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Задание на формирование функциональной грамотности (читательская грамотность) 9 класс

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Задание по английскому языку на формирование функциональной грамотности (читательская грамотность)

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«Задание на формирование функциональной грамотности (читательская грамотность) 9 класс»

Задание на проверку функциональной грамотности в 9 классе на теме 4 модуля « Technology» учебника Spotlight 9класс.

Everybody’s Tweeting

When Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey posted his first Tweet on his newly created website even he couldn't have imagined that just a few years later over 200,000,000 people would be doing the same thing at least once a month. With the words 'just setting up my twttr', Jack launched a site that would change how we communicate forever. Twitter was originally created as a messaging system for a podcasting website, but it took on a life of its own as people realised it offered them the power to connect with millions of people instantly. Suddenly everyone had a voice, as long as it wasn't longer than 140 characters. But what are we using it for, and just how is Twitter changing the way we do things?

Oh no! I've just heard about Robin Williams - so sad. Astor, 16

1Perhaps the greatest impact Twitter has had is on breaking news. Before Twitter, news had to get the attention of a journalist, who then had to make sure the news was accurate and true before finally broadcasting it on the radio or TV. These days anyone who happens to be in the right place at the right time with a Twitter account can post news the second it happens. With retweets it can be halfway around the world in seconds. A perfect example of this was when a US flight made an emergency landing in the Hudson River in New York City. 'There's a plane in the Hudson. I'm on the ferry going to pick up the people. Crazy’ is how eyewitness Janis Krums broke the story to the world with this Tweet and a photo of the extraordinary event.

OMG I've just seen Ariana Grande down town. Can't wait for the concert tonight. Rita, 14

2 Young people have always loved to follow their pop idols, and Twitter has made it a whole lot easier. Before the Internet, teenagers used to join the fan clubs of their favourite bands and write letters to their heroes. If they were lucky, two weeks later they'd get a reply written by the club secretary. A few times a year they'd receive a magazine updating them on all the band's 'news'. Today’s teenagers don't need to wait. By following their idols on Twitter they get all the news the minute it happens. They get to hear what they had for breakfast, what they did the night before, what they're thinking as they sit waiting for a plane, and what they're going to do the next day. They get to hear it directly from the bands themselves.

Save our cinema. Join us tonight 8 pm outside the mayor's house. Dexter, 17

3 Twitter allows people who think the same way to get together and do something about the things they care about. They can share information, organise campaigns and put pressure on governments and big businesses to change. It allows people to stand up to things such as cyber bullying, sexism and racism. Twitter has given the man and woman on the street the powe

1. Read these statements about Twitter. Match them with the person you think said them. Which do you think is the least trustworthy? Why?

1 a psychologist

2 a politician

3 a linguist

4 an IT expert

5 an advertising executive

a We have noticed that people use fewer abbreviations on Twitter than in texting, and tweets seem to show more creative word use.

b Young people sometimes make things public that they regret later. This can cause emotional problems and frequently a feeling of helplessness.

c We're trying to develop a system that will help people to upload multiple photos faster.

d We use social media in order to spread our key messages more efficiently.

e Twitter - quite simply the most effective way to reach our target consumers.

2. Read the sentences and write T (Frue), F (False), NS (Not stated):

  • Twitter was originally created as a messaging system for a podcasting website. T/F/NS.

  • Thanks to twitter we can keep in touch with our friends abroad. T/F/NS.

  • People should pay for Twitter. T/F/NS.

  • The invention of Twitter made the life of fans easier. T/F/NS.

  • Twitter contributes to the evelopment of education. T/F/NS.

  • Twitter helps people to protect their rights. T/F/NS.

3. Complete the sentences with a right word:

1) With the words 'just setting up my twitter', Jack launched a site that would change how we study forever.

2) Unfortunately everyone had a right, as long as it wasn't longer than 140 characters.

3) These days anyone who happens to be in the right place at the right time with a Twitter account can speak about events the second it happens.

4) By admiring their idols on Twitter they get all the news the second it happens.

5) Twitter allows people who think the same way to organize the clubs and do something about the things they care about.

6) They can share information, organise clubs and put pressure on authorities and big businesses to change.

Выполнение данного задания направлено на формирование читательской грамотности учащихся. В исследовании РISA «читательская грамотность – способность человека понимать и использовать письменные тексты, размышлять о них и заниматься чтением для того, чтобы достигать своих целей, расширять свои знания и возможности, участвовать в социальной жизни». А именно, развитие умений ориентироваться в источниках информации, находить, перерабатывать, передавать и принимать требуемую информацию, пользоваться разными стратегиями при её переработке, отвергая ненужную и неверную.

Выполняя задание, учащиеся анализируют, интерпретируют и обобщают информацию, которая представлена в тексте, формулируют на ее основе сложные выводы и оценочные суждения.

Первое задание, где необходимо установить причинно-следственные связи между единицами информации текста, делать умозаключения на основе текста.

Второе задание – это задание True/False, то есть формирования у учащихся читательского умения интегрировать и интерпретировать информацию текста, обнаруживать в тексте доводы в подтверждение выдвинутых тезисов.

Третье задание – это умение формулировать логические умозаключения на основе информации, приведенной в тексте, приобретенных знаний и собственного опыта, сравнивать новую информацию с прочитанным ранее.

Подготовила задание : Тебуева О.Ю.


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