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Методические указания 1 курс 7 часть ЛЛХ (2023 год)

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Данная разработка предназначена для 1 курса по специальности "Лесное и лесопарковое хозяйство" по темам: Тема 17. Научно-технический прогресс; Тема 18. Известные учёные; Тема 19. Профессиональные требования

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«Методические указания 1 курс 7 часть ЛЛХ (2023 год)»



Государственное бюджетное профессиональное

образовательное учреждение Нижегородской области




по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (Английский язык)»

для студентов I курса

Тема 17. Научно-технический прогресс

Тема 18. Известные учёные

Тема 19. Профессиональные требования

для специальности 35.02.01 Лесное и лесопарковое хозяйство



иностранного языка

Воронина М.В.,

Булкина Т.А.

Красные Баки


Lesson 1

Достижения и инновации

1. Translate the following words:

Science, cover, broad, deal with, relationship, wide, variety, search for, clue, universe, origin, cell, research, solve, complicated, unity, attempt, happen, consider, prove, divide, major, grow (grew), boundary, clear, numerous, overlap, interconnect, influence, provide, discovery, invention, shape, Universe, tool.

2. Read the text and translate it:

The word “science” comes from the Latin word “scientia”, which means “knowledge”. Science covers the broad field of knowledge that deals with facts and the relationship among these facts. Scientists study a wide variety of subjects. Some scientists search for clues to the origin of the Universe and examine the structure of the cells of living plants and animals. Other researches investigate why we act the way we do, or try to solve complicated mathematical problems.

Scientists use systematic methods of study to make observations and collect facts. They develop theories that help them order and unity facts. Scientific theories consist of general principals or laws that attempt to explain how and why something happens or happened. A theory is considered to become a part of scientific knowledge if it has been tested experimentally and proved to be true.

Scientific study can be divided into three major groups: the natural, social and technical sciences. As science, knowledge grew and became more complicated. Many new fields of science appeared. At the same time, the boundaries between scientific fields became less clear. Numerous areas of science overlap each other and it is often hard to tell where one science ends and another begins. All sciences are closely interconnected. Science has great influence on our life. It provides the basis of modern technology – the tools and machines that make our life and work easier. The discoveries and inventions of scientists also help shape our view about ourselves and our place in the Universe.

3. Find in the text the synonyms for: 

learn, a large number of, look for, decide, difficult problems, try, scientific research, major groups, various.

4. Ask questions to the following sentences.

1. The word “science” comes from the Latin word “scientia”.

2. Scientists use systematic methods of study to make observations and collect facts.

3. Scientific study can be divided into three major groups: the natural.

4. Scientists use systematic methods of study to make observations and collect facts

5. Science has great influence on our life.

5. Write the achievements and innovations in Russia by your specialty (8-10):

Achievement or innovation



6. Study the material “Passive Voice:

7. Make passive sentences in the present simple

1. the room/sweep/twice a day

2. I/give/ presents every birthday

3. nice cars/produce/in Germany

4. more trees/cut down/day by day

5. I/ring/my friends/every evening

6. big ships/make/in Tuzla

7. milk/bring/to our house/every day

8. Make passive sentences in the past simple

1. this song/sing/everywhere/in 1970

2. flowers/plant/in this area

3. strawberry/grow/in this town

4. telephone/invent/in England

5. my car/produce/in 2008

6. the apples/harvest/before Friday

7. my clothes/wash/last night

Lesson 2

Отраслевые выставки

1. Read, translate the text and make up 8 your own questions. Answer the questions:

There are two types of fairs and exhibitions: specialized, showing of one or several industries, and general, covering many different fields. A fair or an exhibition is always an event which attract serious businessman and the general public. At many exhibitions there are stands and stalls selling all kinds of goods. The businessman can get acquainted of the new goods, establish business contacts, sign a contract for the purchase. The themes and mottoes of the exhibitions are different but the keynote remains: it is peace and progress all over the world through trade and cooperation.

Very many national and international specialized exhibitions are held every year in different countries of our world. From year to year the number of companies and countries participating in such exhibitions is growing. The scope of exhibitions is also getting larger. The present exhibitions include a wide range of showpieces showing the important achievements in different fields of science, industry and agriculture of different countries.

  1. What role do the specialized exhibitions play?

  2. What can you see on the specialized exhibitions?

2. Read the dialogue and answer the questions

- The exhibition will open in three months. It’s time to start a pre-exhibition publicity campaign, isn’t it?

- Placing advertisement in the press?

- Not only that. We want to advertise on the radio, television and hoardings.

- That may be very expensive.

