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Методические указания 1 курс 6 часть ЛЛХ (2023 год)

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Данная разработка предназначена для 1 курса по специальности "Лесное и лесопарковое хозяйство" по темам: Тема 14 Обучение в колледже; Тема 15 Природные и физические явления; Тема 16 Защита окружающей среды

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«Методические указания 1 курс 6 часть ЛЛХ (2023 год)»



Государственное бюджетное профессиональное

образовательное учреждение Нижегородской области




по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (Английский язык)»

для студентов I курса

Тема 14 Обучение в колледже

Тема 15 Природные и физические явления

Тема 16 Защита окружающей среды

Специальность: 35.02.01 Лесное и лесопарковое хозяйство



иностранного языка

Воронина М.В.,

Булкина Т.А.

Красные Баки

2023 год

Lesson 1

Studying at college

1. Translate the words:

a hostel, professional training, graduates, picturesque, outstanding people, well-designed, multimedia projection units, an Assembly hall, a canteen, sports facilities, nonresident students, training practice, workshop, hardworking, experienced.

2. Read and translate the text:

After finishing secondary school young people can continue their education at different kinds of technical schools or colleges. Professional training makes it easier to get a higher education. The classrooms in our college are comfortable and well-designed. They are equipped with computers and multimedia projection units. There are laboratories for studying physics, chemistry and biology. In our college there are 5 computer classrooms where students learn to use the Internet to create their first computer programs and projects in different subjects. There is a large and light hall, a sport gym, a training room with sport heavy equipment on the ground floor. On the second floor there is a library with a reading room.

Not far from the college it is a hostel. It is a very comfortable and cosy four-storied building for the students. Opposite the college it is a club with a large Assembly hall for concerts and a canteen where students have a lunch. Today the college provides training in such specialties and professions as a specialist of forestry and forest park management, a car mechanic, a hospitality specialist and a hunting specialist. Training practice takes place in the workshops. There are all kinds of tools and machines in the workshops.

Our students are hardworking. They always take part in different educational programs, quizzes and competitions and therefore achieve good results. Many of them get a scholarship. Experienced teachers help to create a friendly atmosphere for learning. They prepare students for entering the best universities of our country. Studying at the college is a hard work but a real pleasure.

3. Find the Russian equivalent from the column B to the English words from the column A:



1) to use

a) цель

2) to find

b) стараться изо всех сил

3) to get

c) мастерская

4) a device

d) ремонтировать

5) to become

e) разный, различный

6) equipment

f) использовать, пользоваться

7) difficult

g) проходить практику

8) aim

h) находить

9) to have practical training

i) прибор, устройство

10) a workshop

j) сложный

11) different

k) оборудование

12) to repair

l) становиться

13) to do one’s best

m) получать

4. Answer the questions:

1. Where do you study?

2. How old is our college?

3. When was it founded?

4. Is your college old or modern?

5. How many professions are there in the college? What are they?

6. What profession do you study at?

7. Where does training practice take place?

8. What are you going to be?

9. Do you like to study at our college?

5. Study the material «General questions»

Вопросительные предложения необходимы для получения нужной информации, которая может касаться как самого предмета или действия, так и дополнительных деталей об этом предмете (его характеристика) или действии (время, место, способ его совершения). Именно для всех этих целей существуют следующие 5 типов вопросов в английском языке:

General Question (Общий вопрос)

Special Question (Специальный вопрос)

Who Question (Вопрос к подлежащему)

Alternative question (Альтернативный вопрос)

Tag Question (Разделительный вопрос)

Общий вопрос в английском языке строится с помощью вспомогательного глагола, который может меняться в зависимости от времени и числа. Строятся общие вопросы в английском языке по следующей схеме:

Present Simple: We read a text every lesson. – Do we read a text every lesson?

She gets up early every day. – Does she get up early every day?

He is a student. – Is he a student?

They have a house. – Have they a house?

Kate can write in English. – Can Kate write in English?

Past Simple: Ben wrote an essay yesterday. – Did Ben write an essay yesterday?

They were in Moscow last year. – Were they in Moscow last year?

We had a dog two years ago. – Had we a dog two years ago?

Future Simple: We shall go to Paris next summer. – Shall we go to Paris next summer?

She will read the book tomorrow. – Will she read the book tomorrow?

Present Progressive: I am sleeping right now. – Am I sleeping right now?

He is listening to music now. – Is he listening to music now?

They are playing tennis now. – Are they playing tennis now?

Past Progressive: She was cooking dinner. - Was she cooking dinner?

We were writing the letter. – Were we writing the letter?

Present Perfect: You have seen Jenny today. - Have you seen Jenny today?

He has sent a message already. - Has he sent a message already?

Past Perfect: We had washed the plates. – Had we washed the plates?

