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Задания по английскому языку для 2-11 классов.

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«Олимпиада по английскому языку 10 класс»

Олимпиада по английскому языку 10 класс

Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 45 минут.

1. Match the picture with the word.

A) 1a, 2c, 3b, 4d Б) 1c, 2a, 3b, 4d

В) 1d, 2a, 3b, 4c Г) 1b, 2d, 3a, 4c

2. Choose the right translation of the proverb.

А) Всякому мужу своя жена милее.

Б) Невестку по теще выбирай.

В) Хозяйкою дом стоит.

Г) Женился на скорую руку, да на долгую муку.

3. Match the word with the right suffix.

A) 1c, 2d, 3b, 4a, 5f, 6e Б) 1d, 2c, 3e, 4b, 5a, 6f

В) 1d, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5e, 6f Г) 1f, 2d, 3a, 4b, 5c, 6e

4. Choose the statement which is false.

A) The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

Б) The first cheap car was invented by Henry Ford.

В) “The adventures of Tom Sawyer” was written by Jack London.

Г) The radio was invented by Alexander Popov.

5. Choose the right preposition.

1. Too much coffee is bad ___ your health.

a) of b) for c) with d) at

2. Children are fond __ eating ice-cream.

a) to b) at c) of d) for

3. My mum turned the TV ___ after watching her favourite show.

a) off b) of c) up d) at

4. I’ll see you ___ half past five.

a) in b) at c) to d) for

5. English people are proud ___ their Literature.

a) of b) by c) with d) on

6. You are always late. I’m tired of waiting ___ you.

a) on b) after c) about d) for

7. As soon as you arrive ___ Manchester, give me a call.

a) at b) in c) on d) no article

A) 1a, 2d, 3b, 4c, 5a, 6b, 7a Б) 1b, 2c, 3a, 4b, 5a, 6d, 7b

В) 1c, 2b, 3d, 4a, 5b, 6d, 7d Г) 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a, 5d, 6d, 7a

6. Complete the sentence with the correct variant.

1. If the concert _______ earlier, I would have taken the 9.30 bus.

a) had finished b) finished c) finishes d) would finish

2. If I were you, I ______ a new bicycle.

a) bought b) buy c) will buy d) would buy

3. If I hadn’t got up earlier, I _______ my flight to London.

a) had missed b) miss c) would miss d) would have missed

4. If you are a good girl, I _______ you to the zoo.

a) take b) will take c) would take d) would have taken

5. I wish I _____ more money.

a) have b) had c) had had d) have had

6. I ________ the work if you don’t help me.

a) will finish b) would finish c) won’t finish d) wouldn’t finish

A) 1a, 2d, 3d, 4b, 5b, 6c Б) 1b, 2d, 3d, 4b, 5a, 6c

В) 1a, 2d, 3d, 4c, 5d, 6a Г) 1a, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6d

7. Choose the appropriate word.

A) 1 adult, 2 adults, 3 idolise, 4 hobbies, 5 teens, 6 development, 7 introverts, 8 extroverts, 9 relationships

Б) 1 adults, 2 adult, 3 idolise, 4 hobbies, 5 teens, 6 development, 7 extroverts, 8 introverts, 9 relationships

В) 1 adult, 2 adults, 3 idolise, 4 hobbies, 5 relationships, 6 development, 7 introverts, 8 extroverts, 9 teens

Г) 1 adults, 2 adult, 3 idolise, 4 hobbies, 5 teens, 6 development, 7 introverts, 8 extroverts, 9 relationships

8. Find a mistake.

А) 1 Б) 2 В) 3 Г) 4

9. Choose the correct tense form of the verb.

А) 1. did, 2. went, 3. took, 4. was, 5. awarded

Б) 1. did, 2. went, 3. took, 4. has been, 5. was awarded

В) 1. will do, 2. goes, 3. has taken, 4.has been, 5. was awarded

Г) 1. will, 2. go, 3. took, 4. has been, 5. was awarded

10. Make up the question from the given words.

А) 2, 6, 5, 7, 3, 8, 1, 4, 9 Б) 2, 4, 6, 5, 7, 3, 8, 1, 9

В) 6, 4, 5, 7, 2, 1, 3, 8, 9 Г) 2, 5, 1, 3, 6, 4, 8, 7,9


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«Олимпиада по английскому языку 11 класс»

Олимпиада по английскому языку 11 класс

Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 45 минут.

