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"Work and play" 4 класс

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«"Work and play" 4 класс»





tennis volleyball badminton Table tennis hockey baseball




Table tennis



 Match the English word with its Russian translation Tennis Hockey Badminton Baseball Table tennis Volleyball Хоккей Волейбол Теннис Бейсбол Бадминтон Настольный теннис

Match the English word with its Russian translation

  • Tennis
  • Hockey
  • Badminton
  • Baseball
  • Table tennis
  • Volleyball






Настольный теннис

Once a week I play tennis once a week . I play tennis on Sundays. Twice a week I play hockey twice a week . I play hockey on Mondays and Tuesdays. Three times a week I play baseball three times a week . I play baseball on Tuesdays, Thursday and Friday.

Once a week

I play tennis once a week . I play tennis on Sundays.

Twice a week

I play hockey twice a week . I play hockey on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Three times a week

I play baseball three times a week . I play baseball on Tuesdays, Thursday and Friday.

Three times a week I have English lessons three times a week. I have English lessons on Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays

Three times a week

  • I have English lessons three times a week. I have English lessons on Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays
Once a week - один раз в неделю Twice a week – два раза в неделю Three times a week – три раза в неделю Translate from English to Russian (a day –день, a week- неделя, a month – месяц, a year- год): Один раз в день, два раза в месяц Один раз в году, два раза в году Два раза в неделю, два раза в день Три раза в неделю, три раза в день
  • Once a week - один раз в неделю
  • Twice a week – два раза в неделю
  • Three times a week – три раза в неделю

Translate from English to Russian (a day –день, a week- неделя, a month – месяц, a year- год):

Один раз в день, два раза в месяц

Один раз в году, два раза в году

Два раза в неделю, два раза в день

Три раза в неделю, три раза в день

A:How often do they play volleyball at the sports centre?  B:Twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays.

A:How often do they play volleyball at the sports centre? B:Twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays.



В английском языке три предлога времени: at  (в) past   (после) to  (до)

В английском языке три предлога времени:

  • at (в)
  • past (после)
  • to (до)
Ответ начинаем с «It is(It’s) … .» «Ровный час» – o'clock six

Ответ начинаем с «It is(It’s) … .»

«Ровный час» – o'clock


«Ровный час» – o'clock Ровно любой час (без минут)   It’s ten o'clock . ( Десять часов ровно).

«Ровный час» – o'clock

Ровно любой час

(без минут)


  • It’s ten o'clock . ( Десять часов ровно).
What time is it? o’clock quarter past quarter to half past

What time is it?


quarter past

quarter to

half past

«It’s … minutes to … .» Если на циферблате минутная стрелка находится От 6.00 до 12.00 употребляется предлог TO  (до) It’s ten minutes to two. ( Без десяти минут два или 13:50 ).

«It’s … minutes to … .»

Если на циферблате минутная стрелка находится

От 6.00 до 12.00 употребляется предлог TO (до)

It’s ten minutes to two. ( Без десяти минут два или 13:50 ).

«It’s … minutes past … .» Если на циферблате минутная стрелка находится от 12.00 до 6.00 - употребляется предлог PAST  (после) It’s ten minutes past  two . ( Десять минут третьего или 14:10 )

«It’s … minutes past … .»

Если на циферблате минутная стрелка находится

от 12.00 до 6.00 - употребляется предлог PAST (после)

It’s ten minutes past two . ( Десять минут третьего или 14:10 )

« Четверть часа » - quarter  Четверть может быть до получаса и после получаса.    It’s quarter to five. ( Без четверти пять - без пятнадцати пять).  It’s quarter past five.   ( Пятнадцать минут шестого.)

« Четверть часа » - quarter

Четверть может быть до получаса и после получаса.  

  • It’s quarter to five. ( Без четверти пять - без пятнадцати пять).
  • It’s quarter past five. ( Пятнадцать минут шестого.)
«Половина» - half Половина обозначается словом

«Половина» - half

Половина обозначается словом " half " [ha:f  ].