- We are sure the expense will be worth it.

- I’ll do all arrangements, buy space in business publications and time on radio and television. We can begin distributing advertising literature.

- We’ve prepared colourful advertising literature for the exhibition.

- Good. I hope we haven’t forgotten anything?

- Oh, yes, another thing. Would you arrange for photographers and journalists to take pictures and give a good write-up of the exhibition?

- OK. Good-bye.

1. In what way did the Organizing Committee want pre-exhibition publicity campaign to be arranged?

2. Do businessmen object spending money on advertising?

3. What kind of proposals did the Organizing Committee come up with?

4. Why did the representatives of the Organizing Committee decide to invite photographers and journalists?

3. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1. I … (to go) to school at 8 o’clock every day.

  2. Nick … (to play) football in the gym on Sundays.

  3. They … (to read) books every evening.

4. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1. Vlad … (to go) to college last year.

  2. She … (to swim) very well a year ago.

  3. They … (to speak) English last lesson.

5. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1. I … (to invite) my friends tomorrow.

  2. They … (to go) to the theatre in a week.

  3. Alex … (to watch) a new film next Tuesday.

6. Употребите глагол в форме сослагательного наклонения:

  1. If I hadn’t been rude to him yesterday, we … (not, to quarrel).

  2. If Barbara … (to come) to my birthday party I would be so pleased.

  3. If Jack were a polite man, he … (not, to behave) in such a way.

7. Повторите материал «Указатели времени»




Perfect Progressive


always, usually, often, seldom, rarely, sometimes,

every week,


now, at present,

at the moment,


this week,

Look! Listen!

since, already, just, yet,



ever, never

for …,

all day long,





last week,

two days ago

at 2 o’clock yesterday,

while…, when…,

the whole day

since, by,

after, before


all day/night,

by, when



next week,

in a week, in 2039

at 10 o’clock tomorrow, all day long tomorrow

by the time tomorrow, by, before


all day/night,

by, when

Lesson 3


1. Read and translate the text

Fifty years ago, people didn't even hear of computers, and today we cannot imagine life without them. Computer technology is the fastest-growing industry in the world. The first computer was the size of a minibus and weighed a ton. Today, its job can be done by a chip the size of a pin head. And the revolution is still going on. Very soon we'll have computers that we'll wear on our wrists or even in our glasses and earrings.

The next generation of computers will be able to talk and even think for themselves. They will contain electronic "neural networks". Of course, they'll be still a lot simpler than human brains, but it will be a great step forward. Such computers will help to diagnose illnesses, find minerals, identify criminals and control space travel.

Some people say that computers are dangerous, but I don't agree with them. They save a lot of time. They seldom make mistakes. It's much faster and easier to surf the Internet than to go to the library. On-line shopping makes it possible to find exactly what you want at the best price, saving both time and money. E-mail is a great invention, too. It's faster than sending a letter and cheaper than sending a telegram. All in all, I strongly believe that computers are a useful tool. They have changed our life for the better. So why shouldn't we make them work to our advantage?

2. Answer the questions:

1. Have you got a computer?

2. Do you think it is a useful tool?

3. Will computers become smaller in the future?

4. Can the Internet help you to do your homework?

5. Can computers help us to learn foreign languages?

6. Do you play computer games?

7. What are the advantages of on-line shopping?

8. What are the advantages of e-mail?

9. Do you think that computers are bad for health?

10. Some people have made friends through the Internet. What about you?

11. Some people say that computers make us less sociable. Do you agree?

12. What will the next generation of computers be able to do?

3. Put the words into the sentences:

attachment, blog, delete, document, download, e-book, e-mail address, file, in-box, keyboard, laptop, link, online, password, log in.

  1. A: What’s your …? B: It’s [email protected].

  2. If you click on that … , it will take you to a new website.

  3. I sent you a message this morning. Did you check your … ?

  4. A: Do you like to do … shopping? B: Yeah, I love Ozon and Wildberries!

  5. A: Which do you like better, Macbook Pro or Macbook Air? B: Actually, I don’t like … .

  6. How do you upload and … files?

  7. Be careful if you open a … . It may have a virus!

  8. I write about my travel experiences on my own personal … .

  9. I have too many photos on my iPad. I need to … some photos.

  10. Oh, no! I spilled coffee on my … . Now I can’t type anything.

  11. Books are too heavy so these days I read … .

  12. You need your username and password so you can … .

  13. He sent us an e-mail with an attachment called report.doc – ‘doc’ means … .

  14. My … is a secret. I will never tell anyone!

  15. I took a photo of our school yesterday, and sent it to you as an … .

4. Match the name on the left with the definitions on the right:

video recorder

a kind of sophisticated typewriter using a computer


a machine which records and plays back sound

fax machine

a machine which records and plays back sound and pictures

tape recorder

a camera which records moving pictures and sound


a machine for chopping up, slicing, mashing etc.