6. Make up general questions in Present Simple:

1. Experienced teachers help to create a friendly atmosphere for learning.

2. There is a large and light hall on the ground floor.

3. His brother has 6 lessons every day.

4. She knows many English words.

5. There are many chairs in the classroom.

6. I am a first-year student of the college now.

7. Sam and Sue have got a bike.

8. The film is boring.

9. Her friend lives in London.

10. Our students are hardworking.

7. Make up general questions in Past Simple:

1. I went to the cinema two month ago.

2. We were at the hotel last week.

3. Helen had a busy day yesterday

4. The ice-cream was too expensive.

5. They lived in China in 1985 year.

6. There were men in the room waiting for you.

8. Make up general questions in Future Simple:

1. There will be a music festival next month.

2. My friend will start college next year.

3. Larry and Tom will go to the skating-rink in an hour.

4. We shall travel to other countries in future.

5. Mark will go to the swimming-pool next Tuesday.

6. We shall have the History exam in three days.

9. Make up general questions in Progressive Tense:

1. I'm working hard on my English to get into college.

2. Mike and Fred were repairing the car at 2 p.m. yesterday.

3. We are doing homework now.

4. Helen was carrying heavy bags when Mark saw her.

5. Kevin is sending letters at this moment.

10. Make up general questions in Perfect Tense:

1. John has lost his key.

2. Your mum had visited many countries.

3. I have seen Peter since Saturday.

4. Kate and Fred had done their homework.

5. They have ever watched this film.

Lesson 2

Features of training by profession or specialty

1. Read and translate the text:

Our country has some of the largest forest territories in the world. In addition to wild forests and natural ecosystems, urban green zones, forest park zones, and protected natural areas are of great importance. To organize the correct and effective use of forest funds, a sufficiently large number of specialists is needed. The demand for the profession of a specialist in forestry and forestry is high. Such employees are needed in state and municipal services, in the labor collectives of nature reserves and nature reserves. In addition, specialists are also in demand in commercial structures that organize the protection and use of forest funds under an agreement with state environmental structures.

Krasnobakovskiy Forest College trains specialists of forestry and forest park management of our country. These specialists are employees of the organization responsible for the development and maintenance of forests of the state and public fund, forest park and nature protection zones in cities and protected areas. Its task is to organize activities aimed at preserving the forest fund, its rational use, development and protection. Forestry can be managed and managed by state and commercial organizations. The rules of forest use and arrangement of forest park zones are regulated by state laws, norms and standards. The specialist of forestry and forest park management ensures compliance with the norms, organizes and implements practical work on the conservation of forests and parks.

2. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false once:

1. Specialists’ task is to organize activities aimed at destroying the forest fund

2. The rules of forest use are regulated by state laws.

3. The demand for the profession of a specialist in forestry and forestry is low.

4. Forest park zones and protected natural areas are of great importance.

5. Our country has some of the smallest forest territories in the world.

3. Make up general questions:

1. College trains specialists of forestry and forest park management of our country.

2. These specialists are responsible for the development and maintenance of forests.

3. Russia has some of the largest forest territories in the world.

4. Specialists organize the protection and use of forest funds.

4. Study the material «Alternative questions»:

Альтернативный вопрос в английском языке подразумевает выбор между двумя или более вариантами, в него всегда входит союз or (или). Чтобы построить альтернативный вопрос, надо добавить в общий вопрос слово or и ещё один вариант к подлежащему (или к сказуемому, дополнению, обстоятельству), чтобы получился выбор.

Is he a pupil or a student? - He is a student.

Have you got a cat or a dog? – I have got a cat.

Do they go to Paris or London? – They go to London.

Does she like pears or apples? – She likes apples.

Did they or we learn English? – We learnt English.

Shall I read or listen a book? – I shall listen a book.

Can you open a window or a door? – I can open a door.

5. Translate the sentences:

  1. Он вчера ходил в школу или в кино?

  2. Ты видишь мою маму или бабушку?

  3. Она спит или нет?

  4. Они могут говорить по-немецки или по-французски?

  5. Соня приедет в понедельник или пятницу?

  6. Он живет в доме или квартире?

  7. Аэропорт большой или маленький?

  8. Сколько человек в твоей семье – три или четыре?

  9. В этом классе находятся студенты или учителя?

  10. Ты на ужин ешь мясо или рыбу каждый день?

6. Answer the questions:

  1. Are there two or four teachers in this class?

  2. Does your father work in the evening or in the daytime?

  3. Which city do you like - Paris or London?

  4. Is he good at Science or Mathematics?

  5. Is your friend’s job interesting or not?

  6. Does Sam drink much milk or water?

  7. Is it good for her health or for skin?

  8. Is parrot green or yellow?

  9. Has John lost or found his key?

7. Make up alternative questions to the bold words:

  1. He is going to read at the weekend. (to ride a bike)

  2. I would like a cup of tea. (some juice)

  3. His hobby is to ride a horse. (to play football)

  4. Jim loves Kelly. (Jane)

  5. The water is boiling. (not boil)

  6. Kate spoke in a very low (loud)

  7. Anne has been teaching us for 5 years. (6 years)

  8. The girl is from London. (Paris)

  9. We have talked about Rita’s boyfriend for a long time. (Sue)

  10. She must look after the baby because her parents are going out tonight. (grandmother)

8. Make up alternative questions using the information in the sentences:

  1. Mike is in the swimming pool (in the kindergarten).

  2. Jane has gone to the swimming pool (to the library).

  3. He has got a new computer game (a new book).

  4. It’s cold (hot).

  5. My brother has been to Spain (to Italy).

  6. Mr. White is visiting Spain (Germany).

  7. Jack has written the exercise (the story).

  8. Students are writing the exercise (the translation).

  9. My mother has gone to school (to work).

  10. Children are at school (at the sportsground).

9. Continue the alternative questions:

  1. Is it raining or …?

  2. Will Ann be at home at 11 o’clock or …?

  3. Do you work here or …?

  4. Can they come tomorrow or …?

  5. Has John bought a car or …?

  6. Did you come here on bicycle or …?

  7. Shall I answer this question or …?

  8. Do the children or…wake up at seven o’clock?

  9. Are you speaking English or …?

  10. Was Tom or …responsible for this work?

10. Make up as many alternative questions as you can to the sentence:

The boys play basketball in the gym every Saturday at 5 p.m.

Lesson 3

Natural phenomena

1. Translate into Russian:

hurricane, earthquake, tsunami, storm, avalanche, fog, flood, wildfire, rainbow, drought, tornado, landslide, volcano, thunder, lightning, typhoon, hailstones

2. Choose the right word and write the sentences:

1) The sky was full of dark clouds/rain.

2) When the wind whistlers/blows, all the trees move.

3) It was very cold and the river was frozen/iced.

4) It won’t rain for a long time. It’s only a shower/bath.

5) During the storm the sky lit up with rain/lightning.

