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Word building: Prefixes

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Карточка для учащихся 11 класса. Задание направлено на отработку префиксов dis-, in-, im-, re-, un- 

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«Word building: Prefixes»

dis-, in-, im-, re-, un- are the most common prefixes of the English language.

dis- means not or opposite of

in- & im- mean in

re- means again

un- means not

PS.: UN- can go before any letters. IM is used before letters m and p –other than that IN is used.

Write the right prefix on the lines:

_____able _____confortable _____certain _____like _____happy

_____secure _____invited _____open _____ adjust _____known

_____assure _____habit _____connect _____ability _____agree

_____like _____trust _____turn _____fresh _____store

_____polite _____possible _____guise _____formal _____patient

Now use some of the words in the sentences:

1. The birthday party was very __________. 2. Boy, was he _________ when he asked for help! 3. The plants that grow here are very __________ the plants where I live. 4. He was __________ to solve the problem. 5. Everybody wants him to __________ to his job. 6. I feel shy and __________ around strangers. 7. He tried to __________ his voice on the phone but I could tell it was him. 8. People have grown __________ with the numerous delays. 9. Now you must __________ the hose from the faucet. 10. You look __________ in that chair. Do you want another one? 11. I am sorry but the restaurant is closed. We will __________ tonight at 9 pm. 12. Several species of birds _________ the island. 13. I am not sure of the address. Could you __________ your memory? 14. Much is _________ about his early life in America. 15. We don’t look eye to eye on the matter. Actually we ________ very much. 16. Mary has learned to keep a positive attitude about her __________. 17. The crew is trying to __________ the old house to its original condition. 18. The heavy rain made it ____________ to see the dark road. 19. I was annoyed that he brought three ____________ guests to my party. 20. It is a very ___________ situation. I wish I could do something to change it. 21. The children need to ___________ to the new school. 22. They generally __________ dentists and doctors.

Key for the third task:

1. informal

2. impolite

3. unlike

4. unable

5. return

6. insecure

7. disguise

8. impatient

9. disconnect

10. uncomfortable

11. reopen

12. inhabit

13. refresh

14. unknown

15. disagree

16. disability

17. restore

18. impossible

19. uninvited

20. unhappy

21. readjust

22. distrust


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