a machine which makes copies of documents


a machine which makes copies of documents and sends them down telephone lines to another place


a machine which acts like a person

food processor

a piece of equipment allowing you to send information from one computer down telephone lines to another

5. Напишите форму Participle II следующих глаголов

say, know, tell, write, complete, build, sit, whitewash, lay, speak, use, answer, place, follow, construct, translate, buy, decorate, found, find, send, develop, listen

6. Переведите на русский язык предложения и определите залог (см.урок 1)

1. They are sending for the doctor.

2. The doctor is being sent for.

3. He asked me a question.

4. The question was asked.

5. Special attention is being paid to the grammar.

6. This paper has been just received.

7. Составьте предложения в страдательном залоге и переведите их:

  1. Claire knits nice jumpers for the kids.

  2. The pirates had found the treasure.

  3. Terry bought a new house in London.

8. Составьте к предложениям все типы вопросов (общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный):

  1. Family is very important for every person.

  2. She works at college.

  3. They spoke English last lesson.

Lesson 4

Естественные науки

1. Read and translate the text:

Ecology is a branch of biological sciences dealing with the interactions between organisms and their environment (chemical and physical factors). Ecology is a multidisciplinary science that appeals to Biology, Climatology, Chemistry, Biophysics, Engineering, Mechanics, etc.

Ecology makes use of Physics because all biotic processes has to do with the transference of energy, as from producers, which take advantage of light energy for producing complex organic compounds, to bacteria, which obtain chemical energy by the disintegration of the molecular structures of other organisms.

Ecology uses Chemistry because all the metabolic processes and physiology of biosystems depend on chemical reactions. Ecology relates to Geology because biomes depend on the geological structure of the environment. For Ecology, Geography is a very important discipline because of the specific distribution of living beings on Earth. Mathematics is crucial for Ecology, for example for the calculus, statistics, projections and extrapolations when Ecologists deal with specific information about the number and distribution of species, the evaluation of biomass, population growth, extension of communities and biodiversity, and to quantify the environmental pressures at a given biome.

Climatology and Meteorology are significant disciplines that help Ecologists to understand how the variation on climatic conditions at a given region influences on biodiversity. Climatology and Meteorology help Ecologists to know how the regional or global climate increases or reduces the probabilities of survival as of individuals as of populations and communities in a given region, and to relate the regional climate with the distribution of organisms on Earth. There are many disciplines working into Ecology. We have only mentioned the most important disciplines, those intimately related to it.

2. Answer the questions:

1) What is Ecology?

2) Why is Ecology a multidisciplinary science?

3) Why does Ecology use Chemistry?

4) Is Mathematics or Geography crucial for Ecology?

5) Biomes depend on the geological structure of the environment, don’t they?

6) Is there one discipline working into Ecology?

3. Make plural nouns:

branch, process, structure, reaction, discipline, bacterium, activity, leaf, key, forestman, video, information, half, volcano

4. Write 4 forms of the verbs, translate them:

be, deal, do, use, make, depend, take, produce, have, mention

5. Match the scientific disciplines with their descriptions:

1. Geography

2. History

3. Astronomy

4. Biology

5. Ecology

6. Maths

7. Physics

8. Chemistry

9. Economics

10. Botany

a. the scientific study of the universe and of objects that exist naturally in space, such as the moon, the sun, planets, and stars.

b. the scientific study of the natural processes of living things.

c. the scientific study of numbers, shapes, and space using reason and usually a special system of symbols and rules for organizing them.

d. the scientific study of matter and energy and the effect that they have on each other.

e. the scientific study of the basic characteristics of substances and the ways in which they react or combine.

f. the scientific study of the lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena of the Earth and planets.

g. the scientific study of the system by which a country’s wealth is made and used.

h. the scientific study of plants.

i. the scientific study of the relationships between organisms and their environment.

j. the scientific study of past events considered together, especially events of a particular period, country, or subject

6. Вставьте необходимый предлог в предложение, назовите его вид:

  1. The guests are sitting … the table.

  2. Are you usually at home … 7 o'clock … the evenings?

  3. The boys ran … the road.

7. Вставьте much или many:

  1. There are … students in our college.

  2. I don’t have … time. I have to leave now.

  3. How … girls were present in English lesson today?

  4. How … water is there in the glass?

8. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме и составьте отрицательное и вопросительное предложения из данных предложений:

  1. He … a hardworking student last year.

  2. The students … at the English lesson now.

  3. I … a good specialist in 2026.

9. Вставьте глагол to have в нужной форме и составьте отрицательное и вопросительное предложения из данных предложений:

  1. Jane … a birthday party every year.

  2. Carol and Mike … a dog next week.

  3. They … the interesting travelling last month.

Lesson 5

Известные учёные и их открытия

Inventors and their inventions

1. Match the following English nouns with their Russian equivalents

1) discovery

2) achievement

3) invention

4) explanation

5) observation

6) research

7) knowledge

8) science

9) progress

10) experiment

a) исследование

b) наблюдение

c) опыт

d) открытие

e) развитие

f) наука

g) объяснение

h) достижение

i) знания

j) изобретение

2. Match the following English verbs with their Russian equivalents

1) to improve

2) to discover

3) to research

4) to invent

5) to involve

6) to identify

7) to design

8) to achieve

9) to promote

10) to encourage

a) изобретать

b) способствовать

c) улучшать

d) достигать

e) поощрять

f) проектировать

g) распознавать

h) вовлекать

i) открывать

j) исследовать

3. Read and translate the text “Inventors and their inventions”:

Samuel Colt was an American. He lived in the 19th century. In 1836 he designed and patented a pistol. It was a pistol with a revolving barrel that could fire six bullets one after another. It was the first pistol of its kind. Later there came many other pistols with six


Rudolf Diesel was a German engineer. He was born in 1858 and died in 1913. In 1897 he invented a new internal combustion engine. This engine is known as a diesel. And it began a transport revolution in cars, lorries, trains and ships.

Samuel Finley Morse was born in 1791. He died in 1872. He was a portrait painter. Then he became an inventor. For twelve years he tried to perfect the telegraph and he was a success. Later he invented the telegraphic dot-and-dash alphabet. Now it is known as Morse code. Morse code was not only one in America of that time. There were some others. But now we use Morse code all over the world.

Charles Mackintosh lived from 1766 to 1843. He lived in Scotland and was a chemist by profession. He worked in a textile industry. In 1823 he developed a rubber solution. This rubber solution was used for raincoat production. Raincoats with this rubber solution didn’t allow water to penetrate. These raincoats were called mackintoshes. Now people all over the world use them in spring and in autumn.

Charles Rolls was born in 1881 in Great Britain. He died in 1910. He was an aristocrat and businessman. He was especially interested in cars. Once he met another enthusiast of cars Henry Royce. Henry Royce was a famous car engineer. They decided to design the most comfortable and reliable car. At the beginning of the 20th century it seemed to be a fantasy. But they worked hard and at last in 1907 they created the famous Rolls-Royce car. It was so comfortable and reliable that one of the models of Rolls-Royce cars «Silver Ghost» hadn’t changed greatly for 20 years since 1907.

Gottlieb Daimler and Charles Benz were two inventors. They lived in Germany. They were both interested in car production. At the end of the 19th century, each of them designed a car. At the same time, they organized two independent firms to produce them.

All the cars produced by the firm of Daimler were called «Mercedes». Mercedes was a daughter’s name of one of the stockholders of the firm. This man saved the firm of Daimler from financial crisis at the beginning of the 20th century. But after the World War I the firm of Daimler met with financial difficulties again.

4. Give a brief summary of the text. Complete the table.






Samuel Colt


A pistol with a revolving barrel

It could fire six bullets one after another






5. Match the names with their discoveries and inventions.

1. Gallileo Gallilei

a) paper

2. Isaak Newton

b) thermometer and microscope

3. Alexander Bell

c) low of universal gravity

4. Alexander Popov

d) diesel engine

5. John Logie Baird

e) telephone

6. Rudolf Diesel

f) table of chemical elements

7. Dmitry Mendeleev

g) radio

8. Ts’ai Lun

h) television

9. Nicolas Cugnot

i) automobile

10. Thomas Edison

j) light bulb

6. Study the information Gerund

Герундий — это неличная форма глагола, обладающая признаками как глагола, так и существительного. Подобной формы в русском языке нет.
Как и глагол, герундий имеет формы времени и залога, может определяться наречием.


Действительный залог

Страдательный залог



being read


having read

having been read

На русский язык герундий переводится существительным, неопределенной формой глагола, деепричастием, глаголом в личной форме или придаточным предложением.

В предложении герундий может употребляться в следующих функциях:
1. Подлежащего:

Your coming now and saying "I'm her father" doesn't change my feellings. - To, что вы пришли сейчас и говорите: «Я - ее отец»,- не меняет моих чувств.