3. Choose the right definition and write the sentences:

1. hurricane

(A) a storm over high mountains, usually accompanied by snow.

(B) a tropical storm with strong winds and rain.

(C) a very quick, but very heavy, rain shower.

2. tornado

(A) a long, heavy snow shower, accompanied by strong winds.

(B) a long period when there is no rain and when the land is dry.

(C) a violent storm with a whirlwind.

3. volcano

(A) a violent shaking of the earth's surface.

(B) a strong wind caused by a drop in air pressure.

(C) a mountain with a hole in the top through which lava, ash and gas can come out.

4. drought

(A) a storm, usually without rain, which happens in hot countries.

(B) a very long period of rain.

(C) a long period when there is no rain and when the land is dry.

5. flood

(A) a large amount of water over land which is usually dry.

(B) a large area of dry land which should usually be wet (e.g., a dry lake).

(C) a lake or river which has been poisoned by pollution.

6. earthquake

(A) a long, heavy snow shower, accompanied by strong winds.

(B) a shaking of the earth caused by, for example, volcanic activity.

(C) a large area of dry land which should usually be wet.

7. tsunami

(A) a tropical storm with strong winds and rain.

(B) a huge wave in the sea, caused by an underwater earthquake.

(C) a long period when there is no rain and when the land is dry

4. Read and translate the text. Choose best title for the text from your point of view: Volcanoes / What happened to Pompeii / Digging up the past / Mount Vesuvius

North of Pompeii there is a mountain called Mount Vesuvius. It is a volcano. The people who lived in Pompeii two thousand years ago were not afraid of the volcano. It had been quiet for eight hundred years.

Then in August one year strange things started to happen. People heard noises under the ground. The water in their wells disappeared. Birds flew away from the town. Animals were frightened. On August 24th Mount Vesuvius erupted. There was a loud explosion. Hot dust and rock were thrown 20 kilometres into the air. Red-hot lava and rock poured down the sides of the mountain. The wind was blowing towards Pompeii and the hot dust fell on the town. It made breathing difficult for people. Many people ran away but many people stayed there. They did not know that a wall of lava was coming towards the town at more than 1000 kilometres an hour. The next day the town of Pompeii was buried under four metres of lava. Everyone who had stayed in the town died. The town stayed buried until 1860 in that year archaeologists started to move the rock which covered the town. They found temples, theatres, shops and houses, paintings, jewelry and coins. They found the town just as it was nearly two thousand years ago when it disappeared under the lava from Mount Vesuvius.

Vesuvius has erupted many times. The last big eruption was in 1944. Will Vesuvius erupt again? Nobody knows. If it does, it might be a small eruption or a big one. Some people live close to Vesuvius because the soil around it is good for growing crops. But it is also very dangerous.

5. Read these sentences and say whether they are true or false:

  1. The people of Pompeii were frightened of Mount Vesuvius.

  2. Nothing unusual happened before the volcano erupted.

  3. It was a very big eruption.

  4. The lava moved slowly.

  5. When the volcano erupted, everybody left the town.

  6. The town was buried for nearly 2,000 years.

6. Answer the questions:

  1. What is Vesuvius?

  2. Where is Vesuvius?

  3. When did Vesuvius erupt?

  4. What was there after eruption?

  5. When was the last big eruption of Vesuvius?

  6. Why do some people live close to Vesuvius? Is it dangerous?

7. Study the material «Wh-questions»

Специальный вопрос (special question, wh-question) — это вопрос для выяснения конкретной информации. Например: Where do you study? When is he getting up? 

Отличительной чертой специальных вопросов в английском является обязательное наличие вопросительных слов:

What? - что?, Where? - где?, When? - когда?, Why? - почему?, Who? - кто?,

Which? - который?, Whose? - чей?, Whom? - кого?, How? - как?

Структура специальных вопросов практически такая же, как у общих. Отличается она лишь тем, что в начале предложения нужно добавить вопросительное местоимение или словосочетание. Общая схема построения специального вопроса в английском: Вопросительное слово + вспомогательный глагол + подлежащее + сказуемое + остальные члены предложения.

Вопрос к подлежащему (who/what question) — задается, чтобы узнать, кто или что выполняет определенное действие. В них также используются вопросительные местоимения, но только два: «who» («кто») и «what» («что»). Порядок слов совпадает с утвердительными конструкциями. Например: Who studied at college? What is on the table?

Example: Specialists organize the protection and use of forest funds. - Who organizes the protection and use of forest funds? – What do specialists do? -

John can catch a taxi for me now.  – Who can catch a taxi for me? – What can John do for me? – When can John catch a taxi for me?

8. Подберите вопросительное слово, подходящее по смыслу:

  1. … were you born?

  2. … pens did you buy?

  3. … time is it?

  4. … are you from?

  5. … do you like the white T-shirt, not the red one?

9. Задайте специальный вопрос с использованием вопросительного слова, указанного в скобках:

  1. Fred usually drives carefully. (who)

  2. This computer game has four levels. (how many)

  3. They danced till the morning. (how long)

  4. I am in his house now. (whose)

  5. I will become a millionaire. (in what way)

10. Поставить вопросы к выделенным словам

  1. The movie is 3 hours long.

  2. We play tennis on Tuesdays and Fridays.

  3. My new car costs a fortune!

  4. There are six boys in our class.

  5. Her kitchen is 8 square metres.

  6. That box is 10 kg.

  7. The concert will begin in a few minutes.

  8. I need some milk for the cake.

  9. They went to Scotland by train.

  10. I have known Jill for five years.

Lesson 4

Physical phenomena

1. Translate the words

force –

power –

strength –

speed –

size –

length –

color –

shape –

temperature –

capacity –

volume –

mass –

weight –

smell –

pace –

contrast –

absence –

presence –

state –

noise –

resistance –

tension –

kilogram –

meter –

inch –

mile –

pound –

2. Read and translate the text «Physical Laws»:

A physical law or scientific law "is a theoretical statement inferred from particular facts, applicable to a defined group or class of phenomena, and expressible by the statement that a particular phenomenon always occurs if certain conditions be present."  Physical laws are typically conclusions based on repeated scientific experiments and observations over many years and which have become accepted universally within the scientific community. The production of a summary description of our environment in the form of such laws is a fundamental aim of science.