1. Match the sentence with the photo.

A) 1d 2a 3b 4c Б) 1a 2d 3b 4c

В) 1c 2a 3d 4b Г) 1a 2b 3c 4d

2. Choose the right prefix to the adjective.

1. __ accurate information

a) in b) im c) ir d) il

2. __ logical response

a) in b) im c) ir d) il

3.__ patient driver

a) in b) im c) ir d) il

4. __definite article

a) in b) im c) ir d) il

5. __ polite gesture

a) in b) im c) ir d) il

6.__responsible boy

a) in b) im c) ir d) il

А) 1.a, 2.d, 3.b, 4.a, 5.b, 6.c Б) 1.a, 2.d, 3.a, 4.d, 5.b, 6.d

В) 1.d, 2.a, 3.b, 4.a, 5.a, 6.c Г) 1.c, 2.a, 3.d, 4.a, 5.b, 6.b

3. Choose the right variant.

A) 1 can, 2 couldn’t, 3 could, 4 could, 5 couldn’t, 6 can, 7 can, 8 can, 9 can’t,

10 can, 11 can

Б) 1 could, 2 couldn’t, 3 couldn’t, 4 couldn’t, 5 couldn’t, 6 can’t, 7 can, 8 can,

9 can’t, 10 can, 11 can

В) 1 can, 2 couldn’t, 3 could, 4 could, 5 could, 6 could, 7 can, 8 can, 9 can’t,

10 couldn’t, 11 can’t

Г) 1 can, 2 couldn’t, 3 could, 4 could, 5 could, 6 can, 7 can, 8 can’t, 9 can ,

10 can’t, 11 can’t

4. Complete the text with the words.

A) 1 jobs, 2 languages, 3 work, 4 experience, 5 chance

Б) 1 work, 2 languages, 3 jobs, 4 chance, 5 experience

В) 1 work, 2 languages, 3 jobs, 4 experience, 5 chance

Г) 1 work, 2 jobs, 3 languages, 4 chance, 5 experience

5. Put the sentences in the right order to make a dialogue.

a) I think of nothing else! I’ve got an appointment with Personnel tomorrow, so that might make a difference.

b) So, how are things at work?

c) Awuful, to be honest! I feel as if I am going to end up having a nervous breakdown.

d) How will that help?

e) Well, I will have a chance to talk about the problems in my department.They might listen. On the other hand, they might not!

f) Is it as bad as that? Have you had any more thoughts about leaving them?

A) bcdeaf Б) bedafc

В) badcef Г) bcfade

6. Choose the right variant.

The House of Lords and The House of Common make up _____

A) the Parliament Б) The Senate

В) The Congress Г) The house of Representatives

7. Choose the appropriate answer to the replica-stimulus.

I am really grateful to you for your advice.

A) I am sure of that. Б) You are welcome.

В) You needn’t worry. Г) Oh, my deep gratitude.

8. Find a mistake in one of the underlined words.

Although she was so bad-tempered, she had a lots of friends.

1 2 3 4

А) 1 Б) 2 В) 3 Г) 4

9. Choose the correct tense form of the verb.

A) 1.sat, 2.heard, 3.opened, 4.tried, 5.was holding, 6.had never done, 7.would die, 8.didn’t act, 9.dropped, 10. flew

Б) 1.sat 2.heard, 3.was opening, 4.was trying, 5.was holding, 6.had never done, 7.will die, 8.don’t act, 9.dropped, 10. was flying

В) 1.was sitting, 2.heard, 3.opened, 4.was trying, 5.was holding, 6.has never done, 7.will die, 8.didn’t act, 9.dropped, 10. was flying

Г) 1.was sitting, 2.heard, 3.opened, 4.was trying, 5.was holding, 6.had never done, 7.will die, 8.don’t act, 9.dropped, 10. flew

10. Make up the sentence from the given words.

А) 4, 9, 11, 6, 2, 12, 1, 10, 3, 5, 8, 7 Б) 4, 8, 2, 6, 10, 1, 12, 3, 5, 9, 11, 7

В) 8, 2, 6, 1, 10, 5, 12, 3, 4, 9, 8, 7 Г) 8, 2, 6, 9, 12, 3, 5, 9, 4, 11, 10, 7


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«Олимпиада по английскому языку 2 класс»

Олимпиада по английскому языку 2 класс

Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 45 минут.