2. Именной части сказуемого:

Seeing is believing. - Увидеть - значит поверить.

3. Дополнения (прямого, предложного):

The teacher has aimed at teaching students to speak in correct English. - Учитель поставил цель научить учащихся правильно говорить на английском языке.

4. Определения:

The difficulties of rebuilding the plant were successfully overcome. - Трудности, связанные с перестройкой завода, были успешно преодолены.

5. Обстоятельств:

You can help him by supporting him. - Вы можете помочь ему тем, что поддержите его.

Глаголы с предлогами, после которых употребляется только герундий:

to give up, to be afraid of, to be famous for, to be fond of, to be interested in, to be worth of, to be proud of, to depend on, to insist on (upon), to know of, to object to, to prevent from, to think of, to go on. После составных предлогов употребляется только герундий: because of, on account of, thanks to, due to, owing to, instead of, in spite of, for the purpose of, with a view of, of (no) use

7. Translate into Russian

  1. He always suggested staying here.

  2. The job involves travelling to Germany once a month.

  3. I proposed having party at the beach.

  4. I promised to care for the cat but I’m not much good at babysitting.

  5. He is capable of standing on his head and playing the saxophone.

  6. You’d better start digging the garden.

  7. Writing letters is more boring than phoning.

  8. It is not worth helping him do this job.

  9. My wife apologized for being late.

  10. I’m very excited about attending tomorrow’s game.

8. Translate into English

  1. Мой дядя бросил курить и сейчас предпочитает есть.

  2. Пожалуйста, прекратите шептаться.

  3. Мне нравится быть одному. Я никогда не чувствую себя одиноко.

  4. Я перешел дорогу, не посмотрев.

  5. Подумай хорошо (carefully), прежде чем принять решение.

