 picks a number. Team member 2 reads the word. Team member 3 uses the word in a sentence.

Reading Reflex ( by Carmen McGuinness)


Skill area



  1. Sound and symbols

Recognizing the first, the last, the middle phoneme

Listening exercises with pictures, grouping, classifying, odd one out

  1. Letter formation

Forming low-case letters

Tracing ( finger tracing on sand paper), joining dots, , copying ( ask children to say each sound as they are writing)

  1. Segmenting (letters are apart) & blending ( letters are side by side)

Separating/segmenting phonemes into isolated sounds and joining them back/ blending into words again

cat - /c/- /a/ -/t/

/c/- /a/ -/t/ - cat

  1. Tracking

Manipulating with short patterns changing the position of the sound

e.g. cat , at, cot, bat, tac

Further steps in teaching phonics ( depends on your programme)

Suggested continuum ( by Diane McGuiness)

  • Introduce more consonants and vowels

  • Consonants clusters e.g. bl,br,dr,fl,fr,gr,sk,sn,tr etc.

  • Consonants digraphs chair,ring, ship, this, clock

  • Plurals /s/, /z/, /iz/

  • Vowel digraphs (diphthongs) e.g. train, boy, owl etc.

  • E-controlled vowel spelling ( ‘magic e’) e.g. same, tree, time, bone, cute

  • Vowel +R e.g. er, ur, ir

  • The letter A e.g. cat – fast


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