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Writing essays. Kinds of essays.

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«Writing essays. Kinds of essays.»


1. OPINION DISCUSSION (write about each side of the discussion, and

finally give your opinion at the end of your essay)

2. OPINION PERSONAL VIEWPOINT (state your personal viewpoint at the

beginning of the essay, and then explain why you

have this opinion)




  • In these IDEAS tasks, you will get high marks for thinking of a number of ideas on the topic, but you will lose marks if you give a strong personal opinion.

Ask yourself:

a) Is this an OPINION or an IDEAS task?

b) Is it asking me to give my personal view, or is it asking me to think of some ideas on a topic?

c) Which type of OPINION or IDEAS task is it?

OPINION DISCUSSION (You should discuss both sides objectively, describing two or three on each side, and then give your personal view in the conclusion. Remember, your personal view should be expressed without emotion or humour).


… There are valid opinions on both sides, which I
will consider now.

It is generally agreed that …

Many people contend that …

We often hear …

… Most people …, and there are strong views on both sides, which I will discuss now.

…There are valid arguments on both sides, which I will discuss now.

One opinion

On the one hand, some people feel/believe/argue/highlight/point out that …

Some people believe that …

Many people feel that …

It is often said that …

Opposing opinion

On the other hand, though,

Supporters of … emphasize …

Many people feel that …

Conversely, those who support … say that …

There are those who argue that …

It has been suggested that …

Opponents / Supporters / Proponents of argue that …

Linking ideas

Firstly / In the first place / To begin with, …

Secondly, A second area to consider is …

In addition,

After all,

Finally, Lastly,



Overall, I feel that …

In conclusion, my own feeling is that …

Overall, I tend to agree that …

OPINION PERSONAL VIEWPOINT (It asks you to say how much you
agree with an idea. You should state your opinion at the start, and then explain why you have this opinion, giving several logical reasons. You should briefly mention the opposing view as well. The conclusion should be a summary of your viewpoint).


… Personally, I feel that saving is preferable to high spending, and I will explain why.

… However, I personally do not entirely accept this, and I will explain why in this essay.

Listing ideas



Besides this,


Balance” (the opposing view)

I do appreciate that some people think differently, saying that …

I do understand the opposing view, which is that … Nevertheless, I feel that …


To conclude, I believe that …

This is not to say that tourism is entirely bad, of course.

Overall, I believe that …

IDEAS PROBLEM/SOLUTION (In tasks such as this, you should introduce the topic, describe two or three problems, then offer two or three solutions, and then summarize in the final paragraph. Remember, this is not an OPINION type task. You will lose marks if you give a strong personal opinion in this essay)


… There are a number of problems that people suffer as a result of
these crimes, but also some straightforward measures we can take to protect ourselves.

… I believe there are three main
problems associated with these products, and also three remedies we can adopt.


Perhaps the worst problem stemming from this is …

Perhaps the major/largest problem we need to deal with is …

A further problem is …

A second issue is …

Another major problem linked to … is …



Turning to possible solutions, probably the most effective measure is …

Turning to possible solutions, one key step would be to …

A further step would be to …


To tackle the problem of …

On the subject of …, advice on … could be



Overall, the problems caused are both (financial and social), and the solutions should involve coordinated action by (individuals, corporations and the state).

To sum up, this is a problem that has both (social and physical effects), and the solution will require combined action by (manufacturers, schools and authorities).

Overall, the key problems of (obesity and stress) can be addressed through a combination of (awareness, targeted legislation and better employment practices).

IDEAS EVALUATE (You should introduce the topic, then describe how effective you think patrols are, then propose two or three alternatives, then summarize).


Personally, I feel that … are highly effective, although there are several supplementary methods too.

How effective

Regarding the effectiveness of …, evidence suggests that …

When compared to other tactics that have been tried, ranging from … to …, there is little doubt that …


Turning to other methods, we should supplement … with …

Secondly, we should …

Moreover, …


All in all, I feel that … have been proved to be the most effective way to … .

Their effectiveness can be maximized by supporting action from elsewhere in (the police and justice system), and by (private citizens doing their part as well).

IDEAS CAUSE/EFFECT (You should introduce the topic, then describe two or three causes, then two or three effects. There should be a short summary at the end).


There are three main causes, and two key impacts, which I will outline now.

I think there are two main causes, and a number of damaging effects.


The main cause is probably …

The second key cause is, I believe,

Furthermore, …

Finally, …


Regarding the effects of …,

The other main effect on … is …

Secondly, The effects on the … can be quite devastating. Firstly, …


To sum up, the causes of this trend are primarily to do with …, and the effects are felt in terms of ….

Overall, the … are the key causes behind this trend. The effects on the … involve (long-term financial hardship in many instances).


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