Lesson 6

Famous Inventors and their inventions

1. Choose and write the right answer in Passive Voice:

1. Who invented the first telephone in 1876?

a) Alexander Popov b) Alexander Bell c) Albert Einstein

2. Who invented the first incandescent lamp?

а) Alexander Bell b) Alexander Popov с) Thomas Edison

3. Who invented the first multiple telegraph?

a) Alexander Bell b) Alexander Popov c) Albert Einstein

4. Who built the first vacuum cleaner?

a) James M. Spangler b) Akio Morita c) Alexander Bell

5. Who invented the first mechanical programmable computer?

a) Charles Babbage b) Alexander Popov c) Bill Gates

6. Who invented the first electronic programmable computer?

a) H.L.Hazen b) John William Mauchly c) Nikolai Lobachevsky

7. Who developed the first personal stereo – Sony Walkman?

a) Karl Benz b) Orville Wright c) Akio Morita

8. Who invented the first radio?

a) Alexander Bell b) Alexander Popov с) Thomas Edison

9. Who created the world’s first car assembly line?

a) Henry Ford b) Akio Morita c) Bill Gates

10. Who made the table of chemical elements?

a) Alexander Popov b) Dmitry Mendeleev c) Ivan Pavlov

11. Who made the vaccines against cholera?

a) Louis Pasteur b) John Logie Baird c) Marie Curie

12. Who invented the diesel engine?

a) Alexander Bell b) Rudolf Engine c) Michael Faraday

13. Who created Microsoft-DOS?

a) Thomas Edison b) John Logie Baird c) Bill Gates

14. Who invented the first paper?

a) Ivan Pavlov b) Isaac Newton c) Ts’ai Lun

15. Who discovered gravity?

a) Isaac Newton b) Dmitry Mendeleev c) Ivan Pavlov

16. Who invented electricity?

a) Michael Faraday b) Alexander Bell c) Isaac Newton

17. Who invented theory of relativity?

a) Ivan Pavlov b) Albert Einstein c) Karl Benz

18. Who produced the first petrol-driven motor car?

a) Karl Benz b) Akio Morita c) Bill Gates

19. Who was Albert Einstein?

a) chemist b) physicist c) biologist

20. Who invented the vaccines against cholera?

a) Louis Pasteur b) John Logie Baird c) Marie Curie

21. What country did Nicolas Copernic come from?

a) Italy b) Poland c) Greece

2. Fill the table










coat hangers

electric flat iron

3. Choose the right form:

1. I want (to see/seeing) Paris.

2. We enjoy (to swim/swimming).

3. I would like (to live/living) in a small town.

4. I hope (to visit/visiting) you next week.

5. My brother hates (to help/helping) me with my homework.

6. We stayed in the house until it stopped (to rain/raining).

7. I don’t really mind (to cook/cooking).

8. We would prefer (to buy/buying) a new house.

9. I love (to travel/travelling) by train.

10. We like (to learn/learning) English.

4. Choose gerund or infinitive

  1. I am planning                (to visit/visiting) my granny next week.

  2. When they finish                 (to eat/eating) their lunch, they’ll go to the office.

  3. He suggested                (to buy/buying) some food.

  4. Does Sally enjoy                (to go/going) to the gym?

  5. Don’t put off                (to write/writing) a report till the end of the month.

  6. John refused                (to answer/answering) my question.

  7. My brother intends                (to get/getting) married soon.

  8. I think she didn’t mean (to hurt/hurting) you.

  9. Keep                (to beat/beating) the eggs.

  10. Fred can’t afford                (to travel/travelling) this year.

5. Write numbers:

8, 13, 2nd, ½, 74, 21st, 6 ¼, 12.6, 43rd, 8

6. Запишите предложения, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы. Объясните значение модальных глаголов:

  1. They can understand French.

  2. Everybody must соmе to college on time.

  3. She should read aloud.

Lesson 7

Specifics of forestry master’s job

1. Read and translate the text:

The forestry master has a lot of work, it is interesting and complex. The forests are divided into blocks with the help of glades. An ordinary forester has several blocks assigned to him, and the forestry master must thoroughly know the entire territory of forestry: where trees, herbs and flowers grow, where lakes hide, where animals and birds live, where pine seedlings will take root, and where birch trees, and much more.

The forestry master directs all the work carried out in the forest and is very well oriented in the forest. He notices something that ordinary people do not see: where the tick had lunch, where the moose with the calf passed, where the snake changed its skin. Any tree can tell a good forester about its joy or trouble, and clouds will accurately tell the weather forecast.

The forestry master constantly monitors the condition of his territories. The forest has many enemies. These are various diseases, and sometimes epidemics, harmful insects, fires and hurricanes. Such misfortunes should be able to prevent or at least notice in time. The forestry master directs the prevention of diseases threatening forest health, together with foresters and local residents, he fights fire and debris. The selfless work of forestry workers makes it possible to multiply the forest wealth of the country and gives confidence in the future.

The purpose of the profession - the master of forestry is a broad-profile worker, performs forestry, forestry, forest protection, logging operations using modern means of mechanization. The content of the work: organizes the performance of all types of work on the site, keeps records of their volume and quality; examines the places of logging, harvested materials, forest plantations; controls the correctness of forest management; instructs foresters, fire brigades of the site.

The forestry master must know: fundamentals of taxation and forest commodity science; defects and wood species; current state standards and specifications for logging products; basic conditions for the supply of timber and other products; requirements for export timber and grades for special orders; rules for the use of control and measuring tools and tables for determining the volume of timber, trees and whips. Professionally important qualities: physical endurance; attention; developed long-term memory; subject-effective thinking.

2. Make 4 types of questions to the following sentences:

1) The forestry master has a lot of work.

2) The master of forestry is a broad-profile worker.

3) Any tree can tell a good forester about its joy or trouble.

3. Make plural nouns and translate them:

territory, flower, birch, quality, forest, photo, leaf, country, bacterium, mouse, deer, calf, man, type, moose, enemy

4. Translate the verbs and write 4 forms for each of them:

have, divide, know, live, grow, carry, hide, orient, keep, develop, tell, change, think

5. Translate into English:

1) Мастер леса замечает то, чего не видят обычные люди.

2) Самоотверженный труд работников лесного хозяйства позволяет приумножать лесные богатства страны.

3) Мастер лесного хозяйства должен знать основы таксации.

4) Профессионально важные качества: физическая выносливость и внимание.

5) Мастер лесного хозяйства должен досконально знать всю территорию лесного хозяйства.

6. Составьте отрицательное и вопросительное предложения из данных предложений. Переведите предложения:

  1. There are some English books on the table.

  2. There were very many mistakes in your dictation.

  3. There will be a conference next week.

7. Переделайте предложения используя there is / there are:

1) The forest master has many duties.

2) A lot of animals are in the forest.

3) The calf is near the moose.

4) Forester has several blocks assigned to him.

8. Вставьте необходимое местоимение в предложение, назовите его вид:

  1. John is late. We won’t wait …, because movie is beginning.

  2. My textbook is at home today. Will you, please, give me …..?

  3. This is a black pencil, … are green pencils.

Lesson 8

Basic principles of forester’s job

1. Read and translate the text:

Choosing a career is a difficult task. After school you have to decide on your future profession. And this decision is one of the most important in a person’s life. I made up my mind to become a forestry master at school and I have never regretted since then.