The main characteristics of physical laws. They are:

  1. True, at least within their regime of validity. By definition, there have never been repeatable contradicting observations.

  2. Universal. They appear to apply everywhere in the universe.

  3. Simple. They are typically expressed in terms of a single mathematical equation.

  4. Absolute. Nothing in the universe appears to affect them.

  5. Stable. Unchanged since first discovered (although they may have been shown to be approximations of more accurate laws).

  6. Omnipotent. Everything in the universe apparently must comply with them (according to observations).

  7. Often expressions of existing homogeneities (symmetries) of space and time.

  8. Typically, theoretically reversible in time (if non-quantum), although time itself is irreversible.

3. Find the words in the text:

выводимые, применимые, определенное, выводы, наблюдения, создание краткого описания, цель, достоверность, по определению, применять, всемогущий, подчиняться, обратимый

4. Read the text «Janies Prescott Joule» and answer the questions:

James Prescott Joule, famous British physicist, was born in 1818, in England. Joule was one of the most outstanding physicists of his time. He is best known for his research in electricity. In the course of his research of the heat emitted in an electrical circuit, he formulated the law, now known as Joule’s law of electric heating. This law states that the amount of heat produced each second in a conductor by electric current is proportional to the resistance of the conductor and to the square of the current. Joule experimentally verified the law of conservation of energy in his study of the conversion of mechanical energy into heat energy.

Joule determined the numerical relation between heat and mechanical energy, or the mechanical equivalent of heat, using many independent methods. The unit of energy, called the joule, is named after him. It is equal to 1 watt/second. Together with the physicist William Thomson (Baron Kelvin), Joule found that the temperature of a gas falls when it expands without doing any work. This phenomenon, which became known as the Joule-Thomson effect, lies in the operation of modern refrigeration and air-conditioning systems.

1. In what field did Joule make his research?

2. What law did Joule formulate?

3. What is Joule-Thomson effect? Where is it used?

5. Read the text «Water» and answer the questions:

Water is the most important liquid we know. It is everywhere we look. Water is in the ground and in the air that we breathe. All animals, plants and humanity need water to survive. Water has formed our earth since its beginning. It also prevents the earth from becoming too hot or too cold. Water never disappears. We use the same water over and over again.

Water vapour is water that is in the form of gas. It is a part of the water cycle. When liquid water is heated to boiling temperature, 100 degrees Celsius, it all turns into vapour. Water vapour can also be produced directly from ice; this is called sublimation. Ice is frozen water, a solid substance. Steam is water vapour, but clouds are liquid water. Water vapour affects weather conditions. Water vapour is found in most of the air. In the cold, breathing out causes the water vapour breathed in to freeze. Water vapour is transparent and it weighs less than air, which is part of the reason clouds float high in the sky.

  1. What is the water?

  2. Where is the water?

  3. Why is it important to have got the water?

  4. Why is it dangerous if the water disappears?

  5. What is a water vapour?

  6. What temperature the liquid turns into vapour?

  7. What substance is Ice?

  8. What is Sublimation?

  9. What is the weight of the water vapour?

6. Study the material «Tag-questions»

В разговорной речи нам иногда приходится переспрашивать собеседника, уточнять информацию или выражать сомнение. Когда мы знаем, о чем речь, но нам необходимо подтверждение, мы используем форму разделительного вопроса в английском языке (tags questions).

Разделительные вопросы имеют несколько названий. Вы можете встретить следующие варианты названия этого типа вопросов:

Разделительный вопрос – Disjunctive question;

Вопрос с хвостиком – Tag question или Tail question

Разделительный вопрос называется так, потому что состоит из двух частей, разделенных запятой: основной части и «хвостика». Если первая часть утвердительная, то хвостик будет содержать отрицание. Если же первая часть содержит отрицание, то хвостик, наоборот, будет утвердительным.

«Хвостик» в таких вопросах состоит из двух частей: вспомогательного глагола, модального глагола или глагола to be (зависит от того, что было использовано в первой части); действующего лица, используемого в основной части, выраженного местоимением.

Mike is a student, isn’t he?

Nancy hasn’t a car, has she?

There are many books in library. aren’t there?

We study at college, don’t we? (Present Simple, вспомогательный глагол – do)

Ben lives in Semyenov, doesn’t he? (Present Simple, вспомогательный глагол – does)

They are reading a book now, aren’t they?

Kate and Fred haven’t bought a flat, have they?

7. Continue Tag-question in the Present:

1. He should go, …?

2. It is the most interesting book, …?

3. Ben and Helen can’t see him, …?

4. There are no toy shops in this street, …?

5. The cats are lazy, … ?

6. The apple was tastier than the banana, …?

7. Your friends can’t come on Sunday, …?

8. We can speak English, …?

9. They can’t go now, …?

10. You are not silly, … ?

8. Continue Tag-question in the Past:

1. Bill was in the country, … ?

2. Helen went to the country, … ?

3. His father didn’t go to the country, … ?

4. Mary wasn’t in the country, … ?

5. His parents were on holiday, … ?

6. Her friends spent a month in the country, … ?

7. Her grandparents didn’t like to live in the village, …?

8. It was cold yesterday, …?

9. The boys could play the game, … ?

10. The students met Mr Smith on Sunday, …?

9. Make up Tag-questions:

1. You are busy now.

2. Sally hasn’t had lunch. 

3. There aren’t many people in the library now.

4. He couldn’t go there.

5. You haven’t heard from him for a long time.

6. She knows you.  

7. Sam will be back early today.

8. Granny spent a lot of time on it.

9. There is no chair in the room.

10. Alan was looking for a new job.

10. Add tags to make Tag-questions:

1. Tigers are dangerous animals,

2. They have a wonderful garden,

3. He bought an expensive TV-set,

4. You have a terrible toothache,

5. She has read an interesting book,

6. We gave all possible answers,

7. I asked a foolish question,

8. It will be a useful exercise,

9. His speech was boring,

didn't I?

haven't you?

aren't they?

haven't they?

hasn't she?

didn't we?

didn't he?

wasn't it?

won't it?