1. Найди на картинке буквы только английского алфавита.



2. Соедини заглавные и строчные буквы.

А) 1b2d3g4f5a6e7c Б) 1d2b3g4f5a6e7c

В) 1b2d3a4f5g6e7c Г) 1b2d3g4f5a6c7e

3. Какой звук лишний в каждой рукавичке?

А) 1c2b3с Б) 1b2b3с В) 1a2b3с Г) 1a2a

4. Соотнеси согласные буквы c соответствующими им звуками.

А) 1e2a3d4b5h6c7g8f Б) 1e2c3d4b5h6a7g8f

В) 1e2a3b4d5h6c7g8f Г) 1f2a3d4b5h6c7g8e

5. Какого цвета шарики украшают рога оленя (a – оранжевый, b – красный, c – зелёный, d – жёлтый, e – голубой, f – серый, g - белый)?

А) a – orange, b – red, c – green, d – yellow, e – blue, f – white, g – grey

Б) a – orange, b – brown, c – green, d – yellow, e – blue, f – grey, g – white

В) a – yellow, b – red, c – blue, d – orange, e – black, f – grey, g – white

Г) a – orange, b – red, c – green, d – yellow, e – blue, f – grey, g – white

6. Сколько на картинке: a) ёлочных шаров, b) звёздочек, c) ангелов,

d) подарков, e) карамелек?

А) a – ten, b – seven, c – three, d – five, e – eight

Б) a – nine, b – seven, c – three, d – fife, e – eight

В) a – ten, b – seven, c – three, d – five, e – nine

Г) a – nine, b – seven, c – three, d – five, e – eight

7. Помоги снеговику добраться до дома самой короткой дорогой. По дороге собирай буквы, и узнаешь ключевое слово.

А) holiday Б) monkey В) hockey Г) coffee

8. Каждая буква в алфавите имеет порядковый номер. Используя эти номера, расшифруй слова.

А) 1. mother, 2. book, 3. rubber Б) 1. sister, 2. name, 3. pencil

В) 1. father, 2. look, 3. pencil Г) 1. granny, 2. book, 3. pencil

9. Какое из описаний соответствует картинке?

А) 1 Б) 2 В) 3 Г) 4

10. Вставь в пропуски подходящие слова из рамки справа.

А) 1с2a3f4d5e6b Б) 1d2a3b4c5e6f

В) 1с2a3b4d5e6f Г) 1с2a3d4b5e6f


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«Олимпиада по английскому языку 3 класс»

Олимпиада по английскому языку 3 класс

Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 45 минут.

1. Выбери утверждения, которые НЕ соответствуют картинке (11 – чёрный, 12 – фиолетовый, 13 – зелёный, 15 – синий, 19 – оранжевый, 20 – белый, 30 – красный, 60 – красный, 80 – зелёный, 90 - жёлтый).

1. Eleven is yellow. 6. Twelve is blue.

2. Fifteen is blue. 7. Eighty is green.

3. Thirteen is green. 8. Sixty is red.

4. Thirty is white. 9. Ninety is yellow.

5. Twenty is black. 10. Nineteen is orange.

А) 3, 4, 5, 6 Б) 2, 4, 8, 9 В) 1, 4, 5, 6 Г) 1, 4, 5, 8

2. Рассмотри картинки и составь соответствующие предложения.

А) 1b2f3c4a5d6e7g Б) 1b2g3c4a5d6e7f

В) 1b2f3c4e5d6a7g Г) 1d2f3c4a5b6e7g

3. Разгадай зашифрованное слово. Каждую букву этого слова ты сможешь найти под определённым номером в выделенных словах.

1. The 8th letter in BREAKFAST.

2. The 6th letter in PRESENT.

3. The 2nd letter in HOLIDAY.

4. The 1st letter in WASH.

5. The 5th letter in DECEMBER.

6. The 3rd letter in HEALTHY.

7. The 4th letter in ORANGE.

А) October Б) Tuesday В) snowman Г) holiday

4. Выбери словосочетания, которые соответствуют картинке (мордочка – коричневая, нос – красный, зубы - белые).