I’m a first-year student of Krasnobakovskiy Forest College by specialty of forestry and forest park management. I shall be study forestry. My future profession is both useful and responsible. Forests are complex ecosystems, comprised of thousands of organisms, both plants and animals, but also insects, fungi, algae, and bacteria. The way we manage our natural resources is based upon our understanding of how these organisms live and interact with each other. It is also based on our understanding of the non-living components of the forest environment, such as geology, soil, water, fire, and climatology.

Foresters work for the timber industry, government agencies, local authorities, urban parks and private landowners. The duties of forest masters include control of growing seedlings for woodland creation or regeneration projects, preventing and combating insect infestation, disease, forest and grassland fires. They are specialists in measuring and modeling the growth of forests. Forest masters may be involved in wildlife conservation. Forestry also includes the development of better methods for the planting, protecting, thinning, controlled burning, extracting, and processing of timber.

A professional forest master should have a vast knowledge of every form of life in a forest from mushrooms to wild animals. A good forest masters should not only manage but be able to do all the necessary work by themselves.

2. Make negative sentences and find antonyms for the bold words in the text:

1. Choosing a career is a very easy task.

2. Forests are simple ecosystems.

3. Forest masters are involved in society conservation.

4. A professional forest master should have a vast knowledge of every form of life in a desert.

5. The career of a forester is both unprofitable and irresponsible.

3. Continue the sentences and translate:

1. Forests are complex ecosystems, comprised of ….. .

2. The way we manage our natural resources is based upon ….. .

3. Foresters work for ….. .

4. The duties of forest masters include ….. .

5. Forest masters may be involved in ….. .

4. Answer the questions:

1.What shall you be study?

2. Forests are complex ecosystems, aren’t they?

3. What is our management of natural resources based upon?

4. Where do foresters work?

5. What does forestry also include?

6. Is your future profession important and interesting?

5. Распределите слова по группам с одинаковым звуком:

Language, cycling, who, think, exotic, autumn, there, nationality, certainly, hall, manage, which, ball, competition, exam, caught, when, strength, treasure, future, city, whole, pause, example, knowledge, why, leisure, together, whose, education, north, with, usually, call, literature

6. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1. Mary … (to eat) dinner in the kitchen at that moment.

  2. The children … (to brush) their teeth now.

  3. I … (to do) my homework right now.

7. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1. I … (to read) a text the whole day yesterday.

  2. He … (not/to play) football from 6 till 7 last week.

  3. The children … (to look after) by a granny the whole holidays last summer.

Lesson 9

Lexical-grammar exercises

1. Read the texts and match them with the most suitable heading (example: 1-A). One heading is odd

A. Science

B. College

C. Hobby

D. Family

E. Sport

F. Travelling

1. We all need to exercise. Regular exercises give you more energy. That is why many people who suffer from general tiredness should take more exercise than more rest. Exercise makes you feel and look better. The best exercise is one, which involves in repeated movements, those are walking, jogging or swimming. Bending and stretching will add flexibility and feeling of lightness.

2. On the ground floor there are the classrooms for the first-year students, workshop and a library. There are all kinds of tools and machines in the workshops. In the library two librarians help students to find the books they need. In the reading room there are laptops which we can use dining the breaks and after classes. Our canteen is spacious, light and clean. We have our meals there.

3. There is also another difference between old and modern ones. Nowadays it is very unusual to find three generations living under one roof as they used to do in the past. Relatives, as a rule, live separately and don't often meet one another. Our parents and grandparents usually suffer from lack of attention and respect from their children and grandchildren, although they try not to show it. They really don't need much, just a telephone call or a visit once a week will make them happy.

4. They use systematic methods of study to make observations and collect facts. They develop theories that help them order and unity facts. Such theories consist of general principals or laws that attempt to explain how and why something happens or happened. A theory is considered to become a part of such knowledge if it has been tested experimentally and proved to be true.

5. Today it is possible to book a holiday to a seaside resort on the other side of the world. Staying at home, you can book it through the Internet or by phone. The plane takes you straight there and within some hours of leaving your country. Now we can do it by different means of transport: by plane, by ship, by train, by car and even on foot.

2. Read the texts again from exercise №1. Are these statements true or false? Rewrite true statements and correct the false ones.

  1. Now we can travel by different means of transport except the traveling on foot.

  2. The reading room is equipped with laptops.

  3. To make observations and collect facts scientists use systematic methods of study.

  4. It is very usual to find three generations living under one roof.

  5. Exercises make you feel and look worse.

3. Put the words in the right order to make the sentence.

  1. you, like, ship, Why, don’t, travelling, by?