Lesson 5

Flora and fauna

1. Translate the definitions of the words:

flora - the plants that grow naturally in a particular area.

fauna – all the animals that live in a particular area.

plant – a living thing that grows in the soil or water and has leaves and roots, especially one that is smaller than a tree.

animal – something that lives and moves but is not a person, bird, fish, or insect.

2 Divide the words into two columns, translate them:

squirrel, pansy, swallow, dandelion, owl, mint, crane, cornflower, woodpecker, chamomile, hedgehog, parsley, fox, chicory, hare, dill.



3. Match the names of the animals and the names of the babies they have.

1. bears

2. cats

3. cows

4. dogs

5. ducks

6. deer

7. geese

8. hens

9. horses

10. swine

11. sheep

a. piglets

b. fawns

c. goslings

d. cubs

e. ducklings

f. kittens

g. lambs

h. calves

i. foals

j. puppies

k. chickens

4. Read and translate the text:

Russia is a very big country with a lot of climatic zones, so there are different kinds of flora and fauna in it. The most common plant that is associated with my country is a birch tree. These trees are very beautiful as they have white bark and long branches. They can grow tall. These trees grow nearly everywhere in central and southern parts of Russia. Other common plants are fir, pine, oak, poplar, aspen, and willow.

As for common animals, they are foxes, wolves, hares, squirrels and bears. They live in forests and sometimes in fields. For example, the taiga forest is home for the European elk, brown bears, reindeer, the lynx, the sable, and a variety of forest birds, such as owls and the nightingale. In the water there are different kinds of fish and in the north of the country we can find some mammals like seal, walrus and whale. Our songbirds include blackbirds, nightingales, larks, orioles, starlings. Common water birds are ducks, swans, geese, gulls, shorebirds, coots, loons and others.

Some animals and plants have become symbols of Russia and Russian cities and towns. The brightest examples are the Russian national symbols — the brown bear and the chamomile.

5. Read these sentences and say whether they are true or false:

  1. The most common plant is a birch tree.

  2. Common animals live in deserts.

  3. In the north of the country we can find some mammals like seal and camel.

  4. The Russian national symbols are the brown bear and the dill.

  5. The taiga forest is home for the European elk, brown bears, the lynx.

6. Study the materialPrepositions

Предлоги в английском языке являются служебной частью речи. Они отражают временные, пространственные, причинные или иные виды отношений между двумя значимыми словами. 

В английском языке выделяют 4 большие группы предлогов:

1. Предлоги места. Они обозначают положение и нахождение предмета/человека в пространстве. Обычно такие предлоги отвечают на вопрос «где?»: above – выше; below – ниже; before - перед, у; behind - за, позади; under - под (чем-то); between – между; among – среди; near, by, beside - около, возле, у; outside - снаружи, за; in front of – перед; opposite – напротив; at – в; in – в; on – на.

2. Предлоги направления. Они используются, чтобы показать направление движения какого-либо предмета или человека. Основные предлоги этой группы: across - через (с одной стороны на другую); along – вдоль; round - вокруг; away from - от, прочь от; back to - обратно к; down - вниз по; into - внутрь, в; out of – из; over - по, над; past – мимо; through - сквозь, через; to – к; towards - по направлению к; up – вверх.

3. Предлоги времени. Они нужны нам, чтобы указать время, когда что-то произошло/происходит/будет происходить. В английском языке есть следующие предлоги времени: at – в; in – в; on – в; from .. to - с какого-то времени до; for - в течение какого-то времени; over - за, в течение; since - с тех пор, от какого-то времени; during - в течение; (un)till - до тех пор; before – до; after – после; by - к какому-то моменту; within - не позднее, чем; в течение; up to – до.

4. Предлоги причины. Они нужны нам, чтобы сказать, почему или для чего произошло какое-либо действие. Основные предлоги причины и цели в английском языке: because of – потому что; in accordance with – согласно, в соответствии с; on account of – вследствие, из-за; thanks to – благодаря; from – от; of – от, из-за; for – для, из-за; through – благодаря, из-за; due to – из-за.