  • It’s half past seven. ( Половина восьмого (7:30 или 19:30).
№ 5 p. 34 It’s quarter past three It’s half past seven It’s quarter to eleven It’s twelve o’clock It’s quarter to nine It’s quarter past five

№ 5 p. 34

It’s quarter past three

It’s half past seven

It’s quarter to eleven

It’s twelve o’clock

It’s quarter to nine

It’s quarter past five

What time is it? o’clock quarter past quarter to half past

What time is it?


quarter past

quarter to

half past

I play tennis at a quarter to five? (16:45 ) 9:45 11:00 17:30 18:15 12:15 19:00

I play tennis at a quarter to five? (16:45 )







Present Simple  Настоящее простое время   Управлять им так легко: Не меняем ничего. Но: He, She, It (уже мы знаем)- К ним особый интерес: К глаголу не забудем Мы в конце добавить - S

Present Simple Настоящее простое время

Управлять им так легко: Не меняем ничего.

Но: He, She, It (уже мы знаем)-

К ним особый интерес:

К глаголу не забудем

Мы в конце добавить - S

you we they I like s it he she










Утвердительные предложения: I You We They Play Work Go He She It Play s Work s Go es Автор: Е.В. Емельянова

Утвердительные предложения:





  • Play
  • Work
  • Go




  • Play s
  • Work s
  • Go es

Автор: Е.В. Емельянова

 My uncle Harry   My uncle Harry`s forty years old. He`s tall with fair hair and blue eyes. Uncle Harry`s vet. He works at the Animal in Stonebridge. Uncle Harry doesn`t wear a uniform but he wears a white coat. He helps sick animals. In his free time Uncle Harry likes cooking and playing tennis. I think my Uncle Harry is great! Aunt Pam * Cousin Robbie 39years old * 22 years old Short, slim, dark hair *slim, dark hair Nurse, hospital * mechanic, garage Sick people *fix cars Cooking, reading * watching TV  interesting books
  • My uncle Harry

My uncle Harry`s forty years old. He`s tall with fair hair and blue eyes. Uncle Harry`s vet. He works at the Animal in Stonebridge. Uncle Harry doesn`t wear a uniform but he wears a white coat. He helps sick animals. In his free time Uncle Harry likes cooking and playing tennis. I think my Uncle Harry is great!

  • Aunt Pam * Cousin Robbie
  • 39years old * 22 years old
  • Short, slim, dark hair *slim, dark hair
  • Nurse, hospital * mechanic, garage
  • Sick people *fix cars
  • Cooking, reading * watching TV

interesting books

Dad 34 years old Slim, fair hair Greengrocer, greengrocer`s Sell fruit and vegetables Writing fairy tales  Aunt Rose 33years old slim, dark hair, blue eyes Waiter, café Serve food and drinks Going shopping
  • Dad
  • 34 years old
  • Slim, fair hair
  • Greengrocer, greengrocer`s
  • Sell fruit and vegetables
  • Writing fairy tales

  • Aunt Rose
  • 33years old
  • slim, dark hair, blue eyes
  • Waiter, café
  • Serve food and drinks
  • Going shopping

Write in numbers: It is quarter to nine. It is eight o’clock. It is half past eleven. It is quarter past two. It is half past seven. It is quarter to one. Write in words: 10.45 7.15 8.30 12.00 4.45

Write in numbers:

It is quarter to nine.

It is eight o’clock.

It is half past eleven.

It is quarter past two.

It is half past seven.

It is quarter to one.