  2. is, sport, Fortunately, getting, more, in, our, popular, country.

  3. What, skills, language, is, the, way, to, best, improve, your, and, habits?

  4. Relatives, as a rule, separately, and live, meet, don’t, often, one another.

  5. most, People, with, the, creative, fresh mind, and, ideas, will get, better, career chances

4. Insert the article: a / an / the / -

  1. … Pacific Ocean is very … deep.

  2. He seems to be … clever man.

  3. … James Grey is … brightest student in our … class.

  4. They had … amazing time in Paris.

5. Write the right form of degree of comparison

  1. Germany is ___ than Poland. (big)

  2. You are the ___ girl I’ve ever met. (good)

  3. The New Year is ___ holiday in the year. (wonderful)

  4. It was the ___ day in my life. (bad)

6. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1. I … (to draw) a picture already.

  2. She … just … (to give) his bicycle to his brother.

  3. We … (to buy) a computer recently.

7. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1. I ... (to have) breakfast before I went to college.

  2. We …(to know) the results of the test by four o’clock.

  3. The performance … (to finish) by eight o’clock in the evening.

8. Переделайте предложения в косвенную речь:

  1. He advised, “Take the umbrella.”

  2. She said, “He is my friend.”

  3. He asked, “When do you finish your work?”

Lesson 10

Lexical-grammar exercises

1. Read the texts and match them with the most suitable heading (example: 1-A). One heading is odd.

A. Travelling

B. Science

C. Olympic Games

D. Traditions

E. Moscow

F. Nature

1. It is one of the largest cities in the world. It was founded in 1147 by the prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Moscow stands on the banks of the Moskva River. About 12 million people live in the city. It is famous for its historical and architectural monuments that were built by outstanding architects.

2. Our Earth is so beautiful. There, are a lot of blue rivers and lakes on the Earth. Its oceans are full of wonders. There are high mountains covered with snow and wonderful fields and forests full of different plants and animals. The sun shines high up in the blue sky. At night we can see the moon and millions of stars. One season comes after another and brings changes in weather. There are so many wonderful places to visit and interesting things to see.

3. Russia is a unique country with a centuries-old history and long-established national customs. or example, Easter, Christmastide, the Kupala Night, the Shrovetide — all these events have pagan roots. There are many other customs in Russia, connected with christening, wedding, funerals, etc. But if you want to get a better understanding of this country, you should visit it during the main religious holidays.

4. We are leaving Moscow for St Petersburg by train on January 3rd at night. At about 5 a.m. we are arriving in St Petersburg and taking a coach to Helsinki. In Helsinki we are having lunch, a tour of the historical centre of the city and free time.

5. From time to time international championships and races (horse races, motor races, cycle races) take place. Representatives of various countries can win gold, silver or bronze medals. Such great championships in sport are organized every four years.

2. Read the texts again from exercise №1. Are these statements true or false? Rewrite true statements and correct the false ones

1. If you want to get a better understanding of the country, you shouldn’t visit it.

2. Championships are organized every eight years.

3. Moscow is located on the Moskva River.

4. In Helsinki travellers have lunch.

5. We can see the moon and millions of stars at afternoon.

3. Put the words in the right order to make the sentences

1. trip, I, to have, we, a very, are going, interesting, think.

2. party lists, the Duma, Election, political, is based, to, on.

3. living organisms, Trees, earth, on, the longest, are.

4. Nebuchadnezzar, hanging gardens, build, Why, the, did?

5. north, are concentrated, the European, Forests, in, the country, of.

4. Write degrees of comparison of the following adjectives

1. beautiful

2. dry

3. good

4. hot

5. fast

6. fine

7. cold

8. far

9. luxurious

10. big

5. Insert the articles where necessary

1. My … mother is … English teacher.

2. … Volga is … longest river in … Europe.

3. I can see three … boys. … boys are playing.

4. …. White Sea is situated in the north of … Russia.

5. I am … student.

6. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1. I … (to draw) a picture already.

  2. She … just … (to give) his bicycle to his brother.

  3. We … (to buy) a computer recently.

7. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1. I ... (to have) breakfast before I went to college.

  2. We …(to know) the results of the test by four o’clock.

  3. The performance … (to finish) by eight o’clock in the evening.

8. Переделайте предложения в косвенную речь:

  1. He advised, “Take the umbrella.”

  2. She said, “He is my friend.”

  3. He asked, “When do you finish your work?”


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