А) b, c, h, j, e Б) b, d, e, h, j В) d, b, e, h, j Г) b, d, c, i

5. Соотнеси звуки со словами, в которых они произносятся.

А) 1d2b3e4c5a Б) 1b2d3a4c5e В) 1d2b3c4a5e Г) 1d2b3a4c5e

6. Исключи лишнее слово в каждом столбике.

А) 1e2c3a Б) 1e2c3b В) 1c2c3a Г) 1a2c3a

7. Замени картинки словами из рамки.

А) 1d2c3e4b5a6f Б) 1b2e3c4d5f6a

В) 1d2e3a4b5f6c Г) 1d2e3c4b5f6a

8. Замени выделенные слова местоимениями a) he, b) she, c) it, d) they,

e) we.

1. Mike is slim and tall.

2. I and Kate are friends.

3. Sam, Tim and Tom can sing well.

4. Emily likes juice.

5. Tom has got a toy. The toy is funny.

А) 1a2e3d4b5с Б) 1a2e3d4b5a

В) 1d2e3d4b5с Г) 1a2e3e4b

9. В каком фрагменте допущена ошибка?

А) 1 Б) 2 В) 3 Г) 4

10. Боб написал письмо Санте, но некоторые слова в нём засыпало снегом. Найди нужные слова в рамке.

А) 1d2b3g4f5a6e7c Б) 1b2d3g4f5c6e7a

В) 1b2d3g4c5f6e7a Г) 1b2g3d4f5c6e7a


Просмотр содержимого документа
«Олимпиада по английскому языку 4 класс»

Олимпиада по английскому языку 4 класс

Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 45 минут.

1. Какая страна изображена на картинке?

А) Great Britain Б) Russia В) America Г) Oxford

2. Исключи лишнее слово в каждом столбике.

А) 1a2a3d Б) 1b2a3a В) 1a2b3c Г) 1e2a3c

3. Какое общее слово объединяет эту группу слов: Paris, London, Milan, Moscow?

А) country Б) house В) city Г) family

4. Соотнеси слова с картинками.

А) 1f2d3c4b5e6a Б) 1f2d3c4b5a6e

В) 1f2b3c4d5a6e Г) 1a2d3c4b5f6e

5. Выбери правильный вариант.

А) 1c2b3c4b5c Б) 1c2b3a4a5a

В) 1a2b3c4c5b Г) 1b2a3c4b5c

6. Выбери вариант, который соответствует картинке.

А) 1b2b3a4a Б) 1a2b3b4b В) 1a2a3a4a Г) 1a2b3a4a

7. Разгадай зашифрованное слово. Каждую букву этого слова ты сможешь найти под определённым номером в выделенных словах.

1. The 1st letter in SKI.

2. The 3rd letter in RUN.

3. The 4th letter in TOBOGGAN.

4. The 2nd letter in SWIM.

5. The 5th letter in FOOTBALL.

6. The 6th letter in SNOWMAN.

7-8. The 10th and the 11th letters in BASKETBALL.

А) snowball Б) football В) holidays Г) breakfast

8. Рассмотри на картинку и выбери правильный вариант.

1. There is a lamp in the right corner.

a) true b) false

2. There is a table in the middle of the room.

a) true b) false

3. There is a picture above the sofa.

a) true b) false

4. There is no carpet on the floor.

a) true b) false

5. There is a TV set behind the sofa.

a) true b) false

6. There is a flower in the middle of the room.

a) true b) false

А) 1b, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5b, 6a Б) 1b, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6b

В) 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6a Г) 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5b, 6b

9. Выбери правильную временную форму.

1. There _______ many pictures on the wall.

a) am b) is c) are

2. We usually ________ breakfast at 8 o’clock.

a) have b) has c) haves

3. You _______ get a lovely present tomorrow.

a) will b) does c) do

4. What ________ the weather like today?

a) am b) is c) are

5. What ________ you do in winter?

a) can b) have c) does

6. He _________ play tennis.

a) does b) doesn’t c) don’t

7. _________ you like to ski in winter?

a) Do b) Does c) Have

А) 1c, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7a Б) 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7a

В) 1c, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7c Г) 1c, 2c, 3a, 4b, 5c, 6b, 7a

10. Разгадай кроссворд и узнаешь ключевое слово.