7. Choose the right preposition and translate the sentences:

  1. The clock hangs on the wall, … the table. (above/under/on)

  2. He has played Hamlet … the stage many times. (on/in/next to)

  3. The bank is … the post-office and the beauty salon. (behind/at/between)

  4. The ball has rolled … the bed. (on/under/above)

  5. Bob and Jane were sitting in the café … each other. (between/behind/in front of)

  6. The gym is … my college. (next to/on/between)

  7. The monument is … the right. (in/at/on)

  8. The office address is … the top of the page. (in/at/above)

  9. He spends all his life … work. (in/at/on)

  10. The kettle is boiling … the kitchen. (in/at/on)

8. Choose the right preposition and translate the sentences:

  1. The spider is crawling ... (along/past) the floor.

  2. It’s so hot in here. Let me get ... (into/out of) the room.

  3. Put your laptop ... (toward/onto) the table.

  4. You should walk ... (around/through) the corner and you’ll see the pharmacy.

  5. My ball rolled ... (up/down) the hill and fell into the lake.

  6. The lorry is moving ... (onto/along) the road.

  7. The plane is going ... (through/onto) the clouds.

  8. Sammy is trying to throw his cap ... (past/onto) the garage roof.

  9. Nick and Dave jumped ... (into/down) the swimming pool.

  10. The horse jumped ... (over/across) the barrier.

9. Insert the prepositions: on, in, at

  1. Where were you … September 22nd?

  2. Mike is taking his driving test … five o’clock.

  3. Liz is coming … three days.

  4. She rests … weekends but works hard from Monday till Friday.

  5. Good bye! See you … Monday.

  6. It's nice to be here … such a lovely day.

  7. My father is a doctor. He often comes home late … night.

  8. She came to London … the end of August … 1972.

  9. The leaves on the trees turn brown … autumn.

  10. The English examination is … July.

10. Translate the sentences using prepositions of cause and purpose:

  1. Все, кроме Джимми, могут идти домой.

  2. Наш рейс не задержали, несмотря на возможный туман.

  3. Мы не могли покинуть город из-за сложных обстоятельств.

  4. Её настроение меняется в соответствии с погодой.

  5. Все пошли в театр за исключением Скотта и Дэна.

  6. Она хочет изучать другие языки помимо английского и французского.

11. Read and learn the poem by heart

Look around and you will see:

Berries, flowers, bushes, trees,

Mountains are very high,

Birds are flying in the sky.

You can swim in the sea.

You can climb different trees.

All around us is nature,

Full of wonders and adventures.

Lesson 6

Ecology. Global environmental problems

1. Read and translate the text:

During the past decades many people in the industrialised world have tended to accept the idea that the global energy supply comes from sources that are both limited and non-renewable. Therefore, one day these sources will be burnt up and our civilisation will come to an end.

In the first half of the twentieth century oil became the most important source of energy. Running out of oil has long been a nightmare, but nowadays most experts believe that we have reason to be confident because the Middle East can produce enough oil to supply the world for some decades, and much of the world has not been explored systematically for oil.

In spite of these optimistic expectations other sources of energy have been researched. The main alternative to fossil fuels is nuclear energy, but there is a bitter controversy about its usage because of the effects it may have on human health, as well as the risk from the disposal of radioactive waste.

Other alternative energy sources, such as tidal power, ocean thermal power, wind power or conventional solar power, are being developed. They might be able to compete with oil in the near or not-so-near future; their main advantage being their renewable character. Tidal power seems to be the best of the lot, especially in Great Britain, where a group of engineers have developed a variety of devices that the sea compresses and bumps to convert its movements into electricity.

The modern way of living depends on energy, if there were a shortage of energy the world's entire economy would grind to a halt. Our ability to make and improve technology capable of tapping less destructive energy resources is the real key.

2. Say whether these statements are true or false:

1. Many sources of energy have been researched but no one has been found.

2. Oil is a limited and non-renewable source of energy.

3. During the present century the most important source of energy has been oil.

4. There are still areas that haven´t been explored for oil.

5. The real alternative for the crisis of energy is finding new non-destructive sources of energy.

3. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases: environment, pollution, throw away, poison, waste, plant, protected, save, recyclable, environmental

1. You shouldn't … the garbage in the forest, woods or park after you have had your picnic there.

2. You can see this notice by a river or a lake in some seasons when fish should be … .

3. Local government should support the idea of recycling and provide each house with bins for different types of …

4. Children should be taught to protect the … .

5. We can … trees and create parks for endangered species.

6. Together we can … the planet and all of us with it.

7. The … of the environment is dangerous for people and wildlife.

8. If countries had spent more money on scientific research, scientists would have solved some … problems.

9. How much of … material is actually recycled?

10. Rivers, lakes and seas are filled with … : industrial, chemical and nuclear wastes.

4. Match the words with their definitions.

1. ecology

a) the animals of a region.

2. environment

b) an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere, it is the cause of a warming of the surface of the earth

3. flora

c) the study of living creatures and plants in their surroundings.

4. fauna

d) a layer of air above the earth that prevents harmful ultraviolet light from the sun from reaching the earth.

5. habitat

е) when the land, sea or air becomes dirty or poisonous.

6. pollution

f) a part of the spectrum outside the visible range, just beyond the visible violet portion.

7. acid rain

g) the natural living place of an animal or plant.

8. greenhouse effect

h) it that contains chemicals from pollution and damages plants

9. ozone layer

i) it means simply what is around us.

10. ultraviolet radiation

j) all the plants that grow in a region.

5. Study the material “If-clause”:

Условное наклонение в английском языке используют, чтобы показать связь между двумя событиями, т.е. обусловленность одного события другим. У условных предложений могут быть значения: предостеречь, объяснить, выразить сожаление или радость.

Условные предложения в английском языке (Conditionals) состоят из двух частей: главное предложение (main clause или result clause); придаточное условия (conditional clause или if clause). Придаточное предложение (if clause) содержит условие. А в главном предложении (main clause) содержится следствие — что произойдет (или произошло бы), если условие будет выполнено.



main clause

zero conditional

(для констатации общеизвестных истин, научных фактов, правил, законов)

Present Simple

If we study hard,

Если мы учимся усердно,

Present Simple

we always pass our exams.

мы всегда сдаём наши экзамены.

1st conditional

(для описания вероятных событий в будущем)

Present Simple

If I study hard,

Если я буду учиться усердно,

will + V1

I will pass my exams.

я сдам мои экзамены.

2nd conditional

(для маловероятных или нереальных событий в настоящем и будущем)

Past Simple

If he studied hard,

Если бы он учился усердно,

would + V1

he would pass his exams.

он бы сдал его экзамены.

3rd conditional

(события, которые могли бы произойти в прошлом, но не произошли)

Past Perfect

If they had studied hard,

Если бы они учились усердно

would have + V3

they would have passed their exams.

