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Each educator, while committed to the school of theatrical arts, develops his or her own style of teaching based on his or her many years of experience. This process is not intentional. Here, as we have said above, just as there are aspects of acting that are inherent in nature, so there are ...
Категория: Музыка
15.01.2022 16:46 66 0
If we connect the concept of technologicalization directly with pedagogical processes, then the implementation of the laws of education, the achievement of a common goal based on the discovery of specific aspects of their new laws - a person of a harmoniously developed ...
Категория: Музыка
15.01.2022 16:43 99 0
The music created by our wise people is our great spiritual wealth, which is also an invaluable source for the moral and ideological aesthetic education of the younger generation. Because the baby begins to perceive the most elegant and relaxing form of folk music - the ...
Категория: Музыка
15.01.2022 16:42 83 0
Today, in our place, which has a unique experience in training qualified, educated personnel, we must work hard to educate students in science and enlightenment, to train them as modern personnel in teaching. At a time when the innovations of science and technology of t ...
Категория: Музыка
15.01.2022 16:41 68 0
In the middle of the 3rd century BC, the Parthian states were formed in the western regions of Central Asia, and the Greco-Bak Bakreia states in the east. In the first century AD, a powerful Kushan kingdom was formed in the southern part of Central Asia. Under the rule ...
Категория: Музыка
15.01.2022 16:40 109 0
In order to restore the national values ​​of the people, examples of folklore, beautiful traditions, the head of our state pays special attention to the rich folklore formed over the centuries, the holidays of kindness and love. the need to focus has been emphasized sin ...
Категория: Музыка
15.01.2022 16:38 80 0
It is known that the XXI century is the century of technology, so today every educator and student can develop a mind and a deep understanding of all methods of technology. In particular, the head of state stressed the need to expand the Internet. It was noted that toda ...
Категория: Музыка
15.01.2022 16:37 168 0
Статья написана на узбекском языке. Одной из важных задач нашей страны сегодня является формирование и развитие духовности подрастающего поколения. Очень важно воспитать творцов будущего нашего общества как людей с высочайшими человеческими качествами, благородной нравственностью и высокой верой. ...
Категория: Музыка
15.01.2022 16:33 88 0
Статья написана на узбекском языке. Курс музыкальной культуры как педагогической дисциплины обобщает проверенные на практике теоретические части работы и дает методы обучения, дающие эффективные результаты на практике. Методология в основном базируется на результатах исследований в области педаго ...
Категория: Музыка
15.01.2022 16:31 103 0
Статья написана на узбекском языке. Узбекистан на протяжении многих веков является научным и образовательным центром Центральной Азии. Все мы знаем всемирно известных ученых в области науки и религии, таких как Фароби, Ибн Сино, Улугбек, Аль Хорезми, Имам Бухари, Мамруди, Замахшари. В данной стат ...
Категория: Музыка
15.01.2022 16:30 166 0

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