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Writing essay reading

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Some people think that reading books is the best way to get knowledge about life. However, the others claim that it would be better to watch a movie version.

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«Writing essay reading»

Some people think that reading books is the best way to get knowledge about life. However, the others claim that it would be better to watch a movie version.

As for me, nowadays, I prefer to spend time with a great book. In my opinion it is useful and enjoyable. The first thing that needs to be said is books can help you to develop your imagination. You picture characters, settings and so on. Therefore, you can create the entire plot in your mind while reading. Secondly, you can escape from cruel reality and boring daily routine. If a story is breathtaking and starling, you will surf a new world and forget everyday problems.

On the contrary, it has become fashionable for people watching a film of a book. Nowadays men and women, adults and teenagers are very busy, and they consider that it takes less time. So you can watch more films and know more stories.

I disagree with this point of view, because these people fail to understand that you cannot find out a full plot from a film, because many details of a book are cut out.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is a wonderful thing to go to the cinema, but you should read a book at first.

the entire plot

To have a wholesome effect on – благотворно влиять на

person’s mood


case-harden the spirits – закалять дух

shortage of time - нехватка времени

in spite of everything – вопреки всему

emotional release – эмоциональная разрядка

core subjects - основные учебные предметы

well-being – здоровье, благополучие

devotee - ярый последователь

thrill seeker – искатель острых ощущений

to relieve stress – снимать стресс

precious gift – бесценный дар


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