они сдали бы экзамены.

6. Put the verb in the brackets in the correct tense to form Zero Conditional:

1. If you … (to drive) along the river bank it … (to be) twenty miles out of your way.

2. If you … (to take) your mobile phone into class, it … (must) be turned off.

3. We … (not use) calculators when we … (write) tests.

4. If you … (to push) this button, the volume … (to increase).

5. If you … (to close) the door, it … (to lock) automatically.

7. Put the verb in the brackets in the correct tense to form the First Conditional:

1) If he … (practice) every day, he … (become) a champion.

2) She … (help) us if we … (ask).

3) If they … (have) enough money, they … (open) a restaurant next year.

4) I … (not talk) to you anymore if you … (insult) me.

5) If Bob … (not keep) his word, Anna … (be angry) with him.

8. Put the verb in the brackets in the correct tense to form the Second Conditional:

1. If you (drive) … more carefully, you (not have) … so many accidents.

2. If he (get up) … earlier, he (get) … to work on time.

3. If we (have) … more time, I (can/tell) …you more about it.

4. If you (sell) … more products, you (have) … more money.

5. His car (be) … a lot safer if he (buy) … some new tyres.

9. Put the verb in the brackets in the correct tense to form the Third Conditional:

1. If you (ask) … me for the tickets, I (get) … you some.

2. If we (be born) … a year earlier, I (not have) … to do military service.

3. I (not marry) … if I (know) … what was like.

4. If I (go) … to university, I (get) … a better job.

5. If we (get) … to the cinema earlier, we (not miss) … the start of the film.

Lesson 7

Life safety

1. Translate the words:

road accident, fire, injury, crime, gas leak, water leakage, power cut, fire department, police, ambulance, public utilities, emergency gas services, hospital, fire fighter, police officer, detective, doctor, nurse, plumber, electrician, gas service worker, volunteer.

2. Read and translate the text:

There are a lot of numbers of emergency services but you should know the most important numbers. It's fire department, police, ambulance and emergency gas service. If you don’t know who to call in case of an emergency, dial the single emergency number 112. Your call will go through even if you don`t have a SIM card in your phone or your number is blocked. All emergency-line calls are toll free. The first thing you’ll need to do is calm down and explain where you are and what kind of assistance you need. Then the operator will contact the necessary service.

In the event of a life-threatening emergency, dial the Fire and Emergency Service number – 101. It’s the first thing you should do in case of a fire, car accident or act of terrorism. Emergency response groups will also come to the rescue in case of a natural or technological disaster.

If you need police assistance in case of danger, robbery or physical assault, dial 102. To avoid such incidents, remember to always put safety first and avoid empty streets at late hours. You also should keep an eye on your personal belongings and not give in to the provocations of aggressive people.

To call the emergency medical care line, dial 103. You should call an ambulance if your health condition is life threatening or if your health has deteriorated sharply. Call the emergency line in case of acute poisoning, trauma, a possible fracture, concussion or any other serious injury. You should also call this number in the event of a sudden exacerbation of chronic illnesses, heart attack or possible stroke.

Explain to the operator what happened. Try to be as informative as possible: state your telephone number, your location or the location of the person injured (if the accident happened in the street, give exact points of reference), the full name of the person injured, and his or her age (if known). Once the information is verified, the operator will notify the ambulance crew.

One more telephone number to remember is 104, the number of the Emergency Gas Service. You should call this line in case of a gas odour in a building or outside, or in the event of gas pipeline or gas equipment accidents. An operator will take your details, send the experts your way and give you further instructions. Before the experts arrive, you should turn off all gas appliances and taps, put out all fire sources, open a window and leave the contaminated area.

3. Read these sentences and say whether they are true or false:

1. If you need police assistance in case of danger or robbery, dial 102.

2. Your call will go through even if you don`t have a SIM card in your phone.

3. The numbers of emergency services are fire department, police and hotel.

4. Don’t avoid empty streets at late hours.

5. Call the emergency line in case of trauma or any other serious injury.

6. You should call 101 in case of a gas odour in a building or outside.

4. Answer the questions:

  1. What emergency services should you call in case of fire?

  2. What emergency services should you call in case of bad injury?

  3. What emergency services should you call in case of crime?

  4. What emergency services should you call in case of gas leak?

  5. How can we name all these services in one word?

5. Match words with their synonyms:

1. control

a) beware

2. attack

b) hazard

3. safety

c) escape

4. injury

d) help

5. avoid

e) supervise

6. danger

f) damage

7. assistance

g) protection

8. be careful

h) assault

6. Match words with their antonyms:

1. aggressive

a) forget

2. safe

b) illness

3. friend

c) take

4. sharp

d) dangerous

5. remember

e) wrong

6. healthy

f) peaceful

7. give

g) soft

8. right

h) enemy

7. Continue the sentences, choose the right word combination:

avoid sharp objects and broken glass / handle with care / know your emergency telephone numbers / don’t dash into the street / obey street signs and safety rules / no one should touch your private parts / swim with a partner / buckle up / keep your name and address private / don’t eat and run / walk with a friend / tell a trusted adult

1) If a stranger asks your personal questions, …

2) When you go to college, …

3) If you don’t want to cut yourself, …

4) When you go swimming, …

5) If you are eating something, …

6) When you are making something, …

7) If somebody wants to touch you, remember that …

8) If you want to be prepared for anything, …

9) When you are playing near a street, …

10) If a secret is scary, …

11) If you get into a vehicle, …

12) When you walk around town, …

8. Fill the table:

road accident, gas service worker, crime, rescue service, gas leak, fire department, ambulance, electrician, kidnapping, public utilities, detective, gas services, doctor, service of electric networks, fire fighter, injury, police, fire, police officer, water leakage, nurse, power cut, plumber, hospital, volunteer.