Write in words:






Have to/ don’t have to 4 class 4b

Have to/ don’t have to

4 class 4b

Have to – Don’t have to Употребляется, чтобы выразить необходимость или отсутствие необходимости . have to I / You / We / They go to school every day + He / She / It has to don’t I / You / We / They - wear a uniform at school have to doesn’t He / She / It I / you / we / they Do have to wear a uniform at school ? ? Does he / she / it

Have to – Don’t have to

Употребляется, чтобы выразить необходимость или отсутствие необходимости .

have to

I / You / We / They

go to school every day


He / She / It

has to


I / You / We / They


wear a uniform at school

have to


He / She / It

I / you / we / they


have to

wear a uniform at school




he / she / it

I have to  – мне надо You  have to  – тебе/ вам надо We  have to  – нам надо They  have to  – им надо  He   has to  – ему надо She has to  – ей надо

I have to мне надо

You have to тебе/ вам надо

We have to нам надо

They have to им надо

He has to ему надо

She has to ей надо

You have to wear a uniform.

You have to wear a uniform.

A policeman has to wear a uniform.

A policeman has to wear a uniform.

A student has to do homework.

A student has to do homework.

A waiter has to serve people.

A waiter has to serve people.

A doctor has to help sick people.

A doctor has to help sick people.

What about you? Do you have to get up early on Sunday? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. Do you have to go to school every day? Do you have to do your homework every day? Do you have to clean your teeth every day? Do you have to help your mum?

What about you?

  • Do you have to get up early on Sunday?

Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

  • Do you have to go to school every day?
  • Do you have to do your homework every day?
  • Do you have to clean your teeth every day?
  • Do you have to help your mum?
Does your friend have to get up early on Sunday?  Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. Does your friend have to go to school every day? Does your friend have to do his/her homework?  Does he/she have to clean his/her teeth? Does he/she have to help his/her mum?
  • Does your friend have to get up early on Sunday?

Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

  • Does your friend have to go to school every day?
  • Does your friend have to do his/her homework?
  • Does he/she have to clean his/her teeth?
  • Does he/she have to help his/her mum?
Have to or don’t have to ? You wash the dishes. (+)  You serve food and coffee. (+)  You work at night. (-)  You wear a uniform. (+)  You be polite. (+)  You pay for your meals. (-)

Have to or don’t have to ?

You wash the dishes. (+)

You serve food and coffee. (+)

You work at night. (-)

You wear a uniform. (+)

You be polite. (+)

You pay for your meals. (-)

Choose the correct answer A nurse ______ wear a uniform at work. Linda ________ walk the dog in the evening. We _______ wear warm clothes in the winter. Peter ________ play the violin every day. “ Does Tim have to work at night?”. “…” . You ________ help me. I’m Ok. … work on Saturdays? don’t have to has to have to don’t have to doesn’t have to does have to doesn’t have to has to have to has to don’t have to have to No, he doesn’t Yes, he doesn’t No, he does don’t have to haven’t doesn’t have to Do I have to I have to Do I has to

Choose the correct answer

A nurse ______ wear a uniform at work.

Linda ________ walk the dog in the evening.

We _______ wear warm clothes in the winter.

Peter ________ play the violin every day.

“ Does Tim have to work at night?”. “…” .

You ________ help me. I’m Ok.

… work on Saturdays?

don’t have to

has to

have to

don’t have to

doesn’t have to

does have to

doesn’t have to

has to

have to

has to

don’t have to

have to

No, he doesn’t

Yes, he doesn’t

No, he does

don’t have to


doesn’t have to

Do I have to

I have to

Do I has to

Student’s book: P. 38  Ex.2 A teacher teaches students at school. 2. A greengrocer sells fruit and vegetables at the greengrocer’s. 3. A postman takes letters to people’s house from the post office. 4. A waiter serves people at the cafe.

Student’s book: P. 38


  • A teacher teaches students at school.

2. A greengrocer sells fruit and vegetables at the greengrocer’s.

3. A postman takes letters to people’s house from the post office.

4. A waiter serves people at the cafe.

Student’s book: P. 39 Ex. 6 She works at a garage. 2. It’s in Stonebridge. 3. Yes, she does. 4. No, she doesn’t. She fixes cars.

Student’s book: P. 39

Ex. 6

  • She works at a garage.

2. It’s in Stonebridge.

3. Yes, she does.

4. No, she doesn’t. She fixes cars.

Thanks for your work

Thanks for your work


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