А) breakfast Б) snowballs В) basketball Г) mountains


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«Олимпиада по английскому языку 5 класс»

Олимпиада по английскому языку 5 класс

Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 45 минут.

1. Match the transcription of the words with the translation.

А) 1e2b3f4a5c6d Б) 1c2d3f4a5e6b

В) 1e2d3f4c5a6b Г) 1e2d3f4a5c6b

2. Cross the odd one out.

1. [] 2. [u:]

a) invite a) school

b) idea b) book

c) pig c) two

d) time d) blue

e) kind e) bus

А) 1c2e Б) 1d2b В) 1b2a Г) 1e2c

3. Choose the correct preposition.

1. Mike is at / on / from Paris.

2. Do you go to school in / on / at September?

3. Yesterday she invited us to / at / in the party.

4. You are responsible at / in / for your pet.

5. What are you looking in / on / at?

6. They travelled to / on / by car?

А) 1. from 2. in 3. to 4. for 5. at 6. in Б) 1. in 2. in 3. at 4. for 5. at 6. on

В) 1. at 2. in 3. to 4. a 5. on 6. by Г) 1. from 2. in 3. to 4. for 5. at 6. by

4. Find a mistake in one of the underlined fragments.

А) 1 Б) 2 В) 3 Г) 4

5. Match the opposites.

А) 1e2g3b4f5d6h7c8a Б) 1e2f3b4g5d6h7a8c

В) 1d2f3b4g5e6h7a8c Г) 1e2g3b4f5d6c7a8h

6. Choose the correct tense form.

1. They _________ two weeks in London last year.

a) spent b) spend c) will spend

2. Kevin won’t go to America next week, __________ he?

a) will b) does c) do

3. Jason _________ on a trip with his aunt.

a) am b) is c) are

4. Mr and Mrs Simpson ______________ to visit Japan.

a) am going b) are going c) is going

5. It’s cold in the room. ___________ I close the window?

a) Do b) Shall c) Am

6. _________ you usually get up early?

a) Do b) Does c) Have

7. She ___________ got a new jacket.

a) have b) has c) haves

8. He often ___________ at that hotel.

a) will stay b) stay c) stays

А) 1c2a3c4b5b6c7b8b Б) 1b2a3b4a5b6c7b8b

В) 1a2a3a4b5b6c7b8c Г) 1a2a3b4b5b6a7b8c

7. Choose the correct nouns.

А) abcghjl Б) abcgijl В) abnfhjl Г) ebcghdl

8. Make up the sentence.

А) Who is telling the students a funny story?

Б) Who the students is telling a funny story?

В) Who is the students a funny story telling?

Г) Who telling the students is a funny story?

9. Choose the correct word.

1. _______ you keep secrets?

a) can b) may c) could

2. _______ I come in?

a) can b) may c) could

3. We _______ go to the cinema, could we?

a) can b) may c) could

А) 1b2c3a Б) 1a2b3c В) 1c2b3c Г) 1b2b3a

10. Say if the statements are a) True or b) False.

А) 1.a) True 2.b) False 3.b) True 4. a) True 5. a) False

Б) 1.a) False2.b) True 3.b) False 4. a) True 5. a) True

В) 1.a) True 2.b) False 3.b) False 4. a) True 5. a) True

Г) 1.a) True 2.b) True 3.b) True 4. a) True 5. a) True


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«Олимпиада по английскому языку 6 класс»

Олимпиада по английскому языку 6 класс

Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 45 минут.

1. Match the names of the holidays with the pictures. Choose the odd-one-out word.

А) Christmas Б) Women’s Day

В) Easter Г) Valentine’s Day

2. Justin has spilled milk on his school schedule and he doesn’t remember what his last lesson is. Find all the irregular verbs in the picture and make up the name of the lesson from the letters. Choose the appropriate picture.