Emergency services

Person of a service

9. Translate the text:

Правила безопасного поведения на воде:

  • Купаться только в специально оборудованных местах

  • Не нырять в незнакомых местах

  • Не заплывать за буйки

  • Не приближаться к судам

  • Не хватать друг друга за руки и ноги во время игр на воде

  • Не умеющим плавать купаться только в специально оборудованных местах глубиной не боле 1,2 метра

Правила безопасного поведения на железной дороге:

  • Не подходите к движущемуся составу

  • Не заходите за ограничительную линию на платформе.

  • Не входите в вагон и не выходите из него, пока поезд движется.

  • Не переходите пути, подлезая под вагонами стоящего поезда.

  • Не прыгайте с пассажирской платформы на ж/д пути.

Lesson 8

Environmental protection

1.Match the words with their definitions:

1. sky

a) a tropical forest in which trees and plants grow very closely together

2. field

b) a large area of water surrounded by land and not connected to the sea

3. forest

c) an area, often covered with sand or rocks, where there is very little rain and not many plants

4. meadow

d) the salty water that covers a large part of the surface of the earth, or a large area of salty water, smaller than an ocean

5. river

e) a raised part of the earth's surface, much larger than a hill, the top of which might be covered in snow

6. mountain

f) a natural wide flow of fresh water across the land into the sea

7. sea

g) a field with grass and often wild flowers in it

8. desert

h) a large area of land covered with trees and plants

9. lake

i) an area of land, used for growing crops or keeping animals

10. jungle

j) the area above the earth, in which clouds, the sun

2. Read and translate the text «Animals in danger»

At present a thousand species are almost extinct because we hunt them or damage their environment. Here are some of the animals in danger. The World Wildlife Fund is fighting to save them. The French priest, Pierre David, was the first European to see a giant panda in China in 1869. Today the giant panda is one of the rarest species in the world. There are perhaps only 300 of them left. Giant panda likes to live in bamboo forests, but these are slowly disappearing.

The giant panda can live for up to 20 years, and big male can weigh 150 kilograms. A new-born panda weighs only 125 grams and measures less than 15 centimetres. The female panda is 800 times heavier than the baby at birth and the baby is 3-4 months old before he can crawl. It is pinkish-white at birth without dark markings and the familiar black eyes. Fortunately, the Chinese government now protects the panda, so it should survive. The World Wildlife Fund uses panda as its symbol.

The story of the whale has been another great wildlife tragedy. Some of these are the largest animals that have ever lived. A blue whale can weigh over 125 tones. Whales are mammals, not fish and they are highly intelligent. They send messages to each other over very long distances with high-pitched sounds. Whales are now in great danger because hunters have killed too many of them. Modern ships and machines have made it easy to hunt these animals, and they are often killed in a very painful and cruel way. Some countries have agreed to protect the whale, but others have not and still kill too many.

3. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones

1.The World Wildlife Fund is an organization fighting to save animals in danger.

2. It uses the whale and the panda as its symbols.

3. At present about ten hundred species are almost extinct.

4. It happens because people hunt them.

5. Today the panda is one of the rarest species in the world.

6. Whales and giant pandas are in great danger.

7. A whale is a giant fish: a blue whale can weigh over 125 tonnes.

8. Whales communicate witch each other with high-pitched sounds.

9. Fortunately the Chinese Government now protects whales.

10. Nevertheless, other countries still kill too many of them.

4. Write the text and fill in the gaps with the words:

Greenpeace, oxygen, jungle rain forests, ecology, breathing, nature, wildlife, flora and fauna

People depend on the planet, on the Sun, on animals and plants around them. People must take care of the Earth. Our … becomes worse and worse with every new day. People destroy … and cut down trees to make furniture. They forget that they can’t live without trees and plants, because they fill the air with … . Oxygen is necessary for our … . We can’t stay indifferent to these problems. There are a lot special organizations which are trying to save our nature. One of them is… . Their aim is to help … to survive, to rescue animals, to save …, which are in danger of destruction. We must find the right way to save our land, people and animals. We must take care of … because we are a part of it.

№5. Use the proper form of the verb to be. Translate the sentences.

1. The water … polluted.

2. Birds … not fed.

3. Nature … damaged.

4. Birds and animals … disturbed.

5. Litter … thrown away.

6. The air … polluted.

7. Flowers … pulled out.

8. Fires … left.

9. Animals … killed.

10.The air … spoilt.

11.Trees … cut down.

12.Paper … not recycled.

6. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What animals do you know?

2. What wild animals do you know?

3. What domestic animals do you know?

4. What meat-eating animals do you know?

5. What grass-eating animals do you know?

7. Write 5 words with translations for each category:









8. Sort the words/phrases into categories

Where wildlife exists



woodlands, ponds, hedgerows, rivers, playgrounds, gardens, sand; building roads, houses; litter, poisonous chemicals from farms & factories, threaten animals’ habitats, write to councils, wildlife charities, don’t litter/pick up litter, create habitats.

9. Fill the table:

to rain, snow, hot, warm, foggy, rainy, to snow, to pour, awful, to clear up, to cloud over, cloudy, cool, dreadful, fog, frost, to freeze, to influence, lovely, marvelous, to melt, rain, snowy, a storm, stormy, sunny, sunshine, terrible, wet, wind, windy, careful, a condition, dangerous, to sound, changeable, dry, to forecast, a forecast, an icicle, a raincoat, a region, safe, a sign, a temperature, to weather, cold, rarely, to blow, fast





10. Learn by heart the poem “Hug the Earth” by Lorraine Bayes:

The earth is a garden
It’s a beautiful place.
For all living creatures,
For all the human race.
Helping Mother Earth.
We can peacefully roam.
We all deserve a place.
We can call our home.
And I would like

to thank you Mother Earth
I like to see you dressed

in green and blue
I want to be by you.


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