3. Follow the arrows and choose the correct option.

A) b Б) c В) a Г) d

4. Minnie is bad at Geography. Help her to learn the geographical names. Put the article the where necessary.

А) 1) -, 2) the, 3) -, 4) the, 5) -, 6) the

Б) 1) -, 2) the, 3) -, 4) the, 5) -, 6) -

В) 1) -, 2) -, 3) -, 4) -, 5) the, 6) the

Г) 1) the, 2) -, 3) -, 4) the, 5) -, 6) the

5. Tina’s mother has asked her to buy some things but Tina has left the shopping list at home and doesn’t remember the last item in the list. Find all the things in the word search puzzle. Make up a word from the letters left and choose the appropriate picture.

6. Complete the sentences with one missing word. Choose the right option.

A) 1c2a3b4f5d6e Б) 1c2f3b4a5d6e

В) 1b2a3c4f5d6e Г) 1c2a3b4f5e6d

7. Help the jelly fish to find its way home. Use the coordinates to fill in the missing prepositions. Choose the correct option.

А) 1) about, 2) at, 3) by, 4) of, 5) on, 6) in

Б) 1) of, 2) in, 3) by, 4) of, 5) in, 6) in

В) 1) about, 2) at, 3) by, 4) of, 5) on, 6) to

Г) 1) of, 2) in, 3) on, 4) on, 5) in, 6) in

8. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

А) 1 were spent, 2 hasn’t check, 3 is, 4 talks, 5 read, 6 isn’t have

Б) 1 spended, 2 hasn’t checked, 3 was, 4 talks, 5 read, 6 doesn’t have

В) 1 spent, 2 hasn’t checked, 3 is, 4 is talking, 5 read, 6 don’t have

Г) 1 spent, 2 not checked, 3 is, 4 is talking, 5 read, 6 don’t have

9. Help pandas to find their home. Put the sentences in the dialogue into the correct order. Choose the right option.

А) 8, 2, 5, 4, 1, 3, 6, 7, 9

Б) 8, 2, 5, 3, 1, 4, 6, 7, 9

В) 7, 9, 1, 6, 4, 3, 5, 8, 2

Г) 7, 9, 1, 4, 6, 5, 3, 8, 2

10. Some sentences contain a mistake. Find these sentences and choose the correct option.

1) You can do your home exercises yesterday.

2) To make a pie you need a few butter, 2 apples, flour and some sugar.

3) I think Westminster Abbey is a true symbol of London.

4) I don’t want to go to home alone.

5) I live in one of the most wonderful cities in the world.

6) The children have visited the London Zoo recently.

А) 3, 4, 6 Б) 1, 2, 3, 4

В) 1, 3, 4, 5 Г) 1, 2, 4


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«Олимпиада по английскому языку 7 класс»

Олимпиада по английскому языку 7 класс

Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 45 минут.

1. Do the maze collecting letters on your way to the finish and make up a word. Choose the topic this word refers to.

А) School subjects Б) Games В) Food Г) Animals

2. Mike likes travelling so much. Read the poem and help him to fill in the missing words. Choose the right option.

A) 1f2a3c4g5b6d7e

Б) 1f2e3c4a5b6d7g

В) 1c2e3f4g5d6b7a

Г) 1c2e3f4g5b6d7a

3. Fill in the verbs do or make. Choose the correct option.

A) 1) do 2) do 3) makes 4) make 5) do

Б) 1) do 2) make 3) makes 4) make 5) make

В) 1) do 2) do 3) does 4) make 5) do

Г) 1) make 2) do 3) makes 4) do 5) make

4. Choose the correct variant of a pronoun in each sentence.

1) Don’t help me. I can do it ….

a) myself b) myselve c) yourself

2) Help … to cookies!

a) myself b) yourself c) youself

3) I borrowed some magazines of ….

a) yourself b) you c) yours

4) Mary is a friend of ….

a) me b) my c) mine

5) Who split coffee all over the table? – It was ….

a) I b) me c) my

А) 1a2b3c4c5b

Б) 1a2c3c4c5b

В) 1b2a3c4a5c

Г) 1c2b3b4c5b

5. Follow the arrows and choose the correct option.

А) b Б) d В) c Г) a

6. Help a little polar bear to reach its home. Match the beginnings of the compound nouns with their endings.

A) 1e2b3c4d5f6a Б) 1b2f3e4d5c6a

В) 1b2f3c4d5e6a Г) 1e2f3a4c5b6d

7. Put in prepositions if needed.

А) 1 on, 2 of, 3 on, 4 to, 5 -, 6 by, 7 in

Б) 1on, 2 of, 3 on, 4 to, 5 -, 6 with, 7 in

В) 1at, 2 -, 3 -, 4 in, 5 -, 6 by, 7 -

Г) 1at, 2 in, 3 on, 4 -, 5 in, 6 with, 7 -

8. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

А) 1) is boiling 2) speak 3) open 4) didn’t read 5) explored 6) is celebrated

7) am going

Б) 1) boils 2) do they speak 3) will open 4) didn’t read 5) explore 6) is celebrate

7) go

В) 1) boils 2) are they speaking 3) opens 4) haven’t read 5) explored 6) is celebrated 7) will go

Г) 1) boil 2) they are speaking 3) opens 4) haven’t read 5) have explored 6) celebrated 7) will go

9. Some sentences contain a mistake. Find them and choose the correct option.

1) Would you like any ice-cream?

2) I have a good news for you.

3) The phone that I like is very expensive.

4) Sun is shining brightly in the sky.

5) Three hundred people gathered at the stadium.

А) 1, 2, 4 Б) 1, 3, 5 В) 2, 4, 5 Г) 1, 2, 3, 5

10. Match the idioms with their meaning. Two meaning are the odd-one outs. Choose the correct variant.

А) 1, 4 Б) 5, 6

В) 2, 3 Г) 3, 6


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«Олимпиада по английскому языку 8 класс»

Олимпиада по английскому языку 8 класс

Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 45 минут.

1. Kevin is preparing for a camping trip. Look at the list of the things he will need and match the pictures with the words.

А) 1f2a3i4g5e6d7h Б) 1f2h3i4g5e6d7a

В) 1f2a3e4h5i6b7c Г) 1f2i3c4e5b6a7d

2. Follow the arrows and choose the correct variant.

A) b Б) c В) a Г) d

3. Match the sentences with the tenses.

A) 1b2e3a4f5d6c

Б) 1a2d3b4e5f6c

В) 1c2d3b4f5a6e

Г) 1c2d3b4f5e6a

4. Choose the appropriate item.

1) The post office is situated on the other /other side of the street.

2) That may be your opinion, the others/the other in our group think differently.

3) You shouldn’t expect the others/others to do work for you.

4) That cake is very tasty. Can I have the other /another piece?

5) Some people prefer a vegetarian diet, while others/the others prefer a meat-based diet.

6) I found only one earring. Have you seen another/the other one?

А) 1 other, 2 the others, 3 the others, 4 the other, 5 others, 6 the other

Б) 1 the other, 2 the others, 3 others, 4 another, 5 others, 6 the other

В) 1 the other, 2 the others, 3 others, 4 the other, 5 others, 6 the other

Г) 1 other, 2 the other, 3 the others, 4 another, 5 the others, 6 another

5. Read the impressions of people surviving natural disasters. Match them with the names of the catastrophes. One name is the odd-one-out. Choose the correct variant.

А) earthquake Б) avalanche В) eruption Г) flood

6. Fill in articles a, an, the where necessary.

A) a, a, a, a, the, the, -, the, the Б) -, a, a, the, a, the, -, the, -

В) a, a, a, a, a, the, the, -, the Г) -, a, the, a, a, the, -, -,-

7. Nina wants to cook bangers and mash. Help her to put the instructions in the recipe into the correct order.

А) 32541 Б) 23451 В) 32451 Г) 34215

8. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

А) 1 was writing, 2 has snowed, 3 visited, 4 came, 5 open, 6 is attracted

Б) 1 wrote, 2 snowed, 3 has visited, 4 come, 5 was opened, 6 attract

В) 1 wrote, 2 is snowing, 3visited, 4 was coming, 5 opens, 6 attract

Г) 1 was writing, 2 has been snowing, 3 has visited, 4 came, 5 are opened, 6 attracts

9. Choose the right variant.

А) 1 take, 2 speak, 3 something, 4 much more, 5 elder, 6 last

Б) 1 give, 2 say, 3 nothing, 4 much, 5 older, 6 last

В) 1 take, 2 tell, 3 nothing, 4 much, 5 elder, 6 latest

Г) 1 take, 2 tell, 3 anything, 4 more, 5 old, 6 least

10. Choose the right variant of the word.

1) Doctors say that a good … and tears are very good for fighting stress.

a) laughing b) laughter c) laugh

2) Remember that your examination paper should not be more than 200 words in ….

a) length b) long c) longer

3) Somebody has to look after him because he is as … as a baby.

a) helpful b) helpless c) helping

4) He is an amazing …

a) music b) musician c) musicant

5) I’d like a ticket for the morning ….

a) flying b) fly c) flight

6) A great… of scenery can be found in this area.

a) various b) variety c) variant

А) 1a2a3b4c5c6a Б) 1b2a3b4b5c6b

В) 1a2b3a4b5a6b Г) 1b2a3b4b5c6c


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«Олимпиада по английскому языку 9 класс»

Олимпиада по английскому языку 9 класс

Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 45 минут.

1. Cross the one word out.

A) birds Б) helicopters

В) buses Г) kites

2. Match the picture with the description.

А) 1c, 2a, 3b, 4d, 5e Б) 1c, 2b, 3a, 4e, 5d

В) 1e, 2b, 3d, 4c, 5a Г) 1b, 2a, 3c, 4e, 5d

3. Choose the right answer to the replica-stimulus.

Did you enjoy your stay there?

А) Never mind.

Б) Yes, very much.

В) Me too.

Г) Please.

4. Choose the right variant.

1.___ Andes

a) the b) no article

2. ___ Belgium

a) the b) no article

3. ___ Dublin

a) the b) no article

4. ___ Pacific Ocean

a) the b) no article

5. ___ Sakhalin

a) the b) no article

6. ___ Maldives

a) the b) no article

7. ___ Sahara

a) the b) no article

A) 1a, 2b, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7a Б) 1b, 2b, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6a, 7b

В) 1a, 2a, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7b Г) 1a, 2b, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6a, 7a

5. Choose the right prepositions to complete the following sentences.

1. I was born __ April 13th .

a) on b) at c) by d) to

2. There won’t be any buses and you will have to go __ foot.

a) by b) on c) with d) in

3. Do you remember going on any trips with your friends __ the school year?

a) since b) for c) during d) to

4. Leave your things __ the chair.

a) for b) on c) in d) out

5. I went to bed __ midnight.

a) for b) at c) by d) to

6. I fell asleep___ the film.

a) for b) since c) during d) on

A) 1a, 2a, 3c, 4a, 5d, 6a Б) 1b, 2d, 3b, 4d, 5d, 6d

В) 1d, 2c, 3c, 4a, 5 a, 6b Г) 1a, 2b, 3c, 4b, 5b, 6c

6. Choose the right variant.

А) 1. invited, 2. talked, 3. asked, 4. had been, 5. was leaving 6. will come.

Б) 1. was invited, 2. was talking, 3. asked, 4. was, 5. had left, 6. would come.

В) 1. invited, 2. was talking, 3. asked, 4. was, 5. had left, 6.will come.

Г) 1. was invited, 2. talked, 3. asked, 4. was, 5. has left, 6. will come.

7. Choose the right suffix.

А) 1f 2e 3a 4b 5c 6d Б) 1f 2e 3d 4c 5b 6a

В) 1e 2f 3c 4d 5b 6a Г) 1a 2c 3d 4e 5b 6f

8. Find a mistake in one of the underlined words.

А) 1 Б) 2 В) 3 Г) 4

9. Choose the right word.

А) 1. speech, 2. careful, 3. immediate, 4. confuse, 5. passion

Б) 1. speak, 2. carefully, 3. immediately, 4. confusing, 5. passionate

В) 1. speaker, 2. carefully, 3. immediately, 4.confusing, 5. passionate

Г) 1. speak, 2. careful, 3. immediately, 4. confused, 5. passionately

10. Make up the sentence from the given words.

А) 1, 6, 3, 7, 8, 9, 2, 5, 4 Б) 1, 6, 5, 8, 9, 2, 3, 7, 4

В) 8, 6, 2, 5, 3, 9, 2, 1, 4 Г) 6, 1, 3, 7, 9, 2, 5, 